• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
randyp said:
      Nothing better Dew then taking a pod to work and get the gang to try a piece.These guys here have never had anything more than jalapeno's and a Hab.I am teaching them to crawl before they walk.Now we make a game of it with my powders and sauces.I have yet to hit them with a hammer but their time is coming. ;)
Most of these guys are eating Hab heat range already, hot foods are big around here. That and we did start this last year with sauces and powders. I've been bringing in produce to the guys that fill my truck up with leaves, both are in their mid sixties, and don't speak English very well. One did mange to say "berry good!" And I've brought him supers, he said about them "yes hot". I love it ;)
Dot Com said:
That Texas sun seems to really be doing the trick for you :shocked: In-ground grows are always a treat to watch since the plants can grow to their full potential. I like how you built frames w/ netting to protect them as well.
This has been an exceptional year for the garden. We've had rain, more rain than I've seen in 10 or 15 years. It's been cooler too. I still have new pods setting, that didn't happen last year.
I believe it was Jim that asked for sauce recipes.
Instead of filling up space here I appended to the bottom of an existing recipe doc I wrote.
Got a few pics, these were taken by LB. Not bad considering she just about never picks up a camera.

Jigsaw, I've shown this plant many times, what got me excited is it's still setting pods!

OW Primo is growing and flowering like crazy.

LB's first pod shot :dance:  This is from the Primo above.

I haven't shown the 9th row before. It's in full sun and is doing quite well! The rain has certainly helped.
The next few pics are from this row.

Datil is loading up! Seeds from Jason

Manzano pod, seeds from Rick. And something had the audacity to take a bite out of. As thick as the skin is I'm going to let it ride.

White Bhut shape is looking better! These are some really nice eating pods.

Scotch Indian Red is doing really well! Seeds from Stefan. I'm really pleased with the pod set this season. Last year was so slow.

Bahamian Goat Pepper. Seeds from Jason. Another plant with nice pods.

Back to the second row. Bonda, seeds from a pod Annie sent me last year. This plant is kicking it!
That's 10. Thanks for reading!
Thanks Rick!
I haven't seen the volume of grasshoppers like last year, but that's probably what did it.

This is another plant I've posted many time before. LB wanted to shoot it because of all the nice ripe pods. TS Moruga Bhut, seeds from Charles.

Bishops Crown, seeds from Jason. I have 3 of these plants, tasty sweet pods. And they just keep setting. They take their time ripening but they're worth the wait.

Can't forget about the Jal's. This is where the addiction starts for most. This beast is a Billy Biker, Jamie sent me the seeds.

Another Scotch Indian Red, a lighter pheno.

Nagbrain loading up. These plants are just healthy grows! Seeds from Gary

Since it rained the other day these gals are going nuts. Years ago I worked with a guy at Al Parker Buick, I was in my early 20's, he was in his mid to late sixties, maybe in his early 70's. Had that heavy Tejas country boy drawl. He always got excited when it rained and would say:
"I can just a hear the grass a growin'".
Didn't know why he was so excited back then, but I do now. He was around to see some of the awful droughts we get here.

I'm guessing this volunteer is a pumpkin, I did chunk one in the mulch pile a few years back. And that Peach tree is where the mulch pile was at one time. I watered it just once or twice ;)
I want to close by saying THANKS! to all the THP members that sent me seeds and pods last year. They made this grow possible :onfire:
Wow, things are really exploding over there, Scott! Awesome :D Interesting to see you got 2 different kind of Indian Red's. When I saw the first picture I thought they looked of, the second one resembles more like the ones I had last season. The pods of the first plant also appears to be more elongated? Maybe it got crossed although it was surrounded by other Scotch Bonnet varieties...  :think: will have to wait till they start to ripen ;)
Devv said:
Most of these guys are eating Hab heat range already, hot foods are big around here. That and we did start this last year with sauces and powders. I've been bringing in produce to the guys that fill my truck up with leaves, both are in their mid sixties, and don't speak English very well. One did mange to say "berry good!" And I've brought him supers, he said about them "yes hot". I love it ;)
This has been an exceptional year for the garden. We've had rain, more rain than I've seen in 10 or 15 years. It's been cooler too. I still have new pods setting, that didn't happen last year.
I believe it was Jim that asked for sauce recipes.
Instead of filling up space here I appended to the bottom of an existing recipe doc I wrote.
Got a few pics, these were taken by LB. Not bad considering she just about never picks up a camera.

Jigsaw, I've shown this plant many times, what got me excited is it's still setting pods!

OW Primo is growing and flowering like crazy.

LB's first pod shot :dance:  This is from the Primo above.

I haven't shown the 9th row before. It's in full sun and is doing quite well! The rain has certainly helped.
The next few pics are from this row.

Datil is loading up! Seeds from Jason

Manzano pod, seeds from Rick. And something had the audacity to take a bite out of. As thick as the skin is I'm going to let it ride.

White Bhut shape is looking better! These are some really nice eating pods.

Scotch Indian Red is doing really well! Seeds from Stefan. I'm really pleased with the pod set this season. Last year was so slow.

Bahamian Goat Pepper. Seeds from Jason. Another plant with nice pods.

Back to the second row. Bonda, seeds from a pod Annie sent me last year. This plant is kicking it!
That's 10. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for the recipes.  I copied/stole a few.  That's an unusual baby back rib recipe, with the foiling being done first.  I've never seen this before.
You're welcome,
We made some just last week, they came out great! I feel it stops the fall off the bone syndrome ;)
The Tomato sauce recipe is one you need to really try. My Grandfather came to the USA in 1911 from Italy. Every time we went to his house on a Sunday he served that for supper. The key is the cook time, can't shortcut that. Since 1978 when the wife and I moved to Tejas, no Prego, no Ragu. Just the homemade. And the meatballs....I'm getting hungry!
meatfreak said:
Wow, things are really exploding over there, Scott! Awesome :D Interesting to see you got 2 different kind of Indian Red's. When I saw the first picture I thought they looked of, the second one resembles more like the ones I had last season. The pods of the first plant also appears to be more elongated? Maybe it got crossed although it was surrounded by other Scotch Bonnet varieties...  :think: will have to wait till they start to ripen ;)
Thanks Stefan,
This season is exploding, all it takes is rain! The last rain was Tuesday and tomorrow they need a drink. I have two more of the Red's ,and they are light as well.
lucilanga said:
I really love anybrowser recipe page theme.
No fancy stuff ... just content.
I learned to code html in the 90's. Dialup was all there was, so it had to load fast. I either use notepad or a Linux command prompt still. But I can't do the fancy stuff they have now, it's been to long since I switched gears to managing the systems. I'll have to try the Anybrowser when I get a chance ;)
<head><title> recipes...</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica;">
Baby Back Ribs:
Cook time 6-7 hours @ 225

Aha! I thought that must have been your handwriting..
Devv said:
I learned to code html in the 90's. Dialup was all there was, so it had to load fast. I either use notepad or a Linux command prompt still.
There is a natural beauty of doing that... and much appreciated!
lucilanga said:
<head><title> recipes...</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica;">
Baby Back Ribs:
Cook time 6-7 hours @ 225

Aha! I thought that must have been your handwriting..
There is a natural beauty of doing that... and much appreciated!
The wife aka LB picked it up, and she still codes for a few customers since we shut the ISP down. She loves Vegas, and it pays for the blow money :shh:
Great update Scott. I envy how even the growth is on your plants. I have a couple that are doing well, interspersed with a couple that are having their share of headaches. I don't think any of mine have hit the size of yours, but I'm not quite as aggressive with the nutes... maybe I should go pick up another bag of tomato tone!
Your datil is the bro of my datil. Seeds from Jason, and the plants look extremely similar. Very cool. Like a family reunion.
Happy growin!
Thanks Adam!
I'm not that aggressive with the nutes, I go by plant color and I just hit them when they look like they need some help ;)  AND, I have a group the has me dumbfounded, they simply have done nothing. Tomorrow is do or die for them...LOL
Don't forget, here in Tejas the plant spirits allow us an early start on things, which wanes in the heat of the summer, and kicks back in the fall.
And by far your grow stands out this season!
Fantastic growth, Scott.  Beautiful plants and beautiful pods.  Killer color on the Bondas - they're on my short list for next year.  I really love the color of of the yellow peppers.
First off thank LB for the pics. That garden is insane. Great pods. Jalapeño plant is a monster. I really like the recipes. I let my Italian sauce sit overnight as well. I'm going to try some of your recipes if you don't mind. Your doing good keeping off the knee. I need to follow that advice. 10 hrs in the yard yesterday + another 8 today + 90 degrees out = complete exhaustion.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for the pics.

Plants are looking great Scott.
The peppers you sent are quickly dwindling. For some strange reason, they keep finding their way into most things that I make. ;) Although the white bhuts are for snacking since they aren't scalding hot.