• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Great pictures and update ... I just love the outdoor shots ^_^

Thank you sir, I appreciate the compliments.

Hey one of the JA's is hooking, I'm thinking 9 days since planted.

Awesome update. Think I might have spaghetti for dinner.

Thanks! Do you make your own sauce? The recipe we use is my Grandfathers. He came here from Italy in 1917 (or maybe 1911) via Ellis Island. Every time we visited he had the red sauce cooking.

Nice garden and foodie shots Scott, good on ya man!

Thanks! And yours is taking shape nicely. Love that sauce, we're never without it.

beautiful garden you have there. Its cleaner than my grow room was before i dismantled it

Thank you so much! I'm in it at least 2 hours a day weeding and watering. It's starting to produce and the wife's getting nervous, cuz then we have to deal with the landslide of goodies.

Looking great there, Scott! I've had a couple that looked like that Red Caribbean. I could never find any bugs on them and they seemed to grow out of it. Hopefully the overcast skies will give way to sunshine soon!

Thanks Doc! I'm just hoping it's not some virus, some in the garden look like that too. Well the sun is out this morning and we had .7" of rain last night, beautiful morning. The garden is going to go crazy!

Thanks for the comments and visit!
Scott, Arkansawyer, Shane: "Djeet?" and ya'll already done "rountuit" . . . I teach (sometimes I do; sometimes I wonder) college kids from "up North") how "ain't" became a legitimate word in American English. And segue into djeet, routuit, ahrekn et als. They doubt me. I said, "Yeah, and folks in Manhattan, much as I love that town, laughed Elvis out of there. They ain't made that mistake again."

Scott, just beautiful! Dang, love to have that loamy stuff :rolleyes: But as long as there is straw and cardboard, not fighting weeds. I dunno about bmites on the Carib Red, Scott. Could be. Got any napalm just in case? Pretty plant! Well, plants. Reaper makes sense as upstate SC is cooler than Devine in summer. (But then, I hear most places are!) Nice pods, plants!

I have some pepper sauce recipes, or for me, "sauce recipe" is "adjust as you like" and thanks a ton to Rocketman/Bill for one in particular that I "adjusted." Arksaw?? :party: ;)
Scott, Arkansawyer, Shane: "Djeet?"

I skipped the spaghetti. I had a pork chop for breakfast yesterday, so had a skillet full of leavings. I made a batch of gravy with some of Wayright's smoked douglah powder for dinner. It was good over multi-grain bread.

I have some pepper sauce recipes, or for me, "sauce recipe" is "adjust as you like" and thanks a ton to Rocketman/Bill for one in particular that I "adjusted." Arksaw?? :party: ;)

Annie, are you offering recipes or asking if I have any? If the former, post 'em up! If the latter, no, not really. I just search on one of the many online recipe sites for something that looks good. Or just wing it. I've had some great successes that I have no idea what I did.
Everything looking great....and a harvest to boot! That CR may have mites...probably of the broad variety. Several of mine have them and I am letting mother nature work it out. Your plants are really rockin...you'll be knee deep in pods come (big) harvest time!

Shane, thanks! This year is really going good with the rain, did I say rain! And the cooler weather. I just hope the heat stays away long enough for the hots to set fruit. I did a closer inspection and yes they are mites, dang they're hard to kill I just hit 'em yesterday with mineral oil spray. So far no Aphids just mites and hornworms, I've only seen a few Ladybugs this year..

No, not yet. I've canned tomatoes and juice and have all the equipment and supplies I need, just haven't gotten a round tuit, yet.

I'm real short on tuit's lately!

Hey if you need a recipe I have this one at:


It's at the bottom, haven't had store bought sauce in like 36 years..

Scott, Arkansawyer, Shane: "Djeet?" and ya'll already done "rountuit" . . . I teach (sometimes I do; sometimes I wonder) college kids from "up North") how "ain't" became a legitimate word in American English. And segue into djeet, routuit, ahrekn et als. They doubt me. I said, "Yeah, and folks in Manhattan, much as I love that town, laughed Elvis out of there. They ain't made that mistake again."

Scott, just beautiful! Dang, love to have that loamy stuff :rolleyes: But as long as there is straw and cardboard, not fighting weeds. I dunno about bmites on the Carib Red, Scott. Could be. Got any napalm just in case? Pretty plant! Well, plants. Reaper makes sense as upstate SC is cooler than Devine in summer. (But then, I hear most places are!) Nice pods, plants!

I have some pepper sauce recipes, or for me, "sauce recipe" is "adjust as you like" and thanks a ton to Rocketman/Bill for one in particular that I "adjusted." Arksaw?? :party: ;)

Hi Annie, thanks! Your soil tilled nicely so your definitely on the right track, AND the cool thang is what you do to it will stay. I dealt with clay/iron ore in Magnolia. Mine just goes down, and I have to keep adding. Well once two feet down and hit the limestone rock it will stabilize, don't know if I'll still be around for that!

Hmmm pepper sauce recipes...POST EM :D well pretty please..I know I won't be eating the supers straight up except to taste them.

I skipped the spaghetti. I had a pork chop for breakfast yesterday, so had a skillet full of leavings. I made a batch of gravy with some of Wayright's smoked douglah powder for dinner. It was good over multi-grain bread.

Annie, are you offering recipes or asking if I have any? If the former, post 'em up! If the latter, no, not really. I just search on one of the many online recipe sites for something that looks good. Or just wing it. I've had some great successes that I have no idea what I did.

Winging it has worked for me all my life!

Thanks for the kind comments.

All this talk about pizza and pizza stones got me hungry. made some Stromboli last night.

Using bread dough roll it out, throw it on a peal and put a layer of sauce and meatballs. I made this peal out of gym floor scraps (maple).


Next add a layer of Pepperoni and Provolone cheese.


Finish up with Mozzarella pile it on..


A little more red sauce..


Fold the top over and roll the edges so it doesn't leak. Press the edges with a fork. Paint the top with egg whites that have dash of water mixed in.
Make a few cuts so it can breathe.

Cook on a pizza stone at 350 until top browns.


Then eat it!


This recipe can certainly be altered and spiced up.

Nice idea for the peel using Maple flooring. Did you feather the top front edge down....so you can slide the peel under the pie rather than the push/shove method, which tends to splatter the goods to the oven floor.

I like the combo of the prov and motz, and the pepperoni (sandwich size) is the bomb !

I'm glad to see some sporatic rain your way. We're getting some also this week which is good for the plant hardening. Even overcast skies push strong light levels.
There is is!!! Two of my old stomping grounds on that there map! The fork in the road south of Uvalde and Aransas Pass just NE of Corpus...the rain usually comes in a 7 year cycle down there, 8 this time huh...you're probably in for a rough spring and a crazy fall...

Oh...and that calzone has me hungry even though I just ate!
Awesome, now I'll have to cook early as I'm starving ...

This is one of my favorites, anything Italian.
Dude, that stromboli/calzone looks awesome! I'm thinking a little fresh chili powder sprinkled inside would be a nice touch for us chileheads. :) ...or was it in the sauce?

Hoping your rain comes in without damage!

We got .3", any rain is good rain. The storms petered out just as they came overhead.

We haven't made this yet with any powders, I sure am going to try after harvest.

Nice idea for the peel using Maple flooring. Did you feather the top front edge down....so you can slide the peel under the pie rather than the push/shove method, which tends to splatter the goods to the oven floor.

I got truck load of that maple, luckily they called me before it hit a dumpster. It was tongue and groove, I had to rip it on the bandsaw, then joint it.

The peel (not peal) is 3/8" thick at the handle, the rest is 9/32" tapering down to a point in front slight bevel from the bottom 3/4 of the bevel is from the top.

I like the combo of the prov and motz, and the pepperoni (sandwich size) is the bomb !

I have to agree here, good stuff, and one could easily kick it up a notch or two and not lose the flavor.

I'm glad to see some sporatic rain your way. We're getting some also this week which is good for the plant hardening. Even overcast skies push strong light levels.

I'd love to see sporadic turn into 1" a week, even every other week. Can't wait to see your grow hit outside for good.

There is is!!! Two of my old stomping grounds on that there map! The fork in the road south of Uvalde and Aransas Pass just NE of Corpus...the rain usually comes in a 7 year cycle down there, 8 this time huh...you're probably in for a rough spring and a crazy fall...

Oh...and that calzone has me hungry even though I just ate!

Hey Shane,

Ever coming back home?

My family has been calling this Stromboli, for years when in fact it is a calzone, my bad.....but it sure does eat good!.

Thanks for the visits and comments!
Damn it Scotty ;) I am sitting here eating a chicken sald craving a nice fat stromb. Basturd :rofl:

LOL, aye captain we made it in the galley...it's an easy thang to do...give it a whirl and add some of those powders to kick it up!

That stromboli looks like some damn good eatin. My mom swears by her pizza stone too. She uses it for most everything she baked.

Oh it is..make it and you'll be hooked, I am!

Pizza stone is a great investment.

Thanks for stopping by.