Looking great there DarkTrak,With it being outside does it use a lot of water fast? and what are your ph and tds/ec at?
thanks bro, yes they use about a 1/4 gallon a day. And I don't ever check my PH or EC so I have no idea.

Looking great there DarkTrak,With it being outside does it use a lot of water fast? and what are your ph and tds/ec at?
Hey DarkTrak, what type of dog is that? My brother has two dogs that look just like that, he said they are Hawaiian cattle dogs, and calls them a Catahoula. But I just looked online and the Catahoula isnt from Hawaii, and doesnt look like his or your dog. My brother uses his to hunt wild hogs here.
My next-door-neighbors pit is a fraidy-cat. It runs away and hides behind a tree, or garbage can and peeks out at you. It's 8 or 10 yrs old now.
Your garden helper I thought was a gnome statue untill I got my glasses on.
I know this isnt a pit thread, and sorry for hijacking your post. I just asked my friend about the Gaff bloodline, he's a rare pit breeder(Jeep and Redboy) and very much into pit bulls, does weight pulling and shows all the time. He said the Gaff bloodline is not a pit bull, its an Am-bully or Am-Staff. He is very much into pit bull confirmation, and he is a big hater of the hybrids.
Wow those plants looks great.
Your lucky if they are only using 1/4G per day. When its hot mine are drinking almost 1 gallon each.
DarkTrak, your plants look great. I'm about done saving money for the darkroom so come fall I'll be going back to hydro. Your success using the bucket method has cemented my decision to give it another go. DWC is great but I was having difficulty with having a poor set up. Lessons learned..
Gah! Another nasty thunderstorm, crossing my fingers I don't lose another plant.