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Do you SuperThrive?

:Heads on over to MoyBoys and pours entire 50ml bottle of superthrive on his Fatalli:

What? I thought i was helping!!

Me too - three drops per 24 ounce bottle of Mt. Dew. I feel fine, except for my forehead. I keep hitting it on the top of doors when I walk through.

I recently got a mini-greenhouse from Amazon and they also sell Superthrive. I found this less than stellar review of it by Tim Foss - he took the trouble to basically post the same review for every size of it. He's not a fan.

Review: I am a master gardener and apparently in the wrong business...I have tried pretty much every additive, bio and synthetic supposed plant helper on the market. I have actually done controlled experiments with this product on 5 peppers (5 with 5 without) and found ABSOLUTELY NO difference with it. No difference at all! I have also tried it on coffee plants and more...Im sure it has vitamins in it as it smells like one in the bottle but you can get better results with natural AZomite for a ton cheaper without the hokus pokus. Dont expect a jack in the beanstalk story because its not magic and its nothing special but a multi vitamin in a bottle. Its hokus pokus claims and a total rip off in my book. Just look at the label and see the circus and claims which are NOT proven or proof. They should be exposed for their false claims and sued for false statements especially charging this much money for a typical vitamin. Stick with good old fashioned compost and it will blow you away. FYI, the seller of this product Hydro Harrys is a great outlet with great products and selection. Its where I buy all of my hydroponic supplies. Lastly, the lady that gave this the 5 stars and thinks she is going green with this, its a synthetic product...NOT organic.

source: http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member..._dp_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview

He mentioned AZomite which I never heard of. Anybody use that?
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I did add some superthrive to one MG feeding last month, but haven't done any controlled experiments on it. I'd prefer to experiment with different compost mixes instead this year.

Increased internode length is NOT want I need in my plants. I have a hard enough time with the borderline amount of light they've been getting lately - weather looks good this coming week though. I would, however, welcome some strong roots. Guess I have to read all those links you nice folks have been posting.
I transplanted ~20 plants yesterday from 9oz to 4" and didn't add anything except compost and water. The roots looked great.
I googled Azomite, and it looks to be a way to boost trace minerals in the soil. I read some of the information on the web site http://www.azomite.com/index.html , and although they talk about research that's been done, they don't cite the actual papers, they give you their lay summery.

Interesting, though.
so according to this review, there is nothing in superthrive except vitamins....cool...
AlabamaJack said:
so according to this review, there is nothing in superthrive except vitamins....cool...

Because we should always take unknown reviewers on Amazon.com at their word.

(pssst! Superthrive contains 1-Naphthylacetic acid)
Pam, I know better than that but taking his credentials as a Master Gardener, I figured what the heck...

thanks Potawie...

so the "hormone" (1-Naphthylacetic acid) is not actually auxin but in the auxin family....

a little reading led me nowhere...oh well...
if you use this at the treat rate of 3oz/100 gallons this equates to 78ppm of superthrive. this would then be 0.07 ppm of B-1 and 0.045 ppm of the Naphthyl acetic acid per treatment. is this a low amount of fert or typical?

also the label claims 25% solids - anyone have a refractometer to confirm this? the label says you can tell this by the crystals by the lid after use - this leads me to think some type of salt. also the 'rotten egg' smell would make me think of sulfur or maybe even fish (maybe this is a diluted fish emulsion that isn't treated for smell). fish oil would have lots of vitamins - maybe the 50+ the maker claims??

I don't know these all just thoughts on my part.
peter pepper said:
if you use this at the treat rate of 3oz/100 gallons this equates to 78ppm of superthrive. this would then be 0.07 ppm of B-1 and 0.045 ppm of the Naphthyl acetic acid per treatment. is this a low amount of fert or typical?

This is not a fertilizer, its vitamins and hormone which you don't need to use a lot of.
On a side note, I figure if someone has to mention that they are a "master gardener" to get attention, then they probably aren't the real thing.
bigt said:
I recently got a mini-greenhouse from Amazon and they also sell Superthrive. I found this less than stellar review of it by Tim Foss - he took the trouble to basically post the same review for every size of it. He's not a fan.

Review: I am a master gardener and apparently in the wrong business...I have tried pretty much every additive, bio and synthetic supposed plant helper on the market. I have actually done controlled experiments with this product on 5 peppers (5 with 5 without) and found ABSOLUTELY NO difference with it. No difference at all! I have also tried it on coffee plants and more...Im sure it has vitamins in it as it smells like one in the bottle but you can get better results with natural AZomite for a ton cheaper without the hokus pokus. Dont expect a jack in the beanstalk story because its not magic and its nothing special but a multi vitamin in a bottle. Its hokus pokus claims and a total rip off in my book. Just look at the label and see the circus and claims which are NOT proven or proof. They should be exposed for their false claims and sued for false statements especially charging this much money for a typical vitamin. Stick with good old fashioned compost and it will blow you away. FYI, the seller of this product Hydro Harrys is a great outlet with great products and selection. Its where I buy all of my hydroponic supplies. Lastly, the lady that gave this the 5 stars and thinks she is going green with this, its a synthetic product...NOT organic.

source: http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member..._dp_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview

He mentioned AZomite which I never heard of. Anybody use that?

The hocus-pocus / marketing part of this gentelman's commentary is certainly true. The mfgr's marketing strategy does not add, imho, credibility to the product. That said, I think that he bases too much of his argument against the product based upon the packaging. And, he just so happens to mention ("plug") another product in his review.

I think that the jury is still out. Some people swear by the product and others swear against it. Again, I have just started using it and have not experienced any tangible (read postive) results. I have no predisposition for or against. Just trying to determine for myself if this is a product that I would want to continue to work with.
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spot on Potawie...Superthrive is not a fertilizer....

supposedly it enhances the plants ability to take up the nutrients of your fertilize...and the "hormone" enhances stem and root growth...

you know, it may be snake oil but placebos work wonders in medicine...and it does my psyche good too...
On a side note, I figure if someone has to mention that they are a "master gardener" to get attention, then they probably aren't the real thing.

Ha! I've said for years that the point of the Master Gardener program for far too many people is so they can preface their arguments with "I'm a Master Gardener.."
yeah...agree...I suppose I am too gullible sometimes...
FWIW, I HAVE seen a significant improvement in several of my plants that in the past looked sick after using.... multivitamins. Not Superthrive but A to Zinc. I dropped two 500 milligram tabs in 5 gals of water for my hydro tom plants and in a couple of days it looked much better.

Don't know that it DID make the difference but they do not hurt the plants and the cost is next to nothing.

Ditto what Potawie and Wiz said.

I do hava bottle of ST, but found just disolving a big fat multi-vitamin wit lot of minerals and B-vitamins in my gallon watering jug seems to work wonders. Better yet, 130 pills is like $6 at the Outlet Store.



They smell about the same because of the fish oils used and have everything incl. beepollen and kelp.

Oh, and I can take them too. :)

I think it's all the trace elements that help out too.