• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Great looking grow station Scott! I'm looking forward to seeing the filled up and green shots!

Not sure how much time we have left for outside plants. The last cold front didn't seem to hurt much. I'm still waiting on those isolated pods to ripen and another plant for drying pods before I call it done.

I think you've had a great season and I can see that next will be even better.

Later Mike
capsidadburn said:
Great looking grow station Scott! I'm looking forward to seeing the filled up and green shots!

Not sure how much time we have left for outside plants. The last cold front didn't seem to hurt much. I'm still waiting on those isolated pods to ripen and another plant for drying pods before I call it done.

I think you've had a great season and I can see that next will be even better.

Later Mike
Thanks Mike!
I spent way too much time on it, but am happy with the results so far.
We had a mild frost that did some damage to a few plants, and it certainly slowed things down around here. This next weekend is my worry with 30's and 40's for Saturday and Sunday. I did take some cuttings of the plants I want to keep for next season.
Yesterday I lightly tilled the rye and clover to a 3" depth to plant more clover. I guess I planted too much rye, it was choking out the clover, growing 4"s a week.
Today was supposed to be sunny and a high of 75°, it turned out to be a high of 65° and super cloudy. I soaked the youngin's so they wouldn't burn up in the sun...I've already lost a few to that..well they were stankin' soaked when I got home so I chunked them in the new toy and turned up the fan..

  The brightness of the T5 versus the T8 is simply amazing!
Today's haul, about 1.5 gals, forgive me for being too lazy to spread them out. Got a nice pick of reapers, primo's, not moruga's, red bhut's, and JA hab's. I have a bunch of reg. habs and Red Caribbean's to pick as well.

Red Bhut, once they are done I'm pulling them as well as the others. I want the soil to rest and ready it for next season. I would say 2 weeks max. I still have the bag ladies in  the wings....

Bag lady Primo..

JA Hab's are loaded down...


Rough looking ladies, but still hanging...

Still plenty of pods on the Reapers, note the frost damage. I'm hoping to get to harvest them all before a hard frost hits. This year one can't tell.

This Orange hab and one other are so dense I have to hunt for the pods. They both are the ones I transplanted to open up the jungle.

Primo and not Moruga, both showing the late fall signs, but still ripening their pods.

Th, th, the that's all folks!
I really appreciate the visits and positive comments :dance:
Whoa da plants look awesome and lot's of colorful & beautiful pods ... awesome work mon *_*
You'll have a lot of processing soon come but for now you have a great humpday !
WalkGood said:
Whoa da plants look awesome and lot's of colorful & beautiful pods ... awesome work mon *_*
You'll have a lot of processing soon come but for now you have a great humpday !
Thanks Ramon!
Remember the song "too many people"? Gonna change it to "too many peppers"..LOL
I think it's time for a puree.
Hoping your hump day was a good one!
Jeff H said:
Plants still look great Devv. Tons of peppers to pick still.
Thanks Jeff!
They all came in late, shooting for an early harvest next season, been growing since January and seeds are running already...sheeesh!
Penny said:
Holy cow....awesome looking peppers, plants and a nice set up for your future babies too :dance:
Thanks Penny!
A late start on the supers made for a late season. Hoping to get most picked before the wicked cold front slated to hit Friday morning. They sure are early and hard this year!
I'm already putting the grow station to work, wish I had 2!
Weekends coming up!
So today I decided to find out what was ailing one of the JA Habs in the 20 gal bag, it had yellowed, stopped growing, and was starting to lean some. I thought at first I was over watering it, but the others weren't treated any different.
It was easy to pull out of the bag. Here's what I found:


The roots had channels going through them, something was eating the roots..
I found 55+ of these in the 1 bag:

Some kind of beetle larvae...yuk! Nasty critters!
So now I have to re-pot all the bagged plants and inspect them for the same problem. We've had a wetter fall than lately, and beetles are seen crawling around all the time.
Once again...yuk!
I would like that post Devv, but that beatle larva is too disguising.
Glad you found it in time to save your plants.
Me thinking out loud: Would regular grub control type insecticide work on those ?? I think I would be checking the label before I went through the effort of replanting all those plants.
Scott, I always find those grubs in my raised beds, usually in the spring when I'm  working them over.  They seem like they are dormant/ hibernating when we find them.  I had not noticed any damage from them but always make sure they meet the backside of the hoe. 
Hope you are ready for this weekend.  Mid to high 30's forecast here for next 3 or 4 days.
Have a great weekend!
Jeff H said:
I would like that post Devv, but that beatle larva is too disguising.
Glad you found it in time to save your plants.
Me thinking out loud: Would regular grub control type insecticide work on those ?? I think I would be checking the label before I went through the effort of replanting all those plants.
capsidadburn said:
Scott, I always find those grubs in my raised beds, usually in the spring when I'm  working them over.  They seem like they are dormant/ hibernating when we find them.  I had not noticed any damage from them but always make sure they meet the backside of the hoe. 
Hope you are ready for this weekend.  Mid to high 30's forecast here for next 3 or 4 days.
Have a great weekend!
Penny said:
Yuck is right, damn grubs!! We have those suckers here too, and like Mike I find them in my raised beds too.
 Yes very slimy nasties. I was told they're June Bug grubs. I don't get them in the garden, I think they like the soft potting soil.
It was 71° at 5:30AM and is now 38° cold for us this time of year...
So this is our forecast, been changing all day long:

Got the bag ladies in the shop, picked the ripe peppers and hoping for the best.
Hate da grubs, great catch and kill \o/ I liked the post cause it was a great call to check on your part, liked the others for mas like credit but hate dat weather. We've had a nasty week as well, I call it Seattle weather :D
WalkGood said:
Hate da grubs, great catch and kill \o/ I liked the post cause it was a great call to check on your part, liked the others for mas like credit but hate dat weather. We've had a nasty week as well, I call it Seattle weather :D
Well it's Seattle here for sure!
High today was 41-42°, January weather here. I had a feeling we were in for a cold winter.
So today I did something very hard for me to do, and this is because the forecast has been once again updated to 32° for Monday and Tuesday morning. I cut up most of the bag ladies and re-potted them, two concerns, the grubs, and the weight of these things. Emptied 3 bags and 1 was again loaded with grubs. Didn't empty the other 3....SO I feel I did the right thing. In addition to that it could be 80° here the end of next week, so they will kick in again.

The shops insulated, and was nice and warm, at least today.
After...geese this hurt me to do!

Another hard thing to do, did up mama Funky Reaper. Don't want to lose her! She's a bit ragged out by the winds and took a minor frost hit last week, I also took several cuttings the other day.

Picked most of the crop, pulled the Jal's and Pob's, OW-ing the wife's favorite Jal plant. Still have to pick more in the AM.

Last of the Funky's until....

JA Hab's, still have 3 plants working...

Last of the Pob's

Last of the Red Bhut's.

A few Orange Hab's, still have several plants to pick.

Last of the Primo's, not a great producer for me this year..

I didn't expect to get hammered by the weather until January, but all in all I'm happy with what I was able to accomplish this season. Next years grow is already in the works. Next weekend the Annuum's and tomatoes will be sown.
I need a bump please ;)
Woot awesome pull, pictures and band saw :D
Looks like you made a great call on the cut back, you got me thinking about it as well and it’ll give me a break for a while, lol
Hab a great Sunday brethren!
Freakin' awesome last pull Scott! No love for the beetle grubs, but at least you found the bastiges and I presume sent them to their reward...?
It only hurts to prune back the plants the first time... trust me on this... when you see them pushing out new growth in a week or so you'll see how hard they are to kill. Good luck with your OW project, and keep us posted!