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Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Fresh picked food is the best!

Couldnt agree more. I grew green beans last year and plant on doing the same this year. I had about 3 large freezer bags full. One of the few veggies all the kids like. After seeing your pic I had to stop and get some at the store as we ran out long ago. LOL.
Booo on rattlers in the garden!
I had to "send one to meet its maker" already this year (Mojave Green, they are particularly aggressive)
We had one lurking in the tomatoes last year, while we and the neighbor family were all in the garden.
Thank goodness it was spotted before it bit anyone.
Needless to say, the crows had a nice lunch that day.

My gal wouldn't go in the garden for a week after that! Rattlers spook her big time.

They scare the hell out of me, not the sight of them, and I have no fear "removing" them. It's the damage and possible death thing. LB saw it first, and she had just picked a while earlier. I know I walked right by it. I guess one can never let their guard down.

Couldnt agree more. I grew green beans last year and plant on doing the same this year. I had about 3 large freezer bags full. One of the few veggies all the kids like. After seeing your pic I had to stop and get some at the store as we ran out long ago. LOL.

We grow what we buy, and try to put up and store as much as possible. We just ran out of last years about a month ago. The way I look at it is if we can save on veggies it justifies ribeyes :D
Okies, number five is a hookin'! Thanks again for the seeds!
Congrats 5/5 is 100% you have just one a cupie doll, ROFL or would you prefer a filleted rattler sautéed with garlic, onions, sweet & hot pepper, cilantro and freshly wrapped in a burrito roll with a side of beans, hehehe. I agree, nothing to write home mom about, for exotic I prefer alligator ^_^

… If you have never done a beer can chicken, try it, they're the bomb, the most tender meat ever. And, you can season as you see fit...
Agreed dem awesome … I call ours yard bird, lolz.
Congrats 5/5 is 100% you have just one a cupie doll, ROFL or would you prefer a filleted rattler sautéed with garlic, onions, sweet & hot pepper, cilantro and freshly wrapped in a burrito roll with a side of beans, hehehe. I agree, nothing to write home mom about, for exotic I prefer alligator ^_^

Agreed dem awesome … I call ours yard bird, lolz.

Hey we call em that too...Oh no, hold the rattler. Funny my Dad emailed about rattlers today, I sent him that pic...LOL

Here's the girls:


Note that triple coty...my first, sure beats a helmet head! Well the dirts clear...


The Cayenne's are loaded.


Jals doing well, don't worry LB will turn them into poppers quick.


A Bell and Poblano, getting there..


I get to do a bottle shot...poor eaten alive Reaper. It's branching nicely and flowering, the first few dropped...or were eaten



The rest of the Cinense look worse, any ideas?


Dug some taters. Production is off somewhat, I couldn't find seeds anywhere but Lowes. Usually I lke to get them at the local feed store.


Corn has mostly straightened up and is tasseling. It's close to six feet, good for here, the heats been slow coming this year which is a good thing...


Thanks for visits, likes, and comments!
Great job on the JA Habs, I think you’ll enjoy dem pods and thumbs up on your first triple coty. With those seeds I get one every now and then, you can also get a triple leaf occasionally as well. Beautiful crop on your Cayenne, ours doesn’t load up enough yet, I think its root bound, guess I should up-pot it soon. Jalapeño, Bell & Poblano look great and nice tater harvest \o/

Not sure what’s attacking your plant/s but I’d check leaves and flowers for mites, make sure you use a 30x magnifying glass or take a macro pic and zoom in to see if you spot any. If so, mineral oil or neem should do the trick, while I didn’t kill mine with soapy water, I’ve heard that works too. In the beginning spray as often as you can and after you get kill them you can cut back to spot applications or twice a month.

Corn looks fantastic, wish I had the space … have a great weekend mon!
Looking great! I wish I had room for corn,I would do it up! Nice cayenne plant,I haven't grown them in a couple years,one of my first and favs.


The corn's great when it comes in. Looks like it should this year if the weather doesn't tear it up like last year. We blanch it and freeze it. It tastes like day one when we use it.

This is the first year I've ever planted peppers from seeds. I have a huge list for next year of "shoulda done's" like plant the Chinense in early November...I could go on..

Sweet!!! Looking great! Those annuums sure do make it fun and easy. Corn looks great too, I have a small patch I am testing out this year, will see if it was worth the effort later.


Yeah those Annuums are too easy, getting my butt handed to me with the supers and the bugs. I figured out the rest over the years and the challenge is to do the same with them.

Last year the wind knocked them down twice, flat to the ground when the were tasseling. You know how the fast and furious storms blow through. Barring that I'm expecting a good harvest.

If they tassel while it's cool enough you should do well, I'm growing G90 this year. It's the only crop I feed 13-13-13 granular ferts to, it's just too hungry.

Great job on the JA Habs, I think you’ll enjoy dem pods and thumbs up on your first triple coty. With those seeds I get one every now and then, you can also get a triple leaf occasionally as well. Beautiful crop on your Cayenne, ours doesn’t load up enough yet, I think its root bound, guess I should up-pot it soon. Jalapeño, Bell & Poblano look great and nice tater harvest \o/

Not sure what’s attacking your plant/s but I’d check leaves and flowers for mites, make sure you use a 30x magnifying glass or take a macro pic and zoom in to see if you spot any. If so, mineral oil or neem should do the trick, while I didn’t kill mine with soapy water, I’ve heard that works too. In the beginning spray as often as you can and after you get kill them you can cut back to spot applications or twice a month.

Corn looks fantastic, wish I had the space … have a great weekend mon!

Thanks !

I'm looking forward to growing the JA's, thanks again for the seeds! Those are going in containers and are going to OW. I have 6 or 8 Cayenne's all of them are podding up like that, I'm hoping here in the next week a few of the hotter ones set some pods. They need to before it's too hot. I grow the Taters for the wife, she just loves fresh Tater's...and she's eaten every Jalapeno so far! That's a start!

I've hit those Chinense with mineral oil like 6 times (twice a week) and they still look bad. I did some reading and the Broad mites are hard to kill, the study showed wettable sulfur had a 86% kill on first application. But...I can't spray until it's been at least two weeks since the application of oil, or risk plant damage.

Wow, looks like things are gettimg into full swing at Scott's Country Garden!!

And your Ramon's JA Habs popped!! I hope mine do too, very soon!

Plus you are podding up like crazy over there!


Yeah the Annuums are doing real well, the Chinense's are like six weeks younger. I'm crossing my fingers for some production soon.

And good luck on your planting this weekend. It's going to be interesting to watch with your crazy winds there.

Thanks for the comments and visits!
Getting scarey out there. Winds are rocking and rolling


Radar 15 minutes ago.


one minute ago


Hope we don't get any hail or wind damage, what did I post earlier about the corn?
I like what you did with the sand by adding lots of organic matter to make it more fertile to grow crops. Lots of hard work with a nice reward in the end.

Love the garden layout, wish I had that kind of space, soon maybe.

Hope that weather clears out for you, anyway it looks like you'll soon be diving on pods ;)

, Vegas
Storms there are no freakin joke when you get them. Stay safe...at least those boxes are still yellow "watch" and not red WARNING! Keep and eye to the sky and I got my fingers crossed for ya.

Can't wait to come over here to some good news posts!
This is a strange spring, much cooler than normal. That storm dropped handball sized hail just east of us, and turned over an 18 wheeler, that was the cell that went above us. The other cell was coming straight at us and turned due south. We always want rain but not that! We had light rain, some high winds and a lot of lightning...I'm hoping that we're on track for normal rain patterns. Our yard is nice and green, to bad we don't have a lawn any more. The last time it was this green was '05.

Looking great! You're going to have a ton of anuum pods soon.

Thanks, the Annuums are doing well. I wish I had started the Chinense at the same time, but there's next year. What got me into them was they just started selling Hab's at the store, never seen them before. Could be cuz I usually don't go food shopping. But anyway, I got hooked :dance:

I like what you did with the sand by adding lots of organic matter to make it more fertile to grow crops. Lots of hard work with a nice reward in the end.

Love the garden layout, wish I had that kind of space, soon maybe.

Hope that weather clears out for you, anyway it looks like you'll soon be diving on pods ;)

, Vegas

Thanks, I appreciate the compliments!

I've been adding for years and will continue to do so. I'm still working on the lower part, I dug some taters this week and the soil is good to 8"s I'm shooting for 12+ :D
I want to add 5 or more yd's of composted cow poo this fall if I can get a decent price.

Mom lives out your way, and we visit 1 or 2 times a year. Climates tough there, and the dirt looks like it's pretty hard to deal with. Are you looking for a larger place there?

Thanks for stopping by and sending the good wishes!
Thanks, I appreciate the compliments!

I've been adding for years and will continue to do so. I'm still working on the lower part, I dug some taters this week and the soil is good to 8"s I'm shooting for 12+ :D
I want to add 5 or more yd's of composted cow poo this fall if I can get a decent price.

Mom lives out your way, and we visit 1 or 2 times a year. Climates tough there, and the dirt looks like it's pretty hard to deal with. Are you looking for a larger place there?

Thanks for stopping by and sending the good wishes!

That's cool man! I live in a apartment so I want to try and get a house with a decent yard or move out, but idk. I know there's lots of good places to live, but it's hard to decide since I have lots of family here which is the reason I'm here. I also grew up here.

My wife wants us to go to Texas, El Paso or maybe San Antonio (I have family there).

What time of year do you come over? That'll be cool if you come and hopefully have a chance for a beer or a trip to a buffet or something, I'm not a club person tho, anywhere else is cool tho. I'll be keeping an eye on your glog, stay safe.

, Vegas

That's cool man! I live in a apartment so I want to try and get a house with a decent yard or move out, but idk. I know there's lots of good places to live, but it's hard to decide since I have lots of family here which is the reason I'm here. I also grew up here.

My wife wants us to go to Texas, El Paso or maybe San Antonio (I have family there).

What time of year do you come over? That'll be cool if you come and hopefully have a chance for a beer or a trip to a buffet or something, I'm not a club person tho, anywhere else is cool tho. I'll be keeping an eye on your glog, stay safe.

, Vegas

Actually we're heading that way either fall or winter break, I'd love to be on the strip for Halloween if I can get off. I hear it's a blast. I'll holler at you when we figure out what's happening. If I was to choose between El Paso and the San Antonio area, it would be SA hands down. it's cooler, and rains more. Probably more to do as well. I hear ya about family, mines all over the country...but I started my own clan here in Tejas ;)

Scott the national news here show video earlier on of that hail, wow ... you lucked out, some cars and homes were really damaged :/

Yeah I was worried! That nasty cell was coming straight at us. We went to SA today and saw the leaves on the ground in Castroville (15 miles), it hailed there. In '98 I had to go to training in SA and it looked stormy, LB email me, 8 to 11"s of hail, broke windows, beat the crap out of roofs and cars. I was still working on cars and we spent two weeks pulling out seats and carpets to dry them out. Major hail sale! Our place? Nothing. We must be blessed, Tornado's and hail so far have spared us. Now lightning...that's another story.

The gardens start to produce, from here on in it will be daily harvests.

LB scarfed some more Jal's for poppers, the first Banana, and some nons.


First time we've grown carrots here, and a few multiplying onions


And the real reason I came on to post here this afternoon. (yeah I know kitchen's still not finished)

Happy Mothers Day! to all the beautiful ladies here on THP, and everywhere else!


Have a great weekend!