Do you get it or are you a poser?

Posted to the growing forum for a reason.  I have no problem with folk who love the heat and the flavor, but do not grow.  Different strokes for different folk.  Just kind of trying to find my own in a sea of multiple differences.

I am drunk, not shit faced but drunk.  I am drunk because it is the only way I will sleep with the pain I am dealing with and the opiates they prescribe just dont rock my world the way whiskey does.  In pain because I spent my day straightening rows with a shovel.  Can't run the tiller because it is too wet.  Shoveling is not something you should do a month after part of your foot was amputated because, well because then you have to drink whiskey.

My biggest regret is the timing of the amputation.  I can not walk barefoot in the dirt and mud.  My biggest regret about having one of my toes amputated is it is one less toe to feel the mud squish between.  Unless it rains, tomorrow I will be putting in stakes so I can drape plastic over my transplants should there be a frost.
Already I have black plastic covering seeds I have planted to help keep the heat in at night so they wont die off.  Lettuce, Carrots, Onion, Potato, already in the ground.

I really want to know, do you get it.  That urge, that sickness, that obsession with creating something from next to nothing.  That sense that God (mother nature if you will) truly is great.

For the Christians in here, reread Genesis concerning the third day.  Wow.

Queequeg, drinking Southern Comfort.  Not purple Jesus nor electric cool aid.  Oh my god that was a trip and yes, very much how I feel about modern society.  Now me widdle head hurts.
You know what, you aren't so bad even though you seem to align with the dark side of the force (Monsanto).  thank you for making my night.

Grant, we do not get much snow.  Sometimes a whole bunch but it is gone in a day or so.  Winter 2013, we had more than a foot in a single night.  In the middle of it, at night, I stripped naked in front of my kids and wife, ran out the front door, dove into a drift, and started rolling around trying to start a family tradition.

My wife locked the door and turned on the flood lights in the front yard.
Naga Chomper said:
Even just the SMELL of Southern Comfort is enough to make me gag.
So, sadly, I don't think I'll ever get it.
I now feel that same way after terrible over consumption of the stuff many moons ago.. But I miss the flavour .. Lol
Ocho Cinco said:
I get it. The thought of taking a tiny little seed and growing something new with it is awesome. A very spiritual experience to me. 
Crossing is my spiritual moment , taking something that is ..and making something that never was... Wow.. Creation at its core...
Naga Chomper said:
Even just the SMELL of Southern Comfort is enough to make me gag.
So, sadly, I don't think I'll ever get it.
After getting fall down knock out drunk on SoCo when I was 16 I can't be in the same room with the stuff. Parents were away and I decided to play lol. I can still remember the sickly sweet smell of SoCo infused vomit in the air. To this day if someone even opens a bottle and I catch a whiff my stomach just rolls.
Naga Chomper said:
Even just the SMELL of Southern Comfort is enough to make me gag.
So, sadly, I don't think I'll ever get it.
Scorched said:
After getting fall down knock out drunk on SoCo when I was 16 I can't be in the same room with the stuff. Parents were away and I decided to play lol. I can still remember the sickly sweet smell of SoCo infused vomit in the air. To this day if someone even opens a bottle and I catch a whiff my stomach just rolls.
Haha. I can see that I'm not the only one with that story. :rofl: Any kind of Whiskey will make me gag. Good Bourbon is fine, but Southern comfort and whiskey. :sick:
Move to a state that allows growing God's own best "medicine".
No more oxy's, V's or booze needed.
Most of the time.
I have personally seen it happen more than once.
A bit higher satisfaction growing and tending your own medicine than your consumables.
Jeff H said:
Haha. I can see that I'm not the only one with that story. :rofl: Any kind of Whiskey will make me gag. Good Bourbon is fine, but Southern comfort and whiskey. :sick:
Well mine was a combination of Black Douglas, Southern Comfort and Smirnoff Vodka.... I can still stomach Smirnoff but even looking at a bottle of Black Douglas makes me cringe and the smell of Southern makes my mouth water.. In a bad way..
Lol ditto on the SoCo. High School drank a ton of it straight. Threw up all over the bed at a hotel. I do love Jameson and Crown though.
As much as I love technology there is something mystical about life before the rush started. When families were all you had and you made everything you had or traded with others close to you. That's what life is about anyway.
It would be cool to see the financial world crash and the people chasing money not know what to do.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     SoCo is children's booze, but wandering outside naked is where it's at. Dare I say necessary for most folks, whether they know it or not.
Hoping you are also a fan of the Denny Crane show.  Most people call it Boston Legal.  Almost makes me want to have a law degree just to wander an office with no pants.
So glad folk here get it.  You don't have to be naked or drunk.  Its just the whole process of growing a thing or in Krakens case crossing a thing.  My god look at a pepper seed then look at a plant six foot tall or more.  How in the hell did that happen?
This is the Growing forum, not the get-drunk-and-romp-naked forum...

...but, golly, this is one hell of a thread topic. I don't get it because i can't afford the consequences of getting it. My landlord and i get along fine... but she DEFINITELY wouldn't get it!

EDIT: Oh... ok... the miracle of seeds and life. I get that. Beautiful!