• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
MeatHead1313 said:
Just tried a piece. Can't put my finger of it but the taste reminded me of something. Very tasty pod. Great hit of heat from the small piece I tried too that's lingering a bit.
I can't put my finger on it either but it's kind of sweet, like a Jigsaw. Both have the sweet fruity under tones and then of course the brutal heat. You'll get a better idea of the taste using them in an omelet.
Trippa said:
All these pods are making me envious Devv!! Great stuff bro
 Thanks Trippa!
This year turned out really well. Not a pest one in the garden, now the raised beds, that was a 2 month battle with dang mites. And they finally are looking good.
Jeff H said:
Nice pepper haul Scott.
Here is to your continued success> :cheers:
Thanks Jeff!
I pulled as many today and set aside some MoA and White Bhut seeds. Froze them all. The wife and I got off work early and been running around, flying out in the morning to SC.
kgetpeppers said:
Nice moa pod. Haha lack of water on your end. Guess what. It rained again today here ; (. Hoping copper will help. Worth a try. Great grow man. Huge grow.
Thanks Kurt!
Sorry about all the rain! Feel free to send it here, I'm always ready!
wildseed57 said:
Wow those Jigsaws look great, I had three seeds sent to me, but none of the seeds germinated, oh well there is always another year, I had a Biker guy move in a couple of apartments away, he's a bit loud with his music but likes to BBQ and drink Beer and eat peppers, He's heard that I grow some mean peppers and asked me if I had any, I had a handful of jumbo jalapenos and some African Cayennes at the time so I gave him and got a few beers in return, but was was unhappy that My really hot ones may not turn ripe till September as I have had lousy luck with my super hots this year, mainly weather problems so all my really hot ones are a month or more behind. Lousy luck, I might have to buy a small box of super hots just to keep him and me happy.  If any one has a few jigsaw seeds they could share I will put them in my next years grow.
I should have seeds later on, I have some drying, and want to add more to that.
gfinnil said:
Damn, I don't think I've ever been this jealous of you guys in warmer climates. My pods are still green and oh so small...damn you Illinois :'(. Impressive bro, at least I can live vicariously through your Glog...and I can pray that I'll get pods before winter...smh
I started the seeds in November to get those pods, here we fight the heat, and most of the plants are close to done until fall. You should do OK, my brother lives in Ohio and tells me his garden runs until October.  Good luck!
Roguejim said:
Well, it's my turn to thank the man with easily one of the most impressive grows on THP.  Yeah, he sent this peon a box of the fruits of his labor.  Scott, I showed a buddy at work a photo of your pods you sent me.  He's not a pepper-head like us, but, he replied, "You have a good community there".  Who can doubt it when a relative stranger digs into his wallet to send another relative stranger something like this?  I'm embarrassed, and grateful, sir.  Alright, alright...on to the box.
Jim, I'm glad they got there in good time! And you're more than welcome too!

I read Annie's post.  Are those the Funky Reapers, clustered on the left(3)?  Can you identify the others, please?  Sorry, I'm green.
Funky Reapers on the left, top yellow if mostly smooth skinned is a giant yellow 7 pot. Brown below is a brown 7 pot. The other brown should be a choc scorp, they just got to turning color and only a few have the 7 pot shape. The next yellow is a yellow brain. I'm not certain what the red is sorry, I had to run back out to the garden and look for more peppers to pack the boxes...soooo....it might be one of Charles crosses...

The middle is a Costeno Amarillo?  Never heard of it!  I'm eating one tomorrow.  How about the other two, on either side?
Correct on the Costeno Amarillo, heat on them is mild. on the right should be a scotch bonnet x indian red, the red on the left is a mystery ;)

They say things are bigger in Texas.  Generosity might be one of them.  Wow...
Enjoy them!
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking good, my friend !!!!  Keep up the good work !!!
meatfreak said:
Nice pods again, Scott. You really made me regret not growing the white Bhut this season :lol: There's always next year :D Keep it up!
More nature was good to me this season, but she's getting mean next week! 100's coming on. The White Bhut is one of my new favorites for sure.
I'll be MIA until Tuesday, flying out to SC for a family reunion in the morning.
Thanks for reading!
meatfreak said:
Have a good flight and fun on the family reunion!
Thanks Stefan!
It should be fun, my brother and sisters are party animals ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Have a great flight and enjoy yourself.  Thanks again for the peppers.  I put the amarillo in stir fry and it was good.  Saved some seed as I might want to grow this pepper next season.
Thanks Jeff!
Your very welcome! I have a bunch in the freezer, July is the month we run for 3 weeks ;)
I did snap one pic, these pods are looking better and better!
Thanks I will keep a you in mind later on, I ate one of my first wild Frutescens pods today even though it was green it packed a nice bite its starting to load up and it won't be long before my chiltipin cross will be loaded with fiery little pods, So I'm happy that a few of my plants are producing.
Okay, I've been way too tardy in posting this.  Scott, you sent this, and I received it before your last trip.  Thank you so very much.

I've never paid much attention to sweet peppers, except for bells (which really aren't all that sweet to me), so the requested Jimmy Nardellos were quite a treat.  I hope mine will have a chance to make before frost.  I made a meatloaf with two of the Devil's Tongues and two Jalapenos from my own plants (from meatfreak's seeds).  That was really tasty, but not nearly as hot as I expected; I'll add something super to the next one.  I've been trying some of the rest with the morning eggs (omelet, sandwich, scramble) or smoothie and they all have their own wonderful flavors.  Can't say I have a favorite.
If you could help me out with some of the ids, I'd appreciate it.  The Nardellos are obvious and I assume those are Funky Reapers in the crook of the one Nardello.  The four yellow Devil's Tongues are in the upper right, but what are the two skinny yellow/orange ones below those.  The yellow in the lower right looks like a Scorpion to me, and the one in the lower middle looks like a 7 Pot.  Is the other yellow a Fatalii?  The two red ones in the middle are the TS Moruga Bhuts, according to your note (definitely saving seeds from those).  Are the two in the lower left the Bhut Yellow 7s?  The "yellow" is throwing me, but maybe that refers to the parent?  I've gotten a little confused myself, but I think the single red in the lower right is the Jigsaw, which leaves only the single red in the upper left.  I may have those two switched around.  If I've waited too long, no problem.  I know you've sent out many, many of these SFRBs.
Thanks again, Scott!  Your postage budget must be something to behold.
Loved the pods Scott! Got through most of 'em before I had to start freezing and drying. Kept the seeds out of those lemons... WOW what a nice tasting pepper. Going to be one of my favs... guess I got a think for the baccatums after all. They sure are good looking plants too. The Blondies are more fiery... need to tlet them get nice and ripe and then reconsider the taste.
Jigsaws may make it on my list as well. Saved as many seeds as I can... we'll see where they take us.
Plants are looking good. The heat is starting out here too, even though today we're getting some rain. Couple of my plants aren't enjoying it, and I of course have some sickly fellows as well. Need to do another round of nutrients I think.
Do you ever have peppers get rubbery tips? Is this what BER looks like in a pepper plant? I am having that problem particularly with Brown Eggs, and I'm not sure if it's BER or thirst. I guess I should hit everything with some cal mag and see where that leaves me.
Sawyer said:
Okay, I've been way too tardy in posting this.  Scott, you sent this, and I received it before your last trip.  Thank you so very much.

 but what are the two skinny yellow/orange ones below those.  
I believe they are costino amarillo
And Nardello's are an awesome sweet pepper.  Try frying it as it brings out the sweetness even more.  Most of mine don't make it out of the garden.  Marconi patio red is another winner.
Sawyer said:
Okay, I've been way too tardy in posting this.  Scott, you sent this, and I received it before your last trip.  Thank you so very much.

I've never paid much attention to sweet peppers, except for bells (which really aren't all that sweet to me), so the requested Jimmy Nardellos were quite a treat.  I hope mine will have a chance to make before frost.  I made a meatloaf with two of the Devil's Tongues and two Jalapenos from my own plants (from meatfreak's seeds).  That was really tasty, but not nearly as hot as I expected; I'll add something super to the next one.  I've been trying some of the rest with the morning eggs (omelet, sandwich, scramble) or smoothie and they all have their own wonderful flavors.  Can't say I have a favorite.
If you could help me out with some of the ids, I'd appreciate it.  The Nardellos are obvious and I assume those are Funky Reapers in the crook of the one Nardello.  The four yellow Devil's Tongues are in the upper right, but what are the two skinny yellow/orange ones below those.  The yellow in the lower right looks like a Scorpion to me, and the one in the lower middle looks like a 7 Pot.  Is the other yellow a Fatalii?  The two red ones in the middle are the TS Moruga Bhuts, according to your note (definitely saving seeds from those).  Are the two in the lower left the Bhut Yellow 7s?  The "yellow" is throwing me, but maybe that refers to the parent?  I've gotten a little confused myself, but I think the single red in the lower right is the Jigsaw, which leaves only the single red in the upper left.  I may have those two switched around.  If I've waited too long, no problem.  I know you've sent out many, many of these SFRBs.
Thanks again, Scott!  Your postage budget must be something to behold.
You put some in a "smoothie"??  You beast !!
HillBilly Jeff said:
I believe they are costino amarillo

And Nardello's are an awesome sweet pepper.  Try frying it as it brings out the sweetness even more.  Most of mine don't make it out of the garden.  Marconi patio red is another winner.
Thanks, Jeff.  I'm not familiar with the Costino, but it is a tasty pepper.  I actually headed to the kitchen with one of the Nardellos, but by the time I got there, all I had left was a stem and some seeds.  I can believe they rarely make it out of your garden.  Funny you should mention the Marconi; I just ordered some of both the red and golden seeds.  I know it's very late, but if everything goes right, I might get a few before a killing frost.
Roguejim said:
You put some in a "smoothie"??  You beast !!
Lol, not much!  Just enough to give it a little bite.  I find it kick starts the metabolism in the morning.  I use milk, banana, pepper, vanilla protein powder, brewer's yeast, flaxseed meal, maca, hoodia, and rhodiola.  I had been using pepper powder, but these fresh ones are a nice addition.
Capsicum Select said:
Been a while since I've been around and a lot to catch up on.  Your grow is looking fantastic!  Congrats on the big hauls and being so generous to everyone!  Some of those white bhuts are super white, definitely keepers. 
Those white bhut's came from Ramon (Walkgood), it's a really nice pepper that's going to be in the garden next year for sure!
stickman said:
Looks like you got some luscious-looking pods in your last pull amigo! I'll try not to be jealous of your perfect MoA pods, and White Bhuts, and... :P  Seriously though, you've worked hard to get to where you can grow them like this, and you deserve it. Continued success bro'!
Thanks Rick!
I was really wondering if it was all going to come together this season, mostly it did, I do have a few that just hung out and didn't grow, but Oh well.
wildseed57 said:
Thanks I will keep a you in mind later on, I ate one of my first wild Frutescens pods today even though it was green it packed a nice bite its starting to load up and it won't be long before my chiltipin cross will be loaded with fiery little pods, So I'm happy that a few of my plants are producing.
 Congrats on the first pods! It won't be long before the rest follow suit!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Nice looking moa... nice pod sharing. . Just wish mine didn't get rerouted!!
Thanks Denniz!
Did they ever arrive? and in what kind of shape? I had 2 boxes that were a slow delivery, most got there in 2-3 days.
OCD Chilehead said:
Great pod pic Scott. Have a great trip and enjoy the family.

We will be wanting our pod porn when you return.LOL

See ya

 Thanks Chuck!
I'll be in the garden tomorrow, it made it! Rather brain dead from the travel day, and we're off to Vegas Thursday. Mom lives an hour from there, and that will complete the seasons parental visits for the year....sigh... ;)
Sawyer said:
Okay, I've been way too tardy in posting this.  Scott, you sent this, and I received it before your last trip.  Thank you so very much.

I've never paid much attention to sweet peppers, except for bells (which really aren't all that sweet to me), so the requested Jimmy Nardellos were quite a treat.  I hope mine will have a chance to make before frost.  I made a meatloaf with two of the Devil's Tongues and two Jalapenos from my own plants (from meatfreak's seeds).  That was really tasty, but not nearly as hot as I expected; I'll add something super to the next one.  I've been trying some of the rest with the morning eggs (omelet, sandwich, scramble) or smoothie and they all have their own wonderful flavors.  Can't say I have a favorite.
If you could help me out with some of the ids, I'd appreciate it.  The Nardellos are obvious and I assume those are Funky Reapers in the crook of the one Nardello.  Both yours and my  Funky Reapers are by the Nardello's The four yellow Devil's Tongues are in the upper right, but what are the two skinny yellow/orange ones below those. The skinny yellow-orange are Costeno Amarillo's, I'm pretty sure I sent some Bonda's too, they look just like the Devil's Tongue and would had had a longer stem. The yellow in the lower right looks like a Scorpion to me, It's a Yellow Brain and the one in the lower middle looks like a 7 Pot. Correct Is the other yellow a Fatalii?  Not sure (now), it's been awhile ;) The two red ones in the middle are the TS Moruga Bhuts, according to your note (definitely saving seeds from those).  Are the two in the lower left the Bhut Yellow 7s?  The "yellow" is throwing me, but maybe that refers to the parent?  Those crosses are ones that Charles (Spicegeist) put together. Sorry I couldn't find the masking tape when those went out, or I would have done a better job labeling them. I've gotten a little confused myself, but I think the single red in the lower right is the Jigsaw, which leaves only the single red in the upper left.  I may have those two switched around.  If I've waited too long, no problem.  I know you've sent out many, many of these SFRBs.
Thanks again, Scott!  Your postage budget must be something to behold.
You're more than welcome John!
maximumcapsicum said:
Loved the pods Scott! Got through most of 'em before I had to start freezing and drying. Kept the seeds out of those lemons... WOW what a nice tasting pepper. Going to be one of my favs... guess I got a think for the baccatums after all. They sure are good looking plants too. The Blondies are more fiery... need to tlet them get nice and ripe and then reconsider the taste.
Jigsaws may make it on my list as well. Saved as many seeds as I can... we'll see where they take us.
Plants are looking good. The heat is starting out here too, even though today we're getting some rain. Couple of my plants aren't enjoying it, and I of course have some sickly fellows as well. Need to do another round of nutrients I think.
Do you ever have peppers get rubbery tips? Is this what BER looks like in a pepper plant? I am having that problem particularly with Brown Eggs, and I'm not sure if it's BER or thirst. I guess I should hit everything with some cal mag and see where that leaves me.
Glad you enjoyed them Adam!
The Jigsaw's will be on my list for next year as well, I'll be saving seeds after I pick in the morning so there shouldn't be any seed shortages around here ;)
BER is a rotten end on the fruit, so you would just chunk the pepper. My Brown Eggs are kinda soft and rubbery too. I haven't had so many too pick but I'm drying the ones I do...<---can you tell I have jet brain fog...LOL
Calmag can't hurt, I use a foliar application.
HillBilly Jeff said:
I believe they are costino amarillo

And Nardello's are an awesome sweet pepper.  Try frying it as it brings out the sweetness even more.  Most of mine don't make it out of the garden.  Marconi patio red is another winner.
 Correct on the Amarillo's, and the Nardello's are killer in a stir fry!
Roguejim said:
You put some in a "smoothie"??  You beast !!
Now that I wouldn't have thought of!
Sawyer said:
Thanks, Jeff.  I'm not familiar with the Costino, but it is a tasty pepper.  I actually headed to the kitchen with one of the Nardellos, but by the time I got there, all I had left was a stem and some seeds.  I can believe they rarely make it out of your garden.  Funny you should mention the Marconi; I just ordered some of both the red and golden seeds.  I know it's very late, but if everything goes right, I might get a few before a killing frost.
Lol, not much!  Just enough to give it a little bite.  I find it kick starts the metabolism in the morning.  I use milk, banana, pepper, vanilla protein powder, brewer's yeast, flaxseed meal, maca, hoodia, and rhodiola.  I had been using pepper powder, but these fresh ones are a nice addition.
 So how do you like the flavor of the Jigsaw? I had part of one that I added to an Omelet and it was great!
Well after being gone 5 days the garden survived. I read that it rained 3"s in San Antonio Thursday or Friday night. I guess we got a good dose too! The rain guage showed 2.2"s this evening, and I'm sure a few tenths evaporated.
LB and I are home for 2 days before we leave to visit Mom Thursday, coming home Tuesday and then we have a few days to re-coop before the work day madness starts again.
Thanks for all the comments! ;) 
Glad you had a great trip and the garden is well. Nice that you've got some rain too. Everything around here is brown and dead. Except for my peppers. Knock on wood. Better bring the sun screen. Vegas is warming up.

Weather for Las Vegas, NV

10-Day Forecast:
(null) 0°F / 79°F

Sunny 105°F / 82°F

Sunny 108°F / 83°F

Sunny 109°F / 84°F

Mostly Sunny 111°F / 85°F

Partly Cloudy 109°F / 85°F

Partly Cloudy 106°F / 85°F

Mostly Sunny 107°F / 84°F

Sunny 108°F / 84°F

Sunny 108°F / 85°F

Get some rest Scott.

You and LB have fun.

OCD Chilehead said:
Glad you had a great trip and the garden is well. Nice that you've got some rain too. Everything around here is brown and dead. Except for my peppers. Knock on wood. Better bring the sun screen. Vegas is warming up.

Weather for Las Vegas, NV

10-Day Forecast:
(null) 0°F / 79°F

Sunny 105°F / 82°F

Sunny 108°F / 83°F

Sunny 109°F / 84°F

Mostly Sunny 111°F / 85°F

Partly Cloudy 109°F / 85°F

Partly Cloudy 106°F / 85°F

Mostly Sunny 107°F / 84°F

Sunny 108°F / 84°F

Sunny 108°F / 85°F

Get some rest Scott.

You and LB have fun.

 Thanks Chuck!
That heat is going to be there for sure, and here too! Our forecast is 100's, it's just that time of year.
The weather in Myrtle Beach was surprisingly cool and arid, so we're 2 for 2 on traveling to nicer weather this summer.
Sawyer said:
I think I like it; I want to like it, but the heat gets there so fast, I'm not really sure.
Try cooking with it, and keep the pepper heat low and the taste will shine.
Worked in the garden some this morning, removed all the tomato plants, they're done. Garden looks good, needs weeding and straightening up. Still a ton of peppers out there, picked some and had to do some running around.
Took a few pics.
They just keep growing!

This White Bhut is huge! Pushing 5'

And it still has plenty of pods a hangin'

Douglah has been a decent producer, problem is something keeps eating the pods.

Bonda just keeps on going!

NagaBrain is getting huge, has a few pods too.


Raised bed plants have all grown into each other...

Started picking.


I really need to start sorting seeds ;)