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Does anyone still listen to cd's?

I have a rather large cd collection. I have two 300 cd disc changers hooked up to the stereo and boxes upon boxes of cd's. I find that I rarely listen to cd's anymore. There are a few cd's that I do listen to often. Most of my collection has been converted to digital. All are stored on my server and can be streamed to almost every device in my house. I also listen to my favorite radio station online .
So in this day of age how many of you still listen to your cd's? With the exception of my SRV imports and bootlegs I have no use for the other cd's. So do I keep them? Ebay them or do something else with them?
someguy said:
 There are a few cd's that I do listen often.  Most of my collection has been converted to digital.
Nah man, I dont like the scratching and pops. MP3 is superior.
Rymerpt said:
Dude with that many of them you could melt them down and build a kit car.
Or a KITT car.
I still listen to them on occasion. I don't have all my music on my iphone just my favorites. So I still listen to a CD on occasion. 
Heckle said:
Nah man, I dont like the scratching and pops. MP3 is superior.
I suspect that you hear scratching and pops no matter what you are listening to. I figured your tinfoil hat hat would block out some of that noise.
The Hot Pepper said:
im dying at the first 26 seconds
someguy said:
I suspect that you hear scratching and pops no matter what you are listening to. I figured your tinfoil hat hat would block out some of that noise.
You realize you converted your digital to digital smart guy?
Heckle said:
im dying at the first 26 seconds

You realize you converted your digital to digital smart guy?
My mistake. I should have said that I put most of it on my server. Why do you always have to be such a Dick?
The chat this thread started in uh, chat, about vinyl was briefly amusing and slightly informative.
Lighten up people a little humor, how can you stand the rest of the internet? Pretty mild jokes in here.
I took every CD I had and ripped them onto an external hard drive. The only ones I'm saving are the still-wrapped-in-cellophane Tool CDs I bought extra copies of in hopes they'll be valuable some day. Only reason I assume they might is because... well, have you tried pricing the Salival box set on Amazon lately? I originally paid $30 for that.
Yep, I've got lots of CDs that will never see the inside of a player again.