• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood said:
Dude I tried to like that last post twice!!!!
 You got it!
Ok, the software stopped me before for making a long post...shame on me!
So this isn't going to be formatted correctly...
  PIC 1, on 24 May 2013 - 2:22 PM, said:

    You've really got some nicely dense shrubby pepper plants. Heavy producers they shall be !

Hi Greg,

I didn't do anything to make them bush out like that. The largest Reaper grew all those branches on it's own, no pinching leaves or tops. I'm thinking it's because I was able to put them in the full sun since they set their second true set of leaves. Think this could be why?

    PIC 1, on 24 May 2013 - 2:22 PM, said:Look at that tomato harvest! I can see setting up that photo...I'd probably be picking a tomato off the floor while another one would be rolling off the table....."mo-fo'er"

Actually that's where we keep them during harvest/canning the pile kinda grows  We do choose the smaller varieties so they ripen faster with the heat we get.

    PIC 1, on 24 May 2013 - 2:22 PM, said:It will be interesting to see the shape of those Reapers, that plant shows the making of a heavy loader.

I didn't try and count the ones that have set, but it's been loaded with buds and flowers. I'm going to agree...it's gonna pile them on! I can't wait to see  how they mature, I'm thinking this one will have the gnarly ones, cold beer bet one that one! I have 4 others and they all look a little different.

    PIC 1, on 24 May 2013 - 2:22 PM, said:

    Dam fresh corn already ! The saying goes around here for the plants, "Knee High by 4th of July"...Heck we get the bi-color "Peaches and Cream" around here, that's not for a couple months yet. Lucky you.....lol

 Well we're on a different schedule (said like a Brit), the seeds hit the dirt March 2 or 3. This year the corn is growing very well compared to other years, less heat early on helped for sure!

    PIC 1, on 24 May 2013 - 2:22 PM, said:

    Hopefully that rain does your plants good. We just had a few days of it along with 40 deg temp and high winds. My plants look like they could use a day indoors. Lucky they were hardened off for 2 weeks prior to sticking them in the dirt.

    Have a great weekend !


Oh they really need the rain! I've been out there everyday this week watering the garden and the fruit trees. This is going to make the peppers flower even more. Every time it rains we get a huge burst of flowers. Sorry for the cooler weather, but I know they will kick in and put on a ton of fruit!
So today's forecast was rain to the west, dry for us, a high pressure "cap" is supposed to hold off the rain. I looked at radar this morning over coffee at 4:15 and saw the storms to our west. They were in an arc about 5 or 6 counties high with ours midway in the arc. They moved closer so the center of the arc was a county away and the top and bottom  were below and above us, it stalled, dropping 6"s north of us, which is good....the aquifers need replenishment badly.  Then it pushed through the "cap" and poured really hard, but moved through quickly then. We got a half inch. I'm a happy camper.

I had a discussion today about our sand and how everything goes down. My buddy lives about two miles or less west of me. Waters his garden once or twice a week, he has better soil. As we were talking I was explaining all the goodies I add go down eventually, and that I need to keep adding. His answer really threw me and is spot on. If the clay is 2 feet down all's you're doing is raising the height of your garden. The goodies go down and he sand is still 2 feet deep. You need to remove the sand. Kind of like 6"s of suds in a tub, add more water and you still have 6"s of suds. Genius! I now have a major project for next year, gonna try just a part of the garden to test. I'm all for do some work now to make it easier later.
Everyone have a great weekend!
DocNrock said:
Looking great, Scott.  Hope the mite issues are behind you. 
Thanks Doc!
I would say the mites are damn close to a surrender :rolleyes:
The wife made me an omelet this morning with ham, bacon, sausage, jal pepper, swiss, and velveeta cheeses.

Topped it off with some of Doc's powder.

Here you also see another use for Mesquite, my favorite wood to work with..
The rain that sat to our west Friday and quickly passed over us, sat on top of San Antonio and dumped 10"s. We got .7", nobody needs 10"s in one downpour. A few people lost their lives in the flash flooding.
This morning we picked a few Jal's and Cayenne's, corn and yet more Maties. 10qts canned in the last two days, 3 gal bags of corn frozen.
A few pics:


This is the largest Reaper, it's loaded down with tiny pods, and plenty of flowers still opening.

3 Reapers, one is way shorter, but bushy. Real hard to get good pics as it's getting tight in there. I spaced them 3' apart.

The Hab's are doing their thang too.

This Red Bhut is slacking. The mite riddled one in the container has been putting on more growth.

This Primo is starting to stretch out.

I won't be shy of Cayenne's this year. I'd love to see that many pods on the real hotties :D

I just may beat the grade schoolers...LOL, these Pob's are around 3' tall. Really don't get a lot of pods for all the work..

Pepper Alley..Ramon, that's sulfur spray on the left. Still fighting the fight, but winning..
Have a great weekend and a safe Memorial Day!
Thanks for posting our flag, Scott. Dang, the maters! Gives me pre-PTSD, but ya SO right on homemade sauce. No offense to the peppers but that corn is like, YUM! Poddage pics, excellent! Your glog always gives me the "can't waits." Have a great rest of Memorial Day weekend and hope you have tomorrow off from the job! Just beautiful stuff: good eatin'!
Loving everything except the mites, bastard bugs from hell. Omelet looks great and now I’m starving, was thinking of having eggs myself later this morning but first mi café ^_^ ... Dude dem reapers are going to kick some azz after seeing Lournes reaper video you are in for some serious fire … what you going to do with so many, powder?
Ok you know I love dat arrow look but dude your plants will be leaving them in the dust soon as it seems to me from the pictures they’re just at the top now, wow awesome grow & super job! Got to tell you the photography is top notch, I love the quality & composition.
Great to read you are winning the mite war. I think I might be as well unless it’s a retreat or heavy casualties on their side. I’ve been spraying every other day with soap water, testing sulfur on 4 but only shot once ... it’s so much work as I’m sure you know. Almost all my grow has little signs of some damage, so on the ones that barely have them I’m hitting with soapy water just as the shade hits them by 3:30, leaving it on for ½ hour and rinsing. Yesterday was the first day I increase the soap to water from 3oz to 5 per gallon. I’m just hoping I don’t hurt them like I did my best JA Hab, I’ve not been the same since that stupid mistake. Well at least we’re both ahead of the mite curve and learning more ways to zap dem to early graves. Have a great memorial day and keep up this awesome work & thanks for sharing!!!
I salute the flag and agree with you whole hearted …
stc3248 said:
Great update Scott...thanks for posting the Colors too!
Thank you, it's both an honor and privilege to post the flag. Thanks for serving!
annie57 said:
Thanks for posting our flag, Scott. Dang, the maters! Gives me pre-PTSD, but ya SO right on homemade sauce. No offense to the peppers but that corn is like, YUM! Poddage pics, excellent! Your glog always gives me the "can't waits." Have a great rest of Memorial Day weekend and hope you have tomorrow off from the job! Just beautiful stuff: good eatin'!
Thanks Annie!
The maters are coming in, canning every evening, but that's why we grow them. The corn did turn out real well, love that stuff fresh! And it's just as good blanched and frozen, we eat it all year long. Still a bunch out there to pick and process.
Your grow is ready to hit hi-gear! Can't wait to see it's progress, tons of work but all good stuff!
I'm home today, my second career makes me feel semi retired, I work a 226 schedule, 8 hour days, and in the AC. Compared to 5 days off a year and 11 hours days.

WalkGood said:
Loving everything except the mites, bastard bugs from hell. Omelet looks great and now I’m starving, was thinking of having eggs myself later this morning but first mi café ^_^ ... Dude dem reapers are going to kick some azz after seeing Lournes reaper video you are in for some serious fire … what you going to do with so many, powder?
Yeah those mites...but I'm putting a hurt on them. They no longer do any damage, maybe wrinkle a leaf here and there. Love those Omelets! I am going to make powder with the Reapers, and share them of course. When I started this job 13 years ago almost no one gardened, I'm always talking it up and bringing in veggies. Funny how many have started gardening. Well I'm hoping to get at least some of them into peppers.
Ok you know I love dat arrow look but dude your plants will be leaving them in the dust soon as it seems to me from the pictures they’re just at the top now, wow awesome grow & super job! Got to tell you the photography is top notch, I love the quality & composition.
Thanks, it is great to see them grow like they have this year. For the most part the weather has been great. Thanks for the photography compliments! Of course I'm never happy, I need want a wide angle and macro lens, but too much $$$. The plants size is making it real hard to get the shots I really want. I can't turn the pot to get the best angle...so it is what it is:)
Great to read you are winning the mite war. I think I might be as well unless it’s a retreat or heavy casualties on their side. I’ve been spraying every other day with soap water, testing sulfur on 4 but only shot once ... it’s so much work as I’m sure you know. Almost all my grow has little signs of some damage, so on the ones that barely have them I’m hitting with soapy water just as the shade hits them by 3:30, leaving it on for ½ hour and rinsing. Yesterday was the first day I increase the soap to water from 3oz to 5 per gallon. I’m just hoping I don’t hurt them like I did my best JA Hab, I’ve not been the same since that stupid mistake. Well at least we’re both ahead of the mite curve and learning more ways to zap dem to early graves. Have a great memorial day and keep up this awesome work & thanks for sharing!!!
I salute the flag and agree with you whole hearted …
Dang! Another 2 hours 'til lunch... Nice looking omelette Scott!
Thank you sir! Sorry I should have responded yesterday.
Devv said:
In honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice

Thank you
 Well, I quote myself because I want to remind about what today stands for. Have a great day!
Had a fit trying to get pics this afternoon, flash wanted to flash and that ruins close ups...anyways here's a few.


These are from Reaper #1 the larger one.

Reaper # 3, these were a surprise!

Red Caribbean


Orange Hab's

Another Reaper shot.

Doc, this one's for you, the Strombolli/Calzone with powder :onfire:
I really tried to get more pics but after shooting 30 and getting so few...well you know.
Storms are forecast for tonight...hope the hail stays away!
Good on ya for having pods starting in earnest Scott! Glad to see you have the Poblanos staked well... I lost one of two last year to a freak wind squall. The plants were about the same size as the ones in your pic and loaded with pods. It made them so topheavy that when the wind came up it snapped one off flush with the ground. After that, you can bet I staked them all. :doh: Nice shot of the stuffed pizza oozing on the plate too!
Looking good Scott. love the Pepper Alley.
Sorry for the short quick reply, they decided to do a software update here at work and , well they didnt do it right, now I have to clean up the mess they caused. Yayy me.
Scott I like the look of your garden. You've got it going ! Makes it easy to make a swift walk through for the harvest.

All kinds of pods coming in, different shapes and sizes. Especially with the Reapers....but so far I haven't seen too many alike. 7/Pots can carry their own with the heat, I'm curious on the Reap's flavor...
Devv said:
Yeah those mites...but I'm putting a hurt on them. They no longer do any damage, maybe wrinkle a leaf here and there. … …
Congrats, it’s great to read you are winning won the war! What sucks about them is that they stunt the plants growth, leave that look of burned, yellow-bronze twisted, dusty and stippled leaves ... did I tell you how much I hate dem =_= I also have my suspicions that they can possibly infect plants with some other diseases but I’m not sure on the latter.
Devv said:
… I need want a wide angle and macro lens, but too much $$$. …
Reasons to buy lotto tickets my friend brethren, hahaha … me too! I’d love a new EOS 6 D, 65 or 100mm macro and telephoto/zoom but it's hard to justify the spend. I do have the lens on my old 35mm but I’m not crazy about the idea of using an adapter, so yea I hear you. That said, every time I do have the $$$ to burn another stupid expense comes along …
Devv said:
Had a fit trying to get pics this afternoon, flash wanted to flash and that ruins close ups...anyways here's a few.
Don’t fret … they look Great!
Devv said:
These are from Reaper #1 the larger one.
I know everyone will think me crazy but at that stage they look exactly like my White Bhut pods, color & shape.
Devv said:
Reaper # 3, these were a surprise!
I love the color of that plants pods, funny enough I have a JA Hab (only one of the many) that puts out a very similar color but ripens just as red as the others. I always called the old gal "dat albino chick," lolz.
Devv said:
Red Caribbean
Those are looking like they’re going to be awesome tasting!!! Same with the Orange Hab's, guess deep down inside I’m a Hab lover from way back, lol.
Devv said:
Doc, this one's for you, the Strombolli/Calzone with powder :onfire:
Now that’s dirty pool brethren, an hour before my lunch and now I’m starving … Great job, that’s one kick azz looking Strombolli \o/
Devv said:
Storms are forecast for tonight...hope the hail stays away!
Hopefully the Pepper Jah will blow dem to your right and left protecting your awesome crop! Have a great day mon!

romy6 said:
 Man everything looks great Scott. Food , pods, beating the mites. Pepper ally is lookng superbulus :party:
Hope mother nature is kind my friend
 Thank you sir! That means a lot coming from the pod-meister!
Ma nature didn't even sprinkle. We had 1 to 3"'s forecast with 5"'s possible, hail and high winds. Last week forecast was dry and 10"s fell in San Antonio....go figure...
stickman said:
Good on ya for having pods starting in earnest Scott! Glad to see you have the Poblanos staked well... I lost one of two last year to a freak wind squall. The plants were about the same size as the ones in your pic and loaded with pods. It made them so topheavy that when the wind came up it snapped one off flush with the ground. After that, you can bet I staked them all. :doh: Nice shot of the stuffed pizza oozing on the plate too!
I'm stoked with getting the pods to set, the plants are just shy of four months old and IMHO I started late. I've been supporting the peppers for some time now, never had any break but just sprawl on the ground.
koskorgul said:
Looking good Scott. love the Pepper Alley.
Sorry for the short quick reply, they decided to do a software update here at work and , well they didnt do it right, now I have to clean up the mess they caused. Yayy me.
No prob on the short reply, them dang techies ;)
PIC 1 said:
Scott I like the look of your garden. You've got it going ! Makes it easy to make a swift walk through for the harvest.

All kinds of pods coming in, different shapes and sizes. Especially with the Reapers....but so far I haven't seen too many alike. 7/Pots can carry their own with the heat, I'm curious on the Reap's flavor...
Thanks Greg!
I made it a point to have 3' between pants, last year things got way too crowded. On top of that it caused some funk with the Maties being too close together.
Those Reaper pods on #1 have me concerned, but I'm waiting before I pass judgement.
I'll be sending ya some when they ripen so you can give 'em a test drive...
WalkGood said:
Congrats, it’s great to read you are winning won the war! What sucks about them is that they stunt the plants growth, leave that look of burned, yellow-bronze twisted, dusty and stippled leaves ... did I tell you how much I hate dem =_= I also have my suspicions that they can possibly infect plants with some other diseases but I’m not sure on the latter.
I guess anything that drinks off the plant can spread disease, and as you know I hate them too!
Reasons to buy lotto tickets my friend brethren, hahaha … me too! I’d love a new EOS 6 D, 65 or 100mm macro and telephoto/zoom but it's hard to justify the spend. I do have the lens on my old 35mm but I’m not crazy about the idea of using an adapter, so yea I hear you. That said, every time I do have the $$$ to burn another stupid expense comes along …
I hear ya there, this year was a hot water heater, salt water chlorinator, and complete new AC system.
Don’t fret … they look Great!
Thanks, I just got frustrated cuz it was hot and humid!
I know everyone will think me crazy but at that stage they look exactly like my White Bhut pods, color & shape.
That's good encouragement, I was starting to think they were Chinense Jal's LOL
I love the color of that plants pods, funny enough I have a JA Hab (only one of the many) that puts out a very similar color but ripens just as red as the others. I always called the old gal "dat albino chick," lolz.
I totally missed those, they set at the first split. It is a cool color, I do remember the pics you posted...
Those are looking like they’re going to be awesome tasting!!! Same with the Orange Hab's, guess deep down inside I’m a Hab lover from way back, lol.
Thanks! I can't wait to get some ripe babies to munch down!
Now that’s dirty pool brethren, an hour before my lunch and now I’m starving … Great job, that’s one kick azz looking Strombolli \o/
Sowwy :D It is one of my favorite dishes, and thanks!
Hopefully the Pepper Jah will blow dem to your right and left protecting your awesome crop! Have a great day mon!
Ma nature fell asleep and nada happened, why is that so when they get crazy warning us?
Thanks again for the visits and compliments!
