• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Do you get it or are you a poser?

Gotrox said:
Move to a state that allows growing God's own best "medicine".
No more oxy's, V's or booze needed.
Most of the time.
I have personally seen it happen more than once.
A bit higher satisfaction growing and tending your own medicine than your consumables.
" HIGHER "      :rofl:
No blade of grass is uninteresting to me....Thomas Jefferson
Proud to grow and eat everything and if I'd developed something like Butch Taylor did I'd damn sure put my name to it.
ajdrew said:
Virgil, you just expanded 'it' that we get.  I am a blacksmith / knife maker and love working with discards.  I do not do nearly enough because the type of things I like to do don't generate the dollars per hour I need.  But want to share so you know I get it.

Tempest Smith Sword - Fund raiser auction donation.  Young girl committed suicide.  Her diary indicated it was because she felt she had been thrown away.  Blade was broken leaf spring, guard was silver from spoons found at thrift stores, hilt was ebony left over from musical instrument production.

Bicycle knife - Friend's teen was shot and died by one of his friends while goofing around.  He loved his bicycle chain went into the forging of a pattern welded blade, became part of the blade itself.  Hilt used part of the bicycle handle / grip.  Looked just weird enough someone could tell it was made from a bicycle.

My own Bowie - Blade is carbon steel mixed with the timing chain off my Chevy Blazer.

My biggest problem is remaining focused on one thing so I dont screw up other things.  I liken it to guys who cheat on their wives but still love their wives.  They just can't keep their dicks in their pants. I just can't stay focused on one form of creativity. 

Disclaimer: Not saying I am particularly good at any one of the things I wind up doing.
You're knives sound incredible. I would love to see pics of them. Seeds of life- whether they be super hot chiles or a child- mind blowing that creation thing is for sure !
Valleyman, I will post pictures of this year's first pattern welded blades soon.  Got one done, ready for heat treating.  I -think- I can get the pattern to show in a photo.  Thing is, what I said about $ ... ye most of what I make are not all that great.  I can spend a day making a damascus blade, few will spend the money I would need.  So most knives are not pattern welded and go for less than $50.00 cause that is what sells.  Here is what is left over from last year:

Again: Will try to post the pattern welded / perty stuff soon if you like.


I am trying to balance this one against the Teddy Bear invasion video to compare the what the hell level.  I think the Teddy Bear one has a bit more weight in that department.
There is something about growing your own food in your garden and taking care of your plants/trees. Its an obsession. I wake up and check on them daily and as soon as I get home from work do the same thing. Even in the dark lol with a flashlight. Now I'm obsessing with my 2 avocado trees as some of the pollinated flowers drop checking to see if there are tiny little avocados . And it looks like there will be, yahooooo.
I have 10 small fruit trees
30 tomato plants
100+ pepper plants
10 plus spice plants
and each and every day not one of them gets overlooked.
haven't done the naked thingy yet