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Do you get it or are you a poser?

Totally get it. It applies to everything, building anything, making anything, growing anything. There is nothing more satisfying and rewarding than growing something from a seed or taking a bunch of scrap wood and turning it into something beautiful or taking the most random of ingredients and making an inspiring dish. Some people have that creative and constructive flair- others do not. 
Virgil, you just expanded 'it' that we get.  I am a blacksmith / knife maker and love working with discards.  I do not do nearly enough because the type of things I like to do don't generate the dollars per hour I need.  But want to share so you know I get it.

Tempest Smith Sword - Fund raiser auction donation.  Young girl committed suicide.  Her diary indicated it was because she felt she had been thrown away.  Blade was broken leaf spring, guard was silver from spoons found at thrift stores, hilt was ebony left over from musical instrument production.

Bicycle knife - Friend's teen was shot and died by one of his friends while goofing around.  He loved his bicycle chain went into the forging of a pattern welded blade, became part of the blade itself.  Hilt used part of the bicycle handle / grip.  Looked just weird enough someone could tell it was made from a bicycle.

My own Bowie - Blade is carbon steel mixed with the timing chain off my Chevy Blazer.

My biggest problem is remaining focused on one thing so I dont screw up other things.  I liken it to guys who cheat on their wives but still love their wives.  They just can't keep their dicks in their pants. I just can't stay focused on one form of creativity. 

Disclaimer: Not saying I am particularly good at any one of the things I wind up doing.
Yeh, I get the sumpin from nuttin ideology.  I , on occasion, have looked at one of my plants and thought "you were once nothing but a seed"...LOL..
Oh yeh, you spell pretty good for posting while drunk.. :surprised:
ajdrew said:
Posted to the growing forum for a reason.  I have no problem with folk who love the heat and the flavor, but do not grow.  Different strokes for different folk.  Just kind of trying to find my own in a sea of multiple differences.
Why would you?? That's like saying "I have no problem with people that drink good beer, but do not brew." This starts off a tad elitist, in that you "have no problem" with those who don't grow. There is no problem to not have! It sounds grower-snobby.
I'm a poser. Have I mentioned that I recently acquired my pièce de ré·sis·tance? remgrandt.com ...

Helvete said:
I enjoy growing plants more than I like eating peppers, so yeah, I get it.
I mean, you can't eat some of the plants I grow otherwise you can end up running around naked and barefoot in the mud without even knowing it.  ;)
I've seen you reference these toxic plants a couple of times. What all are you growing that fits in the category? ...besides Castor beans.
coachspencerxc said:
I've seen you reference these toxic plants a couple of times. What all are you growing that fits in the category? ...besides Castor beans.
Hyoscyamus niger Black henbane
Mandragora autumnalis Black mandrake
Datura stramonium Jimsonweed
Datura inoxia Toloache
Scopolia carniolica Russian belladonna
Artemesia absinthium Wormwood
Artemesia vulgaris Mugwort
Lactuca virosa Poison lettuce
Scutellaria baicalensis Siberian skullcap
Scutellaria lateriflora North American skullcap
Solanum carolinense horsenettle
Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet nightshade
Solanum nigrum L. black nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum Jerusalem cherry
Ricinus communis Castor plant
Phytolacca americana Pokeberry
Actaea pachypoda White baneberry
Probably a few others I can't quite remember right now.  A lot of the seeds were wild collected
Helvete said:
Hyoscyamus niger Black henbane
Mandragora autumnalis Black mandrake
Datura stramonium Jimsonweed
Datura inoxia Toloache
Scopolia carniolica Russian belladonna
Artemesia absinthium Wormwood
Artemesia vulgaris Mugwort
Lactuca virosa Poison lettuce
Scutellaria baicalensis Siberian skullcap
Scutellaria lateriflora North American skullcap
Solanum carolinense horsenettle
Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet nightshade
Solanum nigrum L. black nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum Jerusalem cherry
Ricinus communis Castor plant
Phytolacca americana Pokeberry
Actaea pachypoda White baneberry
Probably a few others I can't quite remember right now.  A lot of the seeds were wild collected
interesting stuff. I know a few from spending a lot of time in the woods.