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seeds Did I kill all my seeds?

Ok. Long story short I used my old reptile heat mat under my tray of seeds in soil.they had been germinating for three days before I had the idea to use the heat mat. Stupidly I didn't use my temperature control gauge that would have shut it off at my ideal temperature. I noticed this morning it was hotter then I hopped. Probably was at 105 degrees for 6 hours probably.

I have it set up properly now... But do you think I killed everything in there already?
Now would be a good time. Even if the seeds aren't dead, they are certainly stressed and that may show later on when the plants are growing. Slower growth, fewer pods. It is better to get off to a good start if you can.
I did buy some actually also. He shipped them today. Have four more on hold waiting for them to be ready to ship.

Oh well I guess lesson learned. Don't use heaters without a control lol
Justosmo said:
I did buy some actually also. He shipped them today. Have four more on hold waiting for them to be ready to ship.

Oh well I guess lesson learned. Don't use heaters without a control lol
I have 2 germination mats and have never used a thermostat. Didn't feel like spending extra bucks when I got them. Last year was my first year starting from seed and using heat mats. About a week after I put my trays on the mats (two 48" mats) I decided to check the temp so I used my digi thermometer from my leopard gecko tank. Put the thermocouple into the bottom of one of the trays and temp was 103. Figured it was a bit high so put a towel on the mats and it brought the temp down to around 90-95. Seeds still all germ'd great. Now this is just my experience. Yours could be different
Scorched said:
I have 2 germination mats and have never used a thermostat. Didn't feel like spending extra bucks when I got them. Last year was my first year starting from seed and using heat mats. About a week after I put my trays on the mats (two 48" mats) I decided to check the temp so I used my digi thermometer from my leopard gecko tank. Put the thermocouple into the bottom of one of the trays and temp was 103. Figured it was a bit high so put a towel on the mats and it brought the temp down to around 90-95. Seeds still all germ'd great. Now this is just my experience. Yours could be different
Thanks. I'll just let these continue to go for a while. If I fail I fail. The 10 live plants coming in the mail will have to do if I killed my first years attempt.
Justosmo said:
Thanks. I'll just let these continue to go for a while. If I fail I fail. The 10 live plants coming in the mail will have to do if I killed my first years attempt.
Even if they do not fail you are very limited in the remaining days of grow season. There is time but not much, best of luck either way! 
Scorched said:
I have 2 germination mats and have never used a thermostat. Didn't feel like spending extra bucks when I got them. Last year was my first year starting from seed and using heat mats. About a week after I put my trays on the mats (two 48" mats) I decided to check the temp so I used my digi thermometer from my leopard gecko tank. Put the thermocouple into the bottom of one of the trays and temp was 103. Figured it was a bit high so put a towel on the mats and it brought the temp down to around 90-95. Seeds still all germ'd great. Now this is just my experience. Yours could be different
I did the same thing! I put my trays on my living rm heater and when I checked back 3 days later it was so hot I thought I cooked the seeds. Used a fish tank thermometer and it read 105F. So I took them off and a few days later my seeds sprouted earlier than I expected! So I actually thought that the high temp helped them germinate faster. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Even if they do not fail you are very limited in the remaining days of grow season. There is time but not much, best of luck either way! 
Precisely why I asked what he was growing. Annuums  stand a good chance of a very productive year even at this stage, but chinense? worth a shot at best.
Justosmo said:
Thanks. I'll just let these continue to go for a while. If I fail I fail. The 10 live plants coming in the mail will have to do if I killed my first years attempt.
don't worry I will hook you up when there ready. Soon
Yeah with the longer growing season plants you were planning on I would order some established plants at this point. Or start them from seed and then construct a simple pvc hoophouse when it starts to get chilly to extend your growing time. 
The time frame for germination sounds about right, planted around May 1st and sprouting a week or so later, sometimes it takes a lot longer, I don't believe you stressed these plants in any way.

I'm in the Merrimack Valley, where about's you?
