• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Nice job stepping up to the plate with the Bhut Scott! Since you like Porkage, you ought to try one or more of the Bhuts in some Pork Vindaloo. It's a vinegar and garlic based curry that'll "burn down the house", but tastes great doing it! Just make sure you have a nice cucumber-yogurt Raita and plenty of rice and beer handy... http://www.goanfoodrecipes.com/2009/01/fiery-goan-pork-vindaloo.html
Substitute the Bhuts for the Kashmiri Mirch (a mild but brightly colored pepper from northwestern India near the Himalayas)
Translate garlic flakes as garlic cloves
Jeera is Cumin seeds
Haldi is fresh Turmeric root... Turmeric powder may be substituted
Scott, good to see you got the pods, hope you enjoy! Man your harvest really dwarfed dem, lol. Congrats on finding mas in dat heat, must be your good watering techniques and shade cloth, great job!
The red one to the left of the Bonnet is the Trinidad Scorpion, the others around it are JA Habs. The little one to the right of the bonnet is supposed to be Red Bhut but I’m starting to think it’s a “Not,” regardless it packs some serious heat and has a nice berry like taste.
Hats off to your continued pulls in your hot summer but I can see from your grow that you’ll be swimming in pods once the cooler temps roll in. Have a great week brethren!
stickman said:
Nice job stepping up to the plate with the Bhut Scott! Since you like Porkage, you ought to try one or more of the Bhuts in some Pork Vindaloo. It's a vinegar and garlic based curry that'll "burn down the house", but tastes great doing it! Just make sure you have a nice cucumber-yogurt Raita and plenty of rice and beer handy... http://www.goanfoodrecipes.com/2009/01/fiery-goan-pork-vindaloo.html
Substitute the Bhuts for the Kashmiri Mirch (a mild but brightly colored pepper from northwestern India near the Himalayas)
Translate garlic flakes as garlic cloves
Jeera is Cumin seeds
Haldi is fresh Turmeric root... Turmeric powder may be substituted

Thanks Rick!
I'll give a try after I get some more, I can this the Bhut was hot! Hit you in the face hot..
WalkGood said:
Scott, good to see you got the pods, hope you enjoy! Man your harvest really dwarfed dem, lol. Congrats on finding mas in dat heat, must be your good watering techniques and shade cloth, great job!
The red one to the left of the Bonnet is the Trinidad Scorpion, the others around it are JA Habs. The little one to the right of the bonnet is supposed to be Red Bhut but I’m starting to think it’s a “Not,” regardless it packs some serious heat and has a nice berry like taste.
Hats off to your continued pulls in your hot summer but I can see from your grow that you’ll be swimming in pods once the cooler temps roll in. Have a great week brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
That Trinidad Scorpion, glad I didn't eat that one thinking it was A Hab! Now that I look at it, it's got a different shoulder and the skin is rough. I tasted three today, The choc scorp surprised me, 2 of us tasted it, and later a 3rd, we ate about half of it trying to figure it out. The flavor reminded me of an apple. You know when you bite off a chunk and a large piece of skin comes with it? Best I can do there (apple skin), but all three of us agreed on the way it hit our palate. Very little heat until we ventured to the placenta, what a sleeper! Nice burn! Mainly in the tongue. As you had mentioned very little fragrance.
The Scotch Bonnet, nice fragrance, very attractive and the flavor matched. I can't put my finger on it but it was appealing. I have to eat more to try and place it. The heat was nice too! Not over powering..just right for eating by itself and with food. I'm sure powders and sauces with be great as well.
The JA Hab, just tried it. Nice aroma and flavor, still trying to put a handle on it. I guess I haven't tried enough to compare....I haven't even eaten any of my Habs straight up yet..been a crazy year! Anyway I say it's a fantastic pepper to add to food fresh, and cook with, along with sauces and powders. The heat is nice, it came on slow and got higher than I thought it would off the bat. The cool thing with both the JA and the Bonnet is you can take additional bites and not have the heat tear you up like the Reaper's and the Bhut did.
Tomorrow we venture forward...LOL
Thanks again bud!
I'm amazed you had a few co-workers willing to try a bhut straight up! At least you were merciful and got everyone to eat a piece off of the bottom where it is the coolest. Yeah, I agree they are not much for flavour.
I have not tried the reapers because in my view the line is still way too unstable to get consistent results. Of the ones I've tried so far, I think the moruga scorpions have the best flavour, but different strokes for different folks. 
WalkGood said:
Scott I’m no dog but my tongue began to salivate reading your TS, MoA SB and JA Hab write up, awesome mon! Now I’m off to chop up a MoA & onion to Sautée with my morning eggs …
I wish you and yours a great weekend brethren!
 Thanks Ramon!
We ate peppers everyday this week, we did a side by side comparison of the JA Hab and the Red Caribbean, the JA came out on top for flavor. We also ate your Red Bhut and compared it to the Funky Reaper Thursday, both peppers had great flavor and heat and are keepers. The Trinidad Scorp was a hot son of a gun, it reminded me of the  Red Bhut off of my plant. All heat and no flavor. I can say this the Scorp had an amazing aroma. I'm thinking by the end of the week my taste buds were rather fried. And I can't see how people can eat the whole pepper, maybe down the road...and it will be a slow road :D
stickman said:
Hi Scott, Way to go with the reviews of Ramon's pods! Have you tried any of your sauce now that you've finished it?
 Hi Rick,
Not yet, I have babyback ribs in my sights for tomorrow though!
Stefan_W said:
I'm amazed you had a few co-workers willing to try a bhut straight up! At least you were merciful and got everyone to eat a piece off of the bottom where it is the coolest. Yeah, I agree they are not much for flavour.
I have not tried the reapers because in my view the line is still way too unstable to get consistent results. Of the ones I've tried so far, I think the moruga scorpions have the best flavour, but different strokes for different folks. 
Hi Stefan!
Down here hot food is more a part of the culture than where I grew up, hot sauces are everywhere...maybe cuz Mexican restaurants are everywhere..LOL.
A few of us eat Huevos Rancheros plates on Friday mornings and we've been putting powder on them made from supers, along with bringing in hot sauces most people won't eat. So I started bringing in the peppers to try, so far it's been fun! A few hiccups here and there, but it's a great way to work through the different peppers.
Have a great weekend!
Spent some time picking, fertilizing and watering this morning.
The Funky Reaper is loading up for round two! And doing so in 100 degree weather! This plant is one huge producer.


The true Reapers are setting a few too. Their production this year (for me) has been pitiful.


Potted Orange Hab has a few to pick...

Potted Red Bhut finally sets a pod...


Bell peppers anyone, we're getting way too many...

Picked about 3lbs of Hab's this morning. So why are the Hab's producing so well and the Primo, Red Bhut, Moruga, and true Reapers are just not setting?


That's it for now, THP won't let me set out more than 10.
Have a great weekend!
Whoa Scott fantastic pull for the dehydrator, got mine running now too till Sunday, can’t wait to wrap it up. All your plants, pods, jungle and pictures look great! Awesome job mon ^_^
Have you tried to powder that Funky Reaper and how’s that taste powdered?
Have a great day mañana and don’t forget to take some pics of your omelet :)
WalkGood said:
Whoa Scott fantastic pull for the dehydrator, got mine running now too till Sunday, can’t wait to wrap it up. All your plants, pods, jungle and pictures look great! Awesome job mon ^_^
Have you tried to powder that Funky Reaper and how’s that taste powdered?
Have a great day mañana and don’t forget to take some pics of your omelet :)
I have a ton of it powdered, I haven't had time to taste it! So much going on this year! I've never run the garden all summer like this, but I want to see those supers produce. The Hab's are just killing me, I have 10 plants, not including the 5 JA's in containers. I also made a another batch of the sauce Rick sent today. Tomorrow I upgrade their feet to 20 gal bags I made...more on that Manana:)
Looking great Scott.  i think the reason the habs are producing and the supers aren't are because the habs are much more stable.  I always have boatloads of habs, no matter what, but the supers are finicky.
Love the peppers.  Mine are setting heavy but taking forever to ripen.  I am getting overloaded with sweets too.  Hoping the salsa being canned today uses up a lot of the sweet pepper excess.
Congrats on a great hab harvest.
stickman said:
Here's a bump so you can post more Scott!
Don't know how I missed this yesterday, beer maybe...IDK. :D
Thanks Rick!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Scott.  i think the reason the habs are producing and the supers aren't are because the habs are much more stable.  I always have boatloads of habs, no matter what, but the supers are finicky.
That's Matt!
Yeah they flower and drop, flower and drop, 100+ weather can't be helping. In about 30 days we should see cooler weather.
Bodeen said:
Love the peppers.  Mine are setting heavy but taking forever to ripen.  I am getting overloaded with sweets too.  Hoping the salsa being canned today uses up a lot of the sweet pepper excess.
Congrats on a great hab harvest.
Thanks Jeff!
I've been bringing them into work and sharing, I did learn how to better guage what to grow next year. Last year I didn't use the sunshade after the tomatoes were done, what a difference it made!
So the wife and I were out at sun-up to get some mulch before it got hot, glad we did because it's hot out now..for next week I'll have the sides on the trailer so we can load more. It's free at the county station.

When we came back LB made me a fantastic Omelet. Five cheeses, ham, bacon, sausage, potatoes, and half a Orange Hab. It wasn't hot enough so I tried out Ramon's powder, it topped it off nicely!

Plate shot.

So I decided the girls needed new shoes, caught them just in time...

Made some bags from Pond Underlayment, these are 20gal, cost: 4 bucks per bag, made 8. Mixed some mulch, compost, and MG moisture control potting soil. Planted them proud because they will settle.

 I have more to do...next weekend early...
Pic of one of the crazy Habs

Wish the supers would do the same.
Later today I need to get busy, it's adding up!

Have a great weekend!
Love the food.  Isn't it surprising how the heat drops on the peppers when you cook them.  No way would I just eat a savina, but put one in an omelet and I am good to go.
Do you have any trouble with your ziplocks drawing moisture?  Perhaps I needed to use better ones than I started with last year.  I keep mine sealed in mason jars until I am ready to grind.
How do you like that moisture control?  My cousins used it and had bad luck with it.  But they do have two brown thumbs lol.
Bodeen said:
Love the food.  Isn't it surprising how the heat drops on the peppers when you cook them.  No way would I just eat a savina, but put one in an omelet and I am good to go.
Do you have any trouble with your ziplocks drawing moisture?  Perhaps I needed to use better ones than I started with last year.  I keep mine sealed in mason jars until I am ready to grind.
How do you like that moisture control?  My cousins used it and had bad luck with it.  But they do have two brown thumbs lol.
Yeah I should have used a whole one, just the last few bites were where I wanted it to be. It's the first Orange that I've used, usually I use the red caribbean's. They're a little hotter.
We check those bags to make sure the peppers are not absorbing moisture, so far we're OK. The finished powder is in bags and a tupperware container.
The Moisture Control has worked OK, but my stuff in the dirt is doing much better. Plants are about 30% shorter. I feed them as well, and have to water everyday. That's why I'm giving the larger bags a shot. Just don't know how to bring them in when it gets colder...LOL
Hi Scott!

Nice pull on the Habs!
100 degrees...ehhh...we had the same here for 3 weeks, which is over, but without any rain.
Your plants are doing great!

Great looking omelet brethren, I like the five cheese idea ^_^  Plants, pods and transplants look great! Another month or so da supers should kick in nicely as you say. We’re currently in the low 90s and mine just started flowering again, hope they stick for you. That said the MoAs are stressing with all da heat but they did manage to produce more this second round.
Have a great week mon ^_^
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Scott!

Nice pull on the Habs!
100 degrees...ehhh...we had the same here for 3 weeks, which is over, but without any rain.
Your plants are doing great!

Hi Balázs!
Yes that 100 gets old in a hurry! No rain here either, it's been 6 weeks or more. Thanks for the compliments!
WalkGood said:
Great looking omelet brethren, I like the five cheese idea ^_^  Plants, pods and transplants look great! Another month or so da supers should kick in nicely as you say. We’re currently in the low 90s and mine just started flowering again, hope they stick for you. That said the MoAs are stressing with all da heat but they did manage to produce more this second round.
Have a great week mon ^_^
Hey Ramon!
The Omelet was great! Really liked the addition the powder made, good stuff!
I would love low 90's, we're blessed today, so far just 95. Yesterday the wind was out of the north, weird for August. What I'm really ready for is 60's at night and 80's during the day, that starts to begin to happen in 30-45 days.
I think your second MoA harvest was really good!
The two I transplanted were JA ladies, I'm anxious to see how they do versus the ones in the 5 gal pots. I'm thinking they're gonna run with all that new leg room!
Thanks for the kudo's and stopping by.
"yall have a great weekend!