• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Welcome back Scott! Sounds like a little sleep is in order to recuperate from your vacation, and we'll all be waiting to see what your garden looks like now that you're back... no pressure. ;)
I picked my first Peri-Peri pods today and tried one to see what the heat and flavor were like... Definitely worthy! There's gonna be a bottle of sauce with your name on it as soon as I pick enough pods to make a batch. :)
Devv said:
Thanks Dave!
This year is certainly better than last, the rain and temps have been a great help.
Thanks Chuck!
LB did really well taking the pics for a newbie ;)  She's my legs until I can get this under control. She spent over two hours picking this morning. I was on the knee more today than I would have liked to, fingers crossed :shh:
But that type of exhaustion is the kind I like. Nothing more honest and rewarding then some hard work, I feel it keeps one young.
Thanks Jeff!
Glad you're enjoying the peppers, there's no way I can eat them all!
Thanks Randy, it won't be long ;)

Thanks Jamison!
The recipes are at:
Well perhaps I can send some. I'm on vacation next week, hopefully they will be just turning when I get back.
Thanks Neil!
I'm loving your grow! We have it easy here, it's warm ;)
So LB bailed me out again, she spent over two hours picking. The peppers go into paper bags and are marked by the plants numeric location and color.
So here's her work:








About 15% hit the trash due to bugs.
Starting from the top sheet of paper towel and the left:
Devil's Tongue, Brown 7, Onza Rojo, Yellow somethings :D Giant yellow 7 ?  Bhut Yellow 7 cross, Small White Bhut's, Jigsaw's, Bonda's, Yellow Brains, Choc Hab, Both Funky Reaper pheno's, Douglah's, Bhut Yellow 7 Douglahs cross, Bishops Crown.
Bottom sheet:
TS Moruga Bhut cross, Yellow Cardi, Aji mix, Red Caribbean's, Sepia Serpent's, JA Habs, More Y Brain's, Sweet Paprika's, Costeno Amarillo's, Serrano's and Jimmy Nardelo's.
I may have missed something....my head hurts now ;)
Loving it bro ... sorry it has been so long since I have got on here to comment and read ... I have not kept up this Northern Hemisphere season I admit and I feel bad that I haven't been able to commit to as many glogs ... anyway ... looks good from my limited angle ... keep on growing!
        Scott I want to be able to send out free pods to the guys and gals on the sight.I don't worry so much about the shipping costs as I do getting them the pods as fresh as possible.I do have 1 post office in town.What do you recommend on box size and inside packing.And what to tell my postmaster on shipping speed.
stickman said:
Welcome back Scott! Sounds like a little sleep is in order to recuperate from your vacation, and we'll all be waiting to see what your garden looks like now that you're back... no pressure. ;)
I picked my first Peri-Peri pods today and tried one to see what the heat and flavor were like... Definitely worthy! There's gonna be a bottle of sauce with your name on it as soon as I pick enough pods to make a batch. :)
Thanks Rick,
I feel much better today, yesterday was a fog ;)
Congrats on the Peri-Peri pods! I'll be looking foward to the sauce!
Trippa said:
Loving it bro ... sorry it has been so long since I have got on here to comment and read ... I have not kept up this Northern Hemisphere season I admit and I feel bad that I haven't been able to commit to as many glogs ... anyway ... looks good from my limited angle ... keep on growing!
Thanks Trippa!
Glad you stopped by!
I feel ya on the time!
randyp said:
        Scott I want to be able to send out free pods to the guys and gals on the sight.I don't worry so much about the shipping costs as I do getting them the pods as fresh as possible.I do have 1 post office in town.What do you recommend on box size and inside packing.And what to tell my postmaster on shipping speed.
I use the SFRB, most of us do. It's the Small Flat Rate Box the USPS offers for $5.80, the weight is not an issue when shipping peppers. As for packaging I just rinse the peppers and stuff it full so they don't rattle. The "normal" shipping time for the SFRB is 3 days. I see many make it in 2, and some take longer. But the 3 days is a good average
I'm getting my garden legs back. Picked the 4 heaviest rows over the last 2 days. I give myself an hour on the knee after work.
Here's a partial haul:









One of Jamie's Green Hornets, just turned a mustard color. It had a hole chewed in it, so I'll have to wait :mope:

Two different pheno's from the same Peach Bhut, seeds from Annie.
The garden is really struggling with all the heat, but it's hanging.
I got a free lunch today! Gave the owner some peppers last week and he said no charge today. He into receiving more, so that's cool ;)
Got a few more, so a bump would be appreciated...
Anyone who visits here on a regular basis that needs a SFRB PM me, I have more than enough.
      My computer screen is on FIRE....Nice pics,and thanks for the shipping tips.When my pods get some color I will look for some takers.
lucilanga said:
Welcome back! That's a sea of pain!
Thanks Lucien!
Just two more parental visits left, cool thing is Mom lives less than an hour from Las Vegas, so we're going to finish off there. ;)
kgetpeppers said:
Great haul man, bonnets look good, hope my lemon drop/ aji lemon puts out those pods you had in earlier posts>!
Thanks Kurt!
Evidently I planted way too many. But that's half the fun.
I'm sure the Aji's will do you right. I still have 5 rows to pick...sigh ;)
randyp said:
      My computer screen is on FIRE....Nice pics,and thanks for the shipping tips.When my pods get some color I will look for some takers.
Thanks Randy!
There's no way I can use all I grew this year. I haven't even tasted all of them yet, but will!
Here's a few more pics:

I just had to take a pic of this crazy Jal, I'm 6.3 and it's at eye level. Wish it was my growdown Chuncho.

Funky Reaper, it's having a hard time in full sun. But it doesn't care, just pods everywhere.

NagaBrain is getting huge, and this was a late start!

NG pod from the plant above, it's gonna hurt!
That's it for today, thanks for reading!
kgetpeppers said:
Not sure, all the rain ive had has caused severe bacterial issues and im worried :(
Perhaps I can help you out, PM me.
MeatHead1313 said:
Awesome haul Scott! Are those MoA bonnets or a different variety in there?
Thanks Chris!
6 MoA's just below the Funky Reapers, which are the first red peppers from the left in the top overall shot. My first normal looking pods.
Send me a PM.
Amazing haul there - and that's only a little part?   You give them all that time and love and care - leave them on there own for a few days and look at all that work they leave for you!
I get dizzy leaning over to look under my few plants.  Guess we should build raised beds four feet high for use old guys!
MeatHead1313 said:

Thought they were. Beautiful looking pods!
I'm tickled that the MoA's are finally doing something! They just sat there forever. I'm hoping they act like the Habs and put on pods all summer long. One of them has a mean looking tail too!
cone9 said:
Amazing haul there - and that's only a little part?   You give them all that time and love and care - leave them on there own for a few days and look at all that work they leave for you!
I get dizzy leaning over to look under my few plants.  Guess we should build raised beds four feet high for use old guys!
Thanks Dave!
That's 4 rows, 5 to check and then the raised beds. Most definitely will scale down next year. I just had to plant all the new varieties I was sent last year.
Raised beds in the garden for sure next year. Really hard to take pics when they're in a ditch, and the picking is hell on the knees, which went south this season...just like that, poof, knee issues!
Devv said:
I'm tickled that the MoA's are finally doing something! They just sat there forever. I'm hoping they act like the Habs and put on pods all summer long. One of them has a mean looking tail too!
That's 4 rows, 5 to check and then the raised beds. Most definitely will scale down next year. I just had to plant all the new varieties I was sent last year.
Raised beds in the garden for sure next year. Really hard to take pics when they're in a ditch, and the picking is hell on the knees, which went south this season...just like that, poof, knee issues!
Glad to hear the MoAs are finally starting to pod up for you. Looking at the pod shapes on mine, I'm beginning to think they may have crossed with the JA Habs, but I'll have to wait until they've ripened to find out. Both peppers are tasty, so however it comes out, I'm sure I'll be happy with them.
Cut up half of a Jigsaw into my breakfast egg n' cheese sandwich, and it lit me up good. Half an hour later I'm still sweating and feeling that warm glow. :)  They have a kind of sour tang to them as far as flavor goes. I would say definitely don't mix these peppers with Hickory wood when smoking unless there's a lot of sugar in there to counter the sour tendencies of both.  Cheese and cumin definitely helped. Cheers!
Looking awesome Scott! Very cool to see all of the different varieties you have growing piled up next to each other...every day would be a tough decision on what to cook/eat  :P
Quick question....when you harvest your peppers you mentioned that you put them in paper bags and mark them with their location/color. Just wondering your storing technique - if you put them in the fridge or leave them on the counter?