• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
Thanks Rick!
As usual the few days before I left were nuts, Tuesday we lost a 3000VA UPS and a drive in a raid 5 array, then the outside phone lines went down. Wednesday the Internet border router locked up, LB got a flat tire, and we're watching that storm...but that's almost every trip. Things go great all year until I'm ready to take off. Last year I had a SAN volume go corrupt, and almost cancelled my trip. I wasn't in Ohio 2 hours and I get a call, an 18 wheeler knocked down our private fiber and took out 2 campuses..
It's like the Matrix won't let me leave...LOL
The words "vacation" and "day off" are banned at my company for this very reason. We replaced these terms with "field work" and "working from home".
I went 7 years without a vacation when I was building my company up. Finally took one to head to the Outer Banks, and I made it as far as west virginia before I had to stop and work. Got a call at 5 AM (after sleeping 2 hours, drove until 3AM). One of the datacenters we use up north near Chicago went dark. COMPLETELY dark. Every piece of hardware powered off hard. Spent half of a day in the hotel room fixing Exchange servers that wouldn't mount mailboxes, and restoring backups due to corrupt VHD's on virtual servers. Turns out the SAN batteries were dead and write cache got discarded to the arrays.
Get that all sorted out, make it to N.C., and the next day a customer has an on-site SAN blow a drive. Spent a half of a day sitting in the bed & breakfast walking them through a drive swap & babysitting the array rebuild. 
For two weeks, I was plagued by this stuff. Get back home and three months went by before I had a high priority ticket thrown at me.
The same applies to our customers. When the IT manager of one of our clients went to Disney with his kids, their mail server SSL certificates expired, knocking off all the company smart phones (200+ people suddenly quit getting mail..). Didn't have his creds to get a new SSL issued, finally got a hold of him and he sat outside the magic castle getting a new SSL cert issued for the damn thing. :)
No one EVER needs you until it's a "bad time."
This is crazy! Amazing pulls, amazing pods! Tons of heat there, I imagine in pod and in weather form.
What are some signs of heat stress you look for? The Funky Reaper just looked a little thirsty to me. Am I misreading the plant?
I read that plants will curl their leaves in high heat. I've seen some of that, but nute issues can also cause that. 
Happy growin'!
Another great pull this time of year my man Scott!  Beautiful assortment of color and shapes and heat levels to satisfy and chilehead.  Just want to say you have been crazy generous sharing your harvest, good karma for a continued successful year.  What percentage shade cloth are you using seems to be working very well for you in this hot days of summer.  Keep on keeping on with the wonderful harvests!
stickman said:
Jaysus Scott... we should just declare you a capsaicin world power and be done with it! :fireball: Out... freakin'... standing!
Thanks Rick!
Timing caused me to not see this post yesterday, yeah this year is crazy! I guess I figured out the spring timing this year, I'm pleased with production, and kind of glad that only half are running on all 8 cylinders. The next 2-3 weeks are going to be crazy, 2 more parental visits coming up ;)
Essegi said:
Those are bhutiful! Probably next year i'm growing that too.
Amazing harvest!
Thanks Giancarlo!
They sure are pretty pods!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Love all the pod porn...
Thanks Denniz!
stickman said:
Glad to hear the MoAs are finally starting to pod up for you. Looking at the pod shapes on mine, I'm beginning to think they may have crossed with the JA Habs, but I'll have to wait until they've ripened to find out. Both peppers are tasty, so however it comes out, I'm sure I'll be happy with them.
Cut up half of a Jigsaw into my breakfast egg n' cheese sandwich, and it lit me up good. Half an hour later I'm still sweating and feeling that warm glow. :)  They have a kind of sour tang to them as far as flavor goes. I would say definitely don't mix these peppers with Hickory wood when smoking unless there's a lot of sugar in there to counter the sour tendencies of both.  Cheese and cumin definitely helped. Cheers!
I thought that at first and then they straightened out, even the color seemed off. Glad I have some true pods to save seeds from as I gave away all the others, boy I was nervous!
I have so many peppers to taste, last week with the trip I was reluctant to eat any before traveling. Just the traveling dehydrates me and screws up my system, plus I always get sinus trauma, a retired Air Force doc told me how to prevent it, works great. Neo Synephrine 3 days before flying and treat until 3 days after.
Picked quite a few Jigsaw's today, gonna give one a whirl in the morning. Also want to taste the Datil and Goat Pepper.
outlaw said:
Looking awesome Scott! Very cool to see all of the different varieties you have growing piled up next to each other...every day would be a tough decision on what to cook/eat  :P
Quick question....when you harvest your peppers you mentioned that you put them in paper bags and mark them with their location/color. Just wondering your storing technique - if you put them in the fridge or leave them on the counter?
Thanks Outlaw!
I freeze and dehydrate a lot of them. The paper bags are to keep track of the varieties, I've learned a ton about ID-ing them this season. Ones that we intend to use right away or in the next few days just stay on the table.

OCD Chilehead said:
Pull looks great Scott. I hear you on the heat issues in the garden. I have been struggling with that for awhile now. Just got the hoop bender yesterday. Looking forward to building a structure. Peach Bhuts lookin tasty.

Have a good day.

Thanks Chuck!
Now that we're in full swing with summer temps they sag in the afternoon, I'm having to water more, but that's expected.
Hey the knee hung in there!

Spicegeist said:
Nice color on these... were they growing on the same plant?
Yes they were, I've never seen 2 phenos on the same plant before like that.

TrentL said:
The words "vacation" and "day off" are banned at my company for this very reason. We replaced these terms with "field work" and "working from home".
I went 7 years without a vacation when I was building my company up. Finally took one to head to the Outer Banks, and I made it as far as west virginia before I had to stop and work. Got a call at 5 AM (after sleeping 2 hours, drove until 3AM). One of the datacenters we use up north near Chicago went dark. COMPLETELY dark. Every piece of hardware powered off hard. Spent half of a day in the hotel room fixing Exchange servers that wouldn't mount mailboxes, and restoring backups due to corrupt VHD's on virtual servers. Turns out the SAN batteries were dead and write cache got discarded to the arrays.
Get that all sorted out, make it to N.C., and the next day a customer has an on-site SAN blow a drive. Spent a half of a day sitting in the bed & breakfast walking them through a drive swap & babysitting the array rebuild. 
For two weeks, I was plagued by this stuff. Get back home and three months went by before I had a high priority ticket thrown at me.
The same applies to our customers. When the IT manager of one of our clients went to Disney with his kids, their mail server SSL certificates expired, knocking off all the company smart phones (200+ people suddenly quit getting mail..). Didn't have his creds to get a new SSL issued, finally got a hold of him and he sat outside the magic castle getting a new SSL cert issued for the damn thing. :)
No one EVER needs you until it's a "bad time."
Over the last 20 years that's how it's been rolling, at least this time all the crap happened before I left... I think I've been called in every city or town I've ever visited..LOL
I keep a hot spare on any raid5 server and 2 on the SANS, one cool thing is the newer ones rebuild the arrays and set the original hot spare back to a hot spare once the failed drive has been replaced. Gotta love that.

maximumcapsicum said:
This is crazy! Amazing pulls, amazing pods! Tons of heat there, I imagine in pod and in weather form.
What are some signs of heat stress you look for? The Funky Reaper just looked a little thirsty to me. Am I misreading the plant?
I read that plants will curl their leaves in high heat. I've seen some of that, but nute issues can also cause that. 
Happy growin'!
Thanks Adam!
Well for one thing this time of year I slack up on the nutes, I'm going to hit them in the morning because they really need it, but I'm not nearly as aggressive once summer hits.
You would be surprised how bad a plant can look and recover from the heat, I have one JA Hab OW that looks horrible today. I soaked it yesterday, so it's going to have to wait. In the morning it will look fine. The worst looking plants are the few in full sun, but I ran out of room..

beerbreath81 said:
Good Lord that's one hellva "partial" harvest nice work. I can feel the heat htrough the monitor :onfire:
Thanks Andrew!
I'm amazed at how well they did so far, rain, a rarity here really made the difference this season.
Well the posting popo's have gotten me. A bump would be appreciated :drooling:
Yeah my plants are sagging in the daytime. As soon as the sun goes down, which is when I get home usually, I mist them with the hose. They perk up within the hour. They look there best at 5am. I'm just hoping the flowers start to stick. Flower drop is bumming me out. But what the heck, I'm still having fun.

Have a good evening.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Another great pull this time of year my man Scott!  Beautiful assortment of color and shapes and heat levels to satisfy and chilehead.  Just want to say you have been crazy generous sharing your harvest, good karma for a continued successful year.  What percentage shade cloth are you using seems to be working very well for you in this hot days of summer.  Keep on keeping on with the wonderful harvests!
Thanks Cappy!
All those plants are offspring from seeds sent and seeds harvested from THP members, so I feel the need to share. This season is a grow and taste year to develop my staples ;)
I use a 30% shade cloth, it really helps. I put it up once we start to enter the 90's here. I have some in full sun and they're hating life, they'll live but they won't grow until September. Over the winter my goal is to add to the frame so I can rotate the crops. I got the sun shade at here:
They have really good prices

OCD Chilehead said:
Yeah my plants are sagging in the daytime. As soon as the sun goes down, which is when I get home usually, I mist them with the hose. They perk up within the hour. They look there best at 5am. I'm just hoping the flowers start to stick. Flower drop is bumming me out. But what the heck, I'm still having fun.

Have a good evening.

Thanks for the bump Chuck!
The reason I start so early is to beat the heat, I was really worried as they sat there for 30 days. Just doing nothing, lucky for me it rained and kept the early spring cool, and they finally set. I had tons of flowers drop, then one day I see tons of pods.
And yes, I love the time outside, even if they make me wait until fall like prior years.
jedisushi06 said:
Not growing it this year
Ah but I'm sure you will next year ;)

Dhfreak82 said:
Awsome garden man!! Those pulls are amazing... Im Sub'd. I can't imagine what kind of yeilds you will be getting in another month or two. You've got some cool varieties too man. Keep up the good work
Thanks man!
I think things will fade off from here and pick up again in the fall, the heat may slow down the pollination process. If I decide to keep things running until fall that will yield the largest harvests.
romy6 said:
 Love the harvests and nice to see the green hornet is growing true . If you leave them on long enough they will get a little more mustard color . But not all the way around if ya know what I mean jellybean ;)
Thanks Jamie!
And I appreciate the great seeds that helped make this grow possible!
That pod was mustard colored on the shoulders, although it didn't show in the pic.
I have some pics I'll post later, tonight is the Mom call :shh:
OCD Chilehead said:
Yeah my plants are sagging in the daytime. As soon as the sun goes down, which is when I get home usually, I mist them with the hose. They perk up within the hour. They look there best at 5am. I'm just hoping the flowers start to stick. Flower drop is bumming me out. But what the heck, I'm still having fun.

Have a good evening.

they will stick, are they getting enough shade?  i had this problem last year and i'm having it happen now!  Just the first flowers for me.  Feeding mine the bloom tea recipe i have.  
Just astounding haul there, Scotty! LUV those perfect-pretty MoAs! But we ain't gonna date 'em; gonna eat 'em (wait: this is just not how I wanted to respond . . . :rofl: ) Yeah, nice MoAs there! :dance: (Dang. :oops: ) Loving tall-boy-Jal and nice oddity on peach bhut plant. (Have white bhut with that going on.) Green Hornet looks mean, indeed! F-Reaps too! And to think, packin' all that heat, you've only begun: NICE! What a difference a year and lots more work/love makes! Really rockin' it, Scott! ;)
jedisushi06 said:
they will stick, are they getting enough shade?  i had this problem last year and i'm having it happen now!  Just the first flowers for me.  Feeding mine the bloom tea recipe i have.  
 Hopefully the temps are below 90-95°, that seem to be a cut off for me here. But when I enter this temperature realm these temps last from 11AM till 8PM.
annie57 said:
Just astounding haul there, Scotty! LUV those perfect-pretty MoAs! But we ain't gonna date 'em; gonna eat 'em (wait: this is just not how I wanted to respond . . . :rofl: ) Yeah, nice MoAs there! :dance: (Dang. :oops: ) Loving tall-boy-Jal and nice oddity on peach bhut plant. (Have white bhut with that going on.) Green Hornet looks mean, indeed! F-Reaps too! And to think, packin' all that heat, you've only begun: NICE! What a difference a year and lots more work/love makes! Really rockin' it, Scott! ;)
Thanks Annie!
And glad you're back up and around! This season has indeed been MUCH better than last season! No way I can process, eat all these peppers. I'm simply blown away ;)
Yeah the "mother" Funky Reaper is doing what she does best, year 2 of kickin' it! I wonder how longer I can keep that plant going? And I have a daughter plant putting out the same type pods!
So the Mom call is over, I call every Thursday evening, she's 79 and alone in Dolan Springs (AKA Deadwood) Az. I'll be there in a few weeks to visit.
A few pics:
Today's pick, rows 9-7, still have 2 rows to check, still going with the 1 hour time limit on the knee. Damn, getting old sucks, but the alternative is worse...I'm game!

Tired of sorting...I just piled 'em up, lot's of Jigsaw's!

Some White Bhut's looking more like Bhut's ;)  I really don't care how they look, this pepper is a keeper!  A sweet flavor and moderate burn. Can't wait to make a sauce with them.

First Datil pods! On tomorrows menu!

Ooooh, Choc Scorp. Hurt me please. That's one mean looking pod!