• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Some scarey weather out there tonight, we have tornado watches. Guess we'll be up late watching the weather, the sky looks weird....and the bad stuff is marching towards us from the north and west.
Today is the first time all season I came home and saw drooping plants. I watered Saturday, and we got .6"s of rain Sunday. But it was close to 100° the last 2 days. I have lots of color out there and need to pick in the morning.
Also need to take some pics!
Hope everyone stays in place through the weather. 20 mph winds irk me here and that's nothing next to what you've been dealing with. Sending good vibes your way.

Planning on giving that salsa recipe a try, maybe this weekend. Got to see how the pull goes.
maximumcapsicum said:
Hope everyone stays in place through the weather. 20 mph winds irk me here and that's nothing next to what you've been dealing with. Sending good vibes your way.

Planning on giving that salsa recipe a try, maybe this weekend. Got to see how the pull goes.
OCD Chilehead said:
Stay safe. I hope the storms stay far away or better yet not develop at all.
stickman said:
Hope everything's OK Scott, and that you have pics for us today. :)
Thanks guys, we came out OK. The last look at radar before we went to bed had violent watch boxes around the storms in the county west of us. We did get .3"s, I'll take the rain any day over the hail and damaging winds.
This has been a long week, woke up Monday and my knee had went from bad to worse. I guess I did too much Sunday. It swelled up and no walking for me. Started taking Aleve for it's NSAID, iced it down big time and dug out a pair of crutches from '96. Glad I'm a pack rat ;) . By Tuesday I could put weight on it again, but didn't until yesterday afternoon when I had a handle on the swelling. I was on it yesterday as I watered the garden and no additional swelling today, which is a really good sign. I've been in rehab for injuries 3 times before in the '80's and '90's and learned a lot from the experiences. I did some research, a ton of good info out there. Being I'll be in travel mode very soon I'm trying to rehab it on my own. By the time I would be able to get an appointment, an MRI, and then a formal diagnosis I'll be standing in line to board a flight. We have 3 trips planned in July to see our aging parents 7-2, 7-17, and 7-24.
I read up on Meniscus rehab, as I have all the classic symptoms except locking, and I have almost full range of motion without pain which is good. They use the same exercises for non invasive treatment and post surgery. So today I started the first round low impact exercises. As long as I don't go backwards. ;)
I fully intend to be body surfing in Myrtle Beach until my chest is raw!
Enough about the knee.
Took some pics, and no squatting, so the angles are not as I would like them to be.
Bit blurry, Manzano pod looks like it's going to hang in there until it ripens

Thai Bonchi is podding!

I've been struggling with this for quite some time. Not sure if it's the soil, mites, or nutes. I've been treating for mites just in-case. Every plant except one looks like this in the grow bags and raised beds, except one. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Funk Reaper in raised bed, only decent looking plant in 3 raised beds.

Group shot of the better looks gals, they're getting huge!

Jigsaw, has a few nice pods on it!


Bhut Y7 x Bhut Douglah just loaded!

White Bhut, pods getting closer to true look.

Brown 7 Pot

That's 10, I have a few more after a pretty please bump ;)
Solem22 said:
Looking great! Plants are exploding!!
capsidadburn said:
Looking good Scott! Beam em up!
Thanks Mike!
Any nasty weather your way last night?
A few more...
Sunflowers reaching for the sky. That frame's around 8'

Full sun Manzano. It has one pod down low, can't go there ;)

Anonymous, I forgot to write this one down...CRS!

A few Bishops Crowns in need of picking.

Bonda loaded and starting to show some color. Ignore the markers, seeds harvested form Annie's pods.

Yellow Cardi, seeds harvested from Jamie's pods.

That's all I have for now.
Thanks for reading!
Fantastic pod shots Scott. Hope the knee starts feeling better soon. Sucks to slow down.

Great plant shots too. I hope mine end up looking half as good.

Given that all the plants with the weird leaves are in beds or pouches, my bet would be on a nutrient issue. My white bhut put on some similar leaves when she first moved outside bhut improved a great deal with rain, gentle tomato tone and fish emulsion. You already do the nutes, and conditions are dry where you are, so maybe a goo flushing will help? So long as nothing turns yellow it may be worth a shot.
Everything looks real good Scott. Glad to see you dodged the nasty weather. Still a little weird to hear you Texas folks talk about being appreciative for 1/2" of rain. Here in southern Ohio we have had 3.5" since the start of June and 21" this year so far. How can I send some of that your way? A little too soggy and wet here.
Not sure what the leaf issue is but thats exactly what was happening with my 7 pots. It seemed to happen shortly after transplanting in to the ffof, at first they shot up and looked good but then we had a ton of rain and the leaf thing happened. Only thing I can think is too much rain flushed the nutes from the fox farms. I've been giving them a little bloom ferts and cal-mag and they seem to be doing better. Don't know if this helps just my two pennies. Have a good one!
beerbreath81 said:
Everythings looks great, the bonchi is coming along nicely. Those sunflowers are huge! Glad to hear the knee is getting better.
So far it's been a good year, except for some whining about the raised beds everything is doing great! Ma Nature has offered us a kinder spring this year, cooler weather and rain!
capsidadburn said:
We were under a watch til midnight. Just some high wind nearby and some rain here. I'll find out how much at lunch time. I suspect no more than 1/2 inch. Very happy to get it though!
I got a whole inch!  Cool.

Nice plants and cool Sunflower pic!

Thanks Mike!
We were under a watch until midnight too. We stayed up until things calmed down, well we had the "Devine split" happen. Which was fine with me for last night.
We had .9"s for the week, not bad!
maximumcapsicum said:
Fantastic pod shots Scott. Hope the knee starts feeling better soon. Sucks to slow down.

Great plant shots too. I hope mine end up looking half as good.

Given that all the plants with the weird leaves are in beds or pouches, my bet would be on a nutrient issue. My white bhut put on some similar leaves when she first moved outside bhut improved a great deal with rain, gentle tomato tone and fish emulsion. You already do the nutes, and conditions are dry where you are, so maybe a goo flushing will help? So long as nothing turns yellow it may be worth a shot.
Thanks Adam!
So you think too much nutes? I hammer the dirt grow with them and they look great. Maybe it's the potting soil I mixed with the top soil, and then my treating them on top of that.
Yeah, I have way too much to do, and I'm sitting here with an ice pack. I think I need some cheese to go with that whine ;)
Jeff H said:
Everything looks real good Scott. Glad to see you dodged the nasty weather. Still a little weird to hear you Texas folks talk about being appreciative for 1/2" of rain. Here in southern Ohio we have had 3.5" since the start of June and 21" this year so far. How can I send some of that your way? A little too soggy and wet here.
Thanks Jeff!
We're appreciative about any rain, even if it floods. Crazy when the locals state "We need a hurricane", but it's been that dry for the last 9-10 years. We have had a nice wet late spring. 7"s here since May 1st. Everything is green!
If figure that out (sending rain) your working days are over! :party:
thirdcoasttx said:
Not sure what the leaf issue is but thats exactly what was happening with my 7 pots. It seemed to happen shortly after transplanting in to the ffof, at first they shot up and looked good but then we had a ton of rain and the leaf thing happened. Only thing I can think is too much rain flushed the nutes from the fox farms. I've been giving them a little bloom ferts and cal-mag and they seem to be doing better. Don't know if this helps just my two pennies. Have a good one!
Thanks for the input, this has me stumped. I've never gone so long with plants looking like that. And nothing seems to help :mope:
We picked today and cut back the tom's. The rain has caused them to explode this season. Normally we're done by July 1st, I have never had to trim tom's ever, but they are taking over!
Before, to the left is a row of peppers, under the tom's.

After, there they are...

Did 2 rows. Before


Picked a few too:


These were picked 2 days ago.

Not shown are the tom's and green beans, which are still coming in like crazy!
Scott, I can't say enough how much I like the way you do things—Yours are some especially lucky plants!
The F3 NagaBrains are up against some very tough competition in your garden, with all the crazy scary-looking super hots, but your NBs are some of the very best-looking I've seen, if not THE best…  :dance:
And you and Stefan are the only growers I know who can get the Jalmundo to grow like it looks in the CPI catalog…How in the hell do you guys do that?
Again, very, very nice!  :party:
jedisushi06 said:
i see some yummy jimmy nardellos in there!
I started picking them and the "Kurts" a little early because I was tired of "sharing" with whatever animal that seemed to take a shine to them. I just love the Nardello's! Just a super good tasting pepper that will be in my garden from now on. Dang thing just goes with everything!
windchicken said:
Scott, I can't say enough how much I like the way you do things—Yours are some especially lucky plants!
The F3 NagaBrains are up against some very tough competition in your garden, with all the crazy scary-looking super hots, but your NBs are some of the very best-looking I've seen, if not THE best…  :dance:
And you and Stefan are the only growers I know who can get the Jalmundo to grow like it looks in the CPI catalog…How in the hell do you guys do that?
Again, very, very nice!  :party:
Thanks Gary!
I believe I have 2 in the garden, I just need to track them down. 130 plants is a crazy grow for me! The one I posted is in the raised beds I made for overflow.
I don't do much other than plant the cover crops in the fall and then supplement with the Hasta Gro and Seaweed Extract as the soil isn't quite there yet. I am planning on a dedicated RCW area for next season!
The garden look fantastic!  You got thing down right.
Nice pod pulls - a lot of enjoyment there.
Hooray! for Bonchi. Love that pick every time. Is it just me or has that garden shifted up another gear this week? Nice pics Scott. I really hope your knee gets better. Don't forget resting it is the biggest part of healing. Good luck and thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend.