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chinense DNA tests that proved reaper= primo?

Has anyone been watching the talk that there have been multiple tests from different institutions on the reapers and primos? People are claiming the tests are in and the reaper is the same, DNA wise, as the primo, which came first. Apparently, several people knew this testing was being done. It could be a big joke started by multiple people who got together, or it might be real.
With the crap genetics I got from the source on reapers, to me, there has been a huge difference in the two peppers, for taste, heat, and pod consistency.
A lot of drama to come, for those who like that kind of thing. I don't like getting in the middle of things, but I will be interested to see how this turns out.
cycadjungle said:
Has anyone been watching the talk that there have been multiple tests from different institutions on the reapers and primos? People are claiming the tests are in and the reaper is the same, DNA wise, as the primo, which came first. Apparently, several people knew this testing was being done. It could be a big joke started by multiple people who got together, or it might be real.
With the crap genetics I got from the source on reapers, to me, there has been a huge difference in the two peppers, for taste, heat, and pod consistency.
A lot of drama to come, for those who like that kind of thing. I don't like getting in the middle of things, but I will be interested to see how this turns out.
Just read a little about this development and i think its going to blow-up!!!
cycadjungle said:
Has anyone been watching the talk that there have been multiple tests from different institutions on the reapers and primos? People are claiming the tests are in and the reaper is the same, DNA wise, as the primo, which came first. Apparently, several people knew this testing was being done. It could be a big joke started by multiple people who got together, or it might be real.
With the crap genetics I got from the source on reapers, to me, there has been a huge difference in the two peppers, for taste, heat, and pod consistency.
A lot of drama to come, for those who like that kind of thing. I don't like getting in the middle of things, but I will be interested to see how this turns out.
Can you post a link to the discussion.
Youre absolutely correct Tony, a lot of drama.Curious to see if scientific proof is provided on this one.Seems like people are arent coming clean and not answering questions,which certainly raises suspicions.In the end im not too sure it will matter as people with either Primo or Reaper seeds will still call them as what they received them as, just MY opinion thats all.
Early on a lot of people said they were simply the same (or that the reaper was merely a Primo phenotype). Some also said they tasted different but I don't. I still think the Pakistani Naga x Red Habanero = Reaper is very dubious. Lots of smoke and mirrors.
Interestingly, this debate is already noted on Wikipedia
"Recently, there has been debate over whether the Carolina Reaper is genetically distinct from the Trinidad 7-Pot Primo strain, another hybrid species of Caribbean chile which is very similar in heat level and appearance."
If it's true then I really feel for Troy. I will definitely read the report once released out of curiosity. I just don't think the arguing will stop even if evidence is posted. I agree there is a lot of mystery surrounding the Reaper. Maybe the whole Pakistani Naga x Hab was made up so people wouldn't try and copy? Who knows? The discussion about the whole thing is never a civil discussion and always breaks down into drama and bickering as seen in the PepperWars post. The Choc Bhutlah, Reaper, what's next? Guiness needs to do away with the whole record thing. It's brought nothing but jealousy. Everyone trying to make the new hottest and greatest.
My only real thought is, is true, why tell people to post about it while withholding the proof?

I spoke too soon.  Supposedly test #1 just posted a few moments ago

The others are on their way I guess
     IIRC nagas are similar to bhuts in that they have frutescens blood in them. If that's the case, and Reapers were bred from a naga parent, it seems like it should be pretty simple to verify if they have the same genetic makeup as Primos. Unless the Primo has the same parents - then it will probably more ambiguous.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     IIRC nagas are similar to bhuts in that they have frutescens blood in them. If that's the case, and Reapers were bred from a naga parent, it seems like it should be pretty simple to verify if they have the same genetic makeup as Primos. Unless the Primo has the same parents - then it will probably more ambiguous.
Naga morich x Trinidad 7pot = primo
sweet habanero and Pakistani Naga = reaper
That's how their parentage is supposed to be, as told to us
Browning said:
Naga morich x Trinidad 7pot = primo
sweet habanero and Pakistani Naga = reaper
That's how their parentage is supposed to be, as told to us
     Hmmm. That's going to make things difficult...
     Also, where have you been? Did you grow this season?
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Hmmm. That's going to make things difficult...
     Also, where have you been? Did you grow this season?
I mostly post on facebook.  I did grow, but it wasn't a good year at all. 
sirex said:
So...what does that pic prove? Isn't it just a SHU test?
This is test #1 which was released by BUTCH TAYLOR.The rest of these tests will also be released by Butch.As far as i can tell Butch has stated that if anyone had any questions concerning these tests than they should contact the test facilities.Not sure why its being released in this manner but it is what it is
sirex said:
So...what does that pic prove? Isn't it just a SHU test?
Yep.  That's not a "DNA Test" of any sort.  It's just profiling the ratio of three capsaicinoids produced by the pod.  I bet you'd get similar results from many different pairs of (interbred) supers.
(And even if it was a DNA profile test of some sort, those come in all varieties and sensitivities.  I wouldn't be surprised if low-resolution chromatography tests suggest that any number of super-hot C.Chinense are essentially identical.)