• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Bag lady's look great Scott. I bet it is impressive indoors too. I'm ready for the front. I moved in three pepper plants, two 12 foot papaya (sitting at 45 degree angles X shape) Meyer lemons, passion fruit, banana passion fruit, avocado, mango, stevia. I may go back out Friday with them for more warm weather.

I've got lots of seedlings going too. The addiction is just to strong and can't stop the desire to grow even though I don't have space. I might make up a few bag ladies too.

At science olympiad my son took a third place medal in a bungee drop event and a 4th place finish out of 31 competing teams. My daughters first time out took 10th and 24th out of 28 teams in her events. Might do another invitational (practice) in January.

I fear you may be right about the winter.

Later, have a great day
stickman said:
I hope you get those T5s wired in and mounted before you have to re-pot, trim, and take in the plants Scott... ready or not, here they come! :P
Thanks Rick,
The bag ladies are safe in the shop, I did some work there this afternoon and they look fine. After I get home Thursday they go back on the driveway. When I cut them back they will be going in and out of the shop, no lights, just the south facing windows. The lights are for the new babies for next season ;)
PaulG said:
I read that the T-5 HO's can be 4-10 cm from your plants (about 1.5"-4")  I have mine at about 3-4" and have few problems.  When a leaf grows up too close, it does get crispy, unlike with T8 or T12.  The Goat's Weeds seem to  tolerate the heat better - the lights are about 2" from them.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the input, first year using lights. I learned this year I need to start early. Harvesting through November for me makes for a really long season. But I guess this is a year round hobby!
Those lights are at work, came in after I left, not sure about the bulbs, hope they all made it in one shipment. I have the T8 4 bulb unit running and it's a more than full shelf, juggling. The grow station isn't even done, I have everything but need that precious commodity called time. Box is mostly done, shelves glued up and roughed out. Then I need to make a system so I can raise and lower the shelves and lights. The shelves will be on HD (100lb) drawer slides. Then I need reflective material..and ..and..

capsidadburn said:
Bag lady's look great Scott. I bet it is impressive indoors too. I'm ready for the front. I moved in three pepper plants, two 12 foot papaya (sitting at 45 degree angles X shape) Meyer lemons, passion fruit, banana passion fruit, avocado, mango, stevia. I may go back out Friday with them for more warm weather.

I've got lots of seedlings going too. The addiction is just to strong and can't stop the desire to grow even though I don't have space. I might make up a few bag ladies too.

At science olympiad my son took a third place medal in a bungee drop event and a 4th place finish out of 31 competing teams. My daughters first time out took 10th and 24th out of 28 teams in her events. Might do another invitational (practice) in January.

I fear you may be right about the winter.

Later, have a great day
Hi Mike!
I believe the frost is coming for you tonight, we're on a fence. Who knows with the forecasters nowadays. I picked and took cuttings this afternoon just in case. And yes I already overloaded my grow. I'm shooting for at least 1 plant of each, and a few of some already favorites. Of course they're all coming up, so I'll be sharing plants soon:)
Congratulations on the kids doing so well at Science contest! Doing well will energize them for the next one. Glad to hear you have kids interested in academics!
Devv said:
Thanks Rick,
The bag ladies are safe in the shop, I did some work there this afternoon and they look fine. After I get home Thursday they go back on the driveway. When I cut them back they will be going in and out of the shop, no lights, just the south facing windows. The lights are for the new babies for next season ;)
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the input, first year using lights. I learned this year I need to start early. Harvesting through November for me makes for a really long season. But I guess this is a year round hobby!  You said a mouthful there, Scott!
Box is mostly done, shelves glued up and roughed out. Then I need to make a system so I can raise and lower the shelves and lights. The shelves will be on HD (100lb) drawer slides. Then I need reflective material..and ..and..
Man, it sounds like your grow shelf is going to be major construction!  
Nothing like doing it up right!  Can't wait to see it in operation   :party:
PaulG said:
Man, it sounds like your grow shelf is going to be major construction!  
Nothing like doing it up right!  Can't wait to see it in operation   :party:
I'm hitting as hard as I can. Making most of it from materials I already had in the wood shop, but being a hobbyist woodworker, I'm getting a little too picky. I wanted to make something the wife wouldn't scoff at being in the extra bedroom ;)
I'm hoping to be ready enough to show a pic this weekend. Lost part of today and yesterday in preparation for the cold front.
Looking forward to seeing your new wardrobe grow station, Scott.  I managed to keep my germination station more or less unencumbered this year, so it will be easier to bring online come January than it was this year. 
Sounds like we have similar plans for OWing, moving plants in and out as the weather permits.
Sawyer said:
Looking forward to seeing your new wardrobe grow station, Scott.  I managed to keep my germination station more or less unencumbered this year, so it will be easier to bring online come January than it was this year. 
Sounds like we have similar plans for OWing, moving plants in and out as the weather permits.
Hopefully this weekend it will be presentable, the T5 came in today and I set it up on jack stands and a piece of angle iron until the station is done. Looks like heck but works. So I already have too many seedlings, 51 have popped. Not going to invest any more this season as far as lights go. Counting on typical Tejas weather, where I can leave them outside and use lights just when it's really nasty. I may have started too early, but I can always trim them back. The main thing is too have plants set heavily in the spring this year.
OW's come out of the shop after work tomorrow. Gonna let them ripen up and then cut them back for the winter. They're just to heavy to move in and out all winter...and then try to plant a 20 gal root system..come spring.
Sounds awesome Scott, can’t wait to see the pictorial and the a, b, c steps on how to ;) lol
I think you're weather gets much colder, I don't bring in anything. That said, I use to bring in some orchids on the coldest nights but stopped that a few years back. This front that hit you just came my way but we're only going to 71° at the lowest. Good luck with da plants and Hab an awesome weekend mon!
Scott enjoy the T5 lighting and your shorter winter season, great chose for chosing one fixture. The T5 will get the seedlings up and running...
 51+ seedlings with the ow's should keep the growing interest alive. No breaks for you. 
I'm ready to revamp my grow area, the weather has been in the 30's but this weekend will hit 66, so they say. I hope to bring in the lumber from the garage and start the framing..........if I can only keep the tv off...and all the football games get canceled........lol
Have a great weekend....it's almost here !
Devv said:
 I may have started too early, but I can always trim them back. The main thing is too have plants set heavily in the spring this year.
That's right, Scott.  I have pinched some of my growshelf plants twice,
but had to move a few out to the greenhouse because they are spreading
out so much.  The plants were placed under T5 lights at about the 4-week
stage, and the Tepins and one of the Goat's Weed have gone to podding
under the lights.  I have no question that they will do the trick for you.  
Come Spring they should just hum for ya; my OWs just kicked it into high
gear as soon as the weather got decent.
WalkGood said:
Sounds awesome Scott, can’t wait to see the pictorial and the a, b, c steps on how to ;) lol
I think you're weather gets much colder, I don't bring in anything. That said, I use to bring in some orchids on the coldest nights but stopped that a few years back. This front that hit you just came my way but we're only going to 71° at the lowest. Good luck with da plants and Hab an awesome weekend mon!
Hi Ramon,
Been running hard this week with the weather change and trying to keep everything going. It does get colder here, we don't have the water to buffer the temps, was 36°'s this AM.
I haven't been taking pics of the stations progress during creation, but can put something together if you're interested. I've been building it like a piece of furniture, but haven't fine sanded it. I need it yesterday!
PIC 1 said:
Scott enjoy the T5 lighting and your shorter winter season, great chose for chosing one fixture. The T5 will get the seedlings up and running...
 51+ seedlings with the ow's should keep the growing interest alive. No breaks for you. 
I'm ready to revamp my grow area, the weather has been in the 30's but this weekend will hit 66, so they say. I hope to bring in the lumber from the garage and start the framing..........if I can only keep the tv off...and all the football games get canceled........lol
Have a great weekend....it's almost here !
Thanks Greg!
I have a 4 bulb T8 4100k for starting the seeds, and the 4 bulb T5 6400K for the older plants. The station is for two 2x4' shelves. This evening I put the older seedlings outside, it's going down to 50° and 74° for the high. The OW's are back on the driveway. I could use a second station for the tomatoes....I'll get there:)
You too on the weekend wish! We have a short day tomorrow due to some unknown to me event, I'll take it!
PaulG said:
That's right, Scott.  I have pinched some of my growshelf plants twice,
but had to move a few out to the greenhouse because they are spreading
out so much.  The plants were placed under T5 lights at about the 4-week
stage, and the Tepins and one of the Goat's Weed have gone to podding
under the lights.  I have no question that they will do the trick for you.  
Come Spring they should just hum for ya; my OWs just kicked it into high
gear as soon as the weather got decent.
That's my plan Paul!
I'm hoping for the killer June harvest so I can travel and not worry about production like this year.
Gotta go!
Thanks for stopping by!
Was out of town most of the day, the oldest G-kid turned 12. Makes me feel old..
Grow bench almost completed; Googled reflective material and came up with a cool result. Instead of buying Mylar which goes for 22 bucks for a 4'x25"s, I bought 4 rolls of 4'x30"s for a buck a piece at the dollar store. What did I buy?
Wrapping (mylar) paper. The back side of it is like a mirror.
Was in the garden today and noticed we did indeed have a frost the other day. It only hit the taller plants for some reason, not too much damage but noticeable enough.
Picked a few JA Habs, these are the nicest ones.


Finally got to a resting spot with the grow station.
I had several objectives.
Plenty of room, but it's already too small
Shelves that are on rollers AND adjustable in height, this was a challenge.
Ability to raise and lower the lights.
Cost, keep it down.

The lights were $200.00 for a T8 x4 4100K bulbs, A T5 x4 6400K bullbs.

I had the drawer slides, Birch plywood and some Birch stock.
I had to purchase the shelf rails and some Pine to finish up.
I still have to make doors, install a fan system, make legs, a cover, put a finish on the wood, and an electrical center. That will be later, for now it's usable with a box fan. I also want pulleys for the lights.

T8 on top.

T5 on the bottom. Seedlings are outside in the 85° sun, go figure the other day it was 36°.

Found Mylar wrapping paper at the dollar store, spent 4 bucks...

Excuse the mess this is the extra bedroom, left on the floor, a blast from the past. A Dual direct drive quad turntable. I've had it 34 years and it still works!
I thought long and hard about making the shelves capable to raise and lower and still not have them tip as they just sit on the shelf clips. I finally came up with using all thread rods and eye bolts to anchor the rods. They hold down the back of the shelves when pulled out. It's not an easy task to change the shelf height, but I do have the ability.

I really wanted to post more today but have been running hard trying to get this station usable..enjoy!
I have no set up like your's, I only have a cheap portable greenhouse from  Menards / Home Depot but I was lucky enough to have some of that refective bubble wrap that you use for insulation on duct work, water heaters and such.  It worked out well instead of the space blanket stuff I used last season---don't get me wrong it works good but is so flimsy and tears easy.
Anyway nice looking set up.  I think you will like the T5's.  Con't success !!!
[SIZE=medium]Scott awesome JA Hab pull, hope you’re lovin da taste as much as us :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]So now you busy too ... but it sure feels good at the end of the day … today I moved 2 sets of washers and dryers from parents house to nephews, den 2 to my house and the old ones to the metal recycle … a beer sure was great at days end :cheers:   Now I just need a few mas, hehehe ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Love the new grow station, awesome job mon! I’m sure da babies are loving it \o/ Super cool how you found Mylar wrapping at the dollar store … I’ve made a mental note in case I ever need some. I buy a few things there myself …[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Hab a great new week mon ^_^[/SIZE]
Scott the grow area looks..........professionel !
aha......I've got a direct turntable...burried away with my Marantz and Vega speakers........ :lol: 
I'm sure it still works......I always had a spare stylus on hand.  Mine was a Teac that had a decent speed control. I use to slow the pitch down to pick out drum tracks.
That made it easy to learn jazz/fusion........quickly.
Those JA habs look great. Glad to see the grow season is still cruising down in TX. I like the seed starting area too. The adjustable shelving ought to be a big plus once the plants start to take off.
Grow area is looking very pro, Scott!
Funny stories (so far this year), because I won't pay for cost of mylar (again, and only need it for shelf bottoms on boards) . . . had scored major on car shades at dollar store. Picked up ton of them. Great insulation for under heat mats, great to hang from sides grow-shelving, holds in light/what heat comes off lights. Trucked over to door wrapping paper but no measurements on rolls! Let's just say that after being escorted out of a dang dollar store--they didn't ban me--am headed back to Lowe's to get the silver door wrap, for 4' shelves, which should have just got when bought new T-8s. And had a friend with me at dollar store: "Remind me to never go anywhere with you ever again. Asked to leave a dollar store, Annie?! Really?" I gave her the roll that they made me buy.
Barley-pop57 said:
I have no set up like your's, I only have a cheap portable greenhouse from  Menards / Home Depot but I was lucky enough to have some of that refective bubble wrap that you use for insulation on duct work, water heaters and such.  It worked out well instead of the space blanket stuff I used last season---don't get me wrong it works good but is so flimsy and tears easy.
Anyway nice looking set up.  I think you will like the T5's.  Con't success !!!
One thing I had in my favor is the wood shop and a ton of scraps, I wanted to make something the wife could stand having in the house as well.
WalkGood said:
[SIZE=medium]Scott awesome JA Hab pull, hope you’re lovin da taste as much as us :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]So now you busy too ... but it sure feels good at the end of the day … today I moved 2 sets of washers and dryers from parents house to nephews, den 2 to my house and the old ones to the metal recycle … a beer sure was great at days end :cheers:   Now I just need a few mas, hehehe ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Love the new grow station, awesome job mon! I’m sure da babies are loving it \o/ Super cool how you found Mylar wrapping at the dollar store … I’ve made a mental note in case I ever need some. I buy a few things there myself …[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Hab a great new week mon ^_^[/SIZE]
Thanks Ramon!
The JA's are a beautiful tasting pepper. I think once I've sorted out all the varieties I will be mainly growing peppers in that heat range. I have 6 or so MoA's up and running along with 3 or 4 white Bhuts, can't wait to use them this season. What I really like is I can add them directly to food and it compliments the meal rather than over powering it.
Always busy here! I need a clone!
I was tickled when I found the info on the Mylar, for 4 bucks I got what would have cost 80+
PIC 1 said:
Scott the grow area looks..........professionel !
aha......I've got a direct turntable...burried away with my Marantz and Vega speakers........ :lol: 
I'm sure it still works......I always had a spare stylus on hand.  Mine was a Teac that had a decent speed control. I use to slow the pitch down to pick out drum tracks.
That made it easy to learn jazz/fusion........quickly.
Thanks Greg!
I put way more time into that thing than I should have, but am happy with the results so far...more to do though...but later..
That Dual has a strobe to set the timing, I'm sure the Teac does too. When I bought the system it was a Kenwood 4 chan 110 watts per, with a Teac 4 chan reel to reel, the turn table, a pioneer dual cassette deck, 2 JBL's and 2 Infinities. Bought it used for $1,000.00. Darn system would run a bar. LB came home one morning from food shopping, we were living in apartments at the time, I had Breaking the law cranked. She said she could here the music over the car radio.
The good old days :party:
Jeff H said:
Those JA habs look great. Glad to see the grow season is still cruising down in TX. I like the seed starting area too. The adjustable shelving ought to be a big plus once the plants start to take off.
Thanks Jeff!,
We had a minor frost last week that did a bit of damage but not much. I don't think we're growing anymore, just ripening.
The bottom has a T5 and should handle plants up to 8 or 10"s when I adjust thing up and down. Right now I have roughly 60 seedlings outside as the weather has been mild. But it's nice to know when it gets cold I have a lighted place for them.
annie57 said:
Grow area is looking very pro, Scott!
Funny stories (so far this year), because I won't pay for cost of mylar (again, and only need it for shelf bottoms on boards) . . . had scored major on car shades at dollar store. Picked up ton of them. Great insulation for under heat mats, great to hang from sides grow-shelving, holds in light/what heat comes off lights. Trucked over to door wrapping paper but no measurements on rolls! Let's just say that after being escorted out of a dang dollar store--they didn't ban me--am headed back to Lowe's to get the silver door wrap, for 4' shelves, which should have just got when bought new T-8s. And had a friend with me at dollar store: "Remind me to never go anywhere with you ever again. Asked to leave a dollar store, Annie?! Really?" I gave her the roll that they made me buy.
Thanks Annie,
Escorted out of the Dollar store?
I will say this when we went to this one, a large one in SA, LB's eyes lit up. She was grabbing stuff off the shelves, "Oh this is a really good deal". She said "We're coming back!"
Plants are still roarin! Them JA Habs look amazing! I had an elongated shape pod from those this year. Ramon sent plenty of seeds so I'll def plant a few more next year! Glad to see everything still boomin! Where's the list your gonna start? Or did I miss it?
Jamison said:
Plants are still roarin! Them JA Habs look amazing! I had an elongated shape pod from those this year. Ramon sent plenty of seeds so I'll def plant a few more next year! Glad to see everything still boomin! Where's the list your gonna start? Or did I miss it?
Hey Jamison!
I need to post it...it's been crazy here lately, but things are going to slow down soon!