I recently got a mini-greenhouse from Amazon and they also sell Superthrive. I found this less than stellar review of it by
Tim Foss - he took the trouble to basically post the same review for every size of it. He's not a fan.
Review: I am a master gardener and apparently in the wrong business...I have tried pretty much every additive, bio and synthetic supposed plant helper on the market. I have actually done controlled experiments with this product on 5 peppers (5 with 5 without) and found ABSOLUTELY NO difference with it. No difference at all! I have also tried it on coffee plants and more...Im sure it has vitamins in it as it smells like one in the bottle but you can get better results with natural AZomite for a ton cheaper without the hokus pokus. Dont expect a jack in the beanstalk story because its not magic and its nothing special but a multi vitamin in a bottle. Its hokus pokus claims and a total rip off in my book. Just look at the label and see the circus and claims which are NOT proven or proof. They should be exposed for their false claims and sued for false statements especially charging this much money for a typical vitamin. Stick with good old fashioned compost and it will blow you away. FYI, the seller of this product Hydro Harrys is a great outlet with great products and selection. Its where I buy all of my hydroponic supplies. Lastly, the lady that gave this the 5 stars and thinks she is going green with this, its a synthetic product...NOT organic.
He mentioned AZomite which I never heard of. Anybody use that?