• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Looking great Scott!!! Still see a few buds on that Reaper so I guess you decided not to pinch...I usually do pinch them at until a couple sets of forks are on the plant. Might be better for you to leave them since its gonna get real hot real fast and you may not pod up again until late fall. Really like your plot and Frankenstein creations!
Scott, cool on new Frankie goes to Hollywood Devine, awesome looking on your reaper and I’m glad the JA Hab seeds made their way to you that quickly. Can’t wait to see them pop for you and hope you enjoy the taste as much as we do.

I hear ya on the weeding, one of my least favorite chores to do. But eventually we all have to :/

Keep up the killer job & grow, have a great week mon ^_^

Thanks Ramon!

I did do a little weeding today while running the bubblers, I just watered Friday and everything but the peppers were hurting for water. It's fixin' to get hot here in a few weeks. I may break out the shade cloth if the 10 day looks hot.

Thanks again for the seeds, can't wait until they pop!


Looks like you have some of Ramon's magiH Jamaican Habanero seeds!

He graciously sent me some too :)
I put em in the germ tray about a week ago...they should start popping anytime :)

Hey Chris!,

I have them planted and am just a waitin' :party:

Looking great Scott!!! Still see a few buds on that Reaper so I guess you decided not to pinch...I usually do pinch them at until a couple sets of forks are on the plant. Might be better for you to leave them since its gonna get real hot real fast and you may not pod up again until late fall. Really like your plot and Frankenstein creations!

Hey Shane!,

Glad to see you're back!

I have 4 Reapers in the dirt and one in a pot, this one I'm going to just leave alone. The others shouldn't be far behind, and I can pinch them to see how they do. The Reapers started out slow but have passed up plants started 2 weeks earlier. The Primo's and Bhut's are almost ready to hit dirt. I wish I had started the hots a month earlier, but that was a late decision. Next year will be completely different. I made the composter to speed things up and be able to separate the finished product from the "pile". And then there's the Raccoon that visits and eats all the new stuff I add.

Thanks for the comments and coming by!

Glad i found your glod, will be following.

Garden looks great, wish I could do something like that. Larndlord would have a fit if he swung by and see the back yard looking like that LOL.


Doesn't the plywood look great? I can't wait to take it down..Well I have two neighbors, one's 1/4 mile away to the north, the other is east down in the "bottom" 80' below us. So I have no one out here to impress, so I just do what I want, I know I could never get away with this in a subdivision....but that's why we chose to live in the boonies :D

Nice handywork on the composter. That should get the job done! Very cool on the triple forked Reaper!

Thanks Doc,

I started the Chinense way too late this year (my first year), I'm hoping for a few pods before the killa heat gets here. After that it's wait until September and hope my son will come by when we travel in July to keep things alive. I can't wait until I can harvest compost and just set it aside for use, versus the constant adding to the pile and having to sort through it to find usable material.

Thanks for the comments and the visit.
Nice work on the "tumbler", that will keep the green material in and away from the coons and other hungry varments.

I hope to see your Reapers loaded with pods. Another fork on the plant will bring more peppers to the plate.

lol........6ft Poblano's maintained by grade schoolers... :cool:
My plants only get 2/3ft tall, can't imagine having one that size in a Chicago garden.

All looks well in the Southern front...keep up the great updates.

Out in the boonies is what I need. Have always said that the perfect house for me would have a wrap around porch on atleast 2 sides and far enough away from people that if I wanted to urinate off the porch, no one would be around or even care. LOL

I guess you can call that a perk out here!

Actually when we bought this place it cost as much as a nice 3 bdr house in San Antonio. So country places are not out of reach. The wife found it and it was under contract already, the deal fell through and she just had to have it. I've been working on it ever since. Added square footage, peeled the paneling off and did the sheet rock, built new cabinets (still doing that), you name it. Can you say money pit? Well not really, we're just improving...

Nice work on the "tumbler", that will keep the green material in and away from the coons and other hungry varments.

I hope to see your Reapers loaded with pods. Another fork on the plant will bring more peppers to the plate.

lol........6ft Poblano's maintained by grade schoolers... :cool:
My plants only get 2/3ft tall, can't imagine having one that size in a Chicago garden.

All looks well in the Southern front...keep up the great updates.


Hey Greg,

Just got in from a two hour watering stint, that Reaper had already forked at each of the triples and has new flowers. It's almost doubled in size since it hit the garden. The rest of the Chinense are growing slower and look a little yellow. Perhaps I hit them with too much water..the Annuum's are happy and never seem to be over watered. So I hit them with some nutes and am gonna see how they look.

It's been cloudy here lately, weird weather, cloudy like winter time up north.

Thanks for the comments and the visit,

This has been a strange cool spring with lots of cloud cover, very little rain though. Been here since '78 and this is the first spring like this since I got here.

It's looked like this all week.


Got a little mini harvest this morning. Some Campari's Japaleno's, and green beans. The peppers are small, the wife wants poppers this evening. We have to pick the maties a bit early or the birds peck them. This is the first year ever without BER on the first picks, Calmag rocks!


The Annuum's are around 2' tall now, flowering and setting pods.




Pasilla Bajo, never had one, figured what the heck...


Lone bannana pepper plant.




This little Reaper keeps on chugging along.



Ex helmut head Reaper in the container. Doing some weird forking.


I need a bump please..

Hmmm likes is messing with me here, it's not like I been on long. I'm wondering if it has a counter/timer.

I took some pic's last week and never got a round tuit.

We used the last of the canned maties and made a double batch.



Being they were fresh canned tomatoes it was cooked for about 20 hours. Sorry no plate pics, this went straight to the freezer.

Some container plant pics..

I think this branch is going to pass up the top Orange Hab


Red Caribbean, bugs?


Red Bhut


7 pot Primo


Still to be planted

2 Primo's top right, next down on right a moruga scorpion (hybrid?), bhut, moruga scorpion. Lone thai next to the rosemary. Basil, Poblano, and some Habs.



Harvested some multiplying onions and pulled a sweet onion. Many tops are falling over, guess it's the wind because this ones not ready...but it will eat :P


Corn is around 4' tall and ready to tassel, so far no worms, which is way cool. Blown over onions...


Some of the peppers, two more rows behind the lovely plywood. Leaving that up, another front coming late next week. Maties are still growing. One thing this cooler weather is doing is allowing everything to grow with less water and stress. The Annuum's are looking much better after a few mineral oil treatments.


That's it for now, Thanks for stopping by...
Looking great there, Scott! I've had a couple that looked like that Red Caribbean. I could never find any bugs on them and they seemed to grow out of it. Hopefully the overcast skies will give way to sunshine soon!