Dorest Nagas (aka Naga Morrich)

This article was posted on another forum yesterday (its not an April Fool) but made me laugh.

The chilli so hot you need gloves
By Simon de Bruxelles

THE world’s hottest chilli pepper does not come from a tropical hot spot where the locals are impervious to its fiery heat but a smallholding in deepest Dorset.

Some chillis are fierce enough to make your eyes water. Anyone foolhardy enough to eat a whole Dorset Naga would almost certainly require hospital treatment.

The pepper, almost twice as hot as the previous record- holder, was grown by Joy and Michael Michaud in a poly- tunnel at their market garden. The couple run a business called Peppers by Post and spent four years developing the Dorset Naga.

They knew the 2cm-long specimens were hot because they had to wear gloves and remove the seeds outdoors when preparing them for drying, but had no idea they had grown a record-breaker.

Some customers complained the peppers were so fiery that even half a small one would make a curry too hot to eat. Others loved them and the Michauds sold a quarter of a million Dorset Nagas last year. At the end of last season Mrs Michaud sent a sample to a laboratory in America out of curiosity. The owner had never tested anything like it.

According to Mrs Michaud, the hottest habañero peppers popular in chilli-eating competitions in the US generally measure about 100,000 units on the standard Scoville scale, named after its inventor, Wilbur Scoville, who developed it in 1912. At first the scale was a subjective taste test but it later developed into the measure of capsaicinoids present. The hottest chilli pepper in The Guinness Book of Records is a Red Savina habañero with a rating of 570,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).

Mrs Michaud was stunned when the Dorset Naga gave a reading of nearly 900,000SHU. A fresh sample was sent to a lab in New York used by the American Spice Trade Association and recorded a mouth-numbing 923,000SHUs.

Mrs Michaud said: "The man in the first lab was so excited — he’d never had one even half as hot as that. The second lab took a long time because they were checking it carefully as it was so outrageously high."

The Dorset Naga was grown from a plant that originated in Bangladesh. The Michauds bought their original plant in an oriental store in Bournemouth. Mrs Michaud said: "We weren’t even selecting the peppers for hotness but for shape and flavour. There is an element of machismo in peppers that we aren’t really interested in. When the results of the heat tests came back I was gobsmacked."

The couple are now seeking Plant Variety Protection from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which will mean that no one else can sell the seeds.

Mrs Michaud, 48, has run the company with her husband at West Bexington, near Dorchester, for ten years. Mr Michaud, 56, has been a regular on the television chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s River Cottage series, advising on vegetable growing.

Anyone wanting to try the Dorset Naga will have to be patient as chillis are harvested only from July on. In Bangladesh the chillies grow in temperatures of well over 100F (38C) but in Dorset they thrive in polytunnels.

Aktar Miha, from the Indus Bangladeshi restaurant in Bournemouth, said that even in its home country the naga chilli was treated with respect. "It is used in some cooking, mainly with fish curries, but most people don’t cook with it. They hold it by the stalk and just touch their food with it," he said.

"It has a refreshing smell and a very good taste but you don’t want too much of it. It is a killer chilli and you have to be careful and wash your hands and the cutting board. If you don’t know what you are doing it could blow your head off."


You can find further information on them and how they got there name here:

Even though I don't sell anything, I hope he doesnt seek PVP on the name Naga Morrich. Im totally against companys have exclusive rights to sole varieties & I dont like the way this is heading!!
Mark :P :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
i read an artical about this the other day and they rate the red savina habanero at 577 thousand scoville and this pepper is rated 876 thousand

anyone here gonna try and grow em?? :P
Good luck getting the seeds. It's not the best kept secret in Bangladesh for no good reason.

I'm working on an article for my newsletter and several blogs... When it's done, I'll post a link.

Hi Tina,

From review my grwing notes from last year, Ive put together further information on this scintilatingly hot variety on the chileman site and you can find this information here:

Hope you find it interesting


PS I have some seeds and pods avaailable and will be posting them on ebay shortly
Im not sure the bottle would survive the journey. The recipie is very easy to follow - all you need is the Naga's!! (you could make a tamer version with Habs, it will still be gorgeous)

Ive been deseeding some Naga Morich pods tonight - and didnt practice what I preached (on the seed saving guide), I didnt wear any gloves - BIG MISTAKE Im now suffering from 'Naga Hand'.

ARHHH F@#* ME!! - After deseeding the pods I thought I would do a good deed for the missus and finish off the washing up. What ever Capascin was on my hands/the chopping board and seeve, it must have mixed with the water in the watching up bowl and I effectively soaked my hands in the stuff for a good ten minutes.

The missus says the kitchen now smells like 'deep heat' - the pods sure are pungent.

Although I didnt feel the burn at the time - I certainity do now!!!.

If feels like someone has lit a match and are now holding the flame next to the skin between my fingers!!

I tried Yoghut & a milk solution to easy the pain but its not working.

ARHHHHHH! I can't type anymore. Im going to have to rinse my hand(again) in cold water. The scary thing is Im desperate for a wee but Im going to have to hold on for a bit longer until the burn subsides as theres no way Im risking burning another sensitive area!!

darlochileman said:
The scary thing is Im desperate for a wee but Im going to have to hold on for a bit longer until the burn subsides as theres no way Im risking burning another sensitive area!!
I simathise with you. Actually, I once took a wee after cutting up peppers...needless to say, I think we ALL know what happened next.

I trade you some cayannes(or money) for some seeds.
OMG Mark, you know suffer from the worst possible disease known to man... Hunan hand.

Soak your hands in a bowl of water with ice cubes. It will help.

They look alot like fataliis-do they taste similarly? (can you taste anything at that heat level?) Would love to try out some seeds. brookthecook
Hi Guys,

You don't grow these peppers for the cooking. They have a very sharp lenony/acid taste which I think is rather unplesent and the smell is also weird. I put a couple slithers in a chilli con carne the other week and had to throw it out as the heat was too much for me. I agree that they are very similar to fatalii although a little hotter. Another drawback is that once the pods reach their mature orange, the degrade/rot very quickly (they have very thin walls). You can put them in the freezer to prolong their livse but remember to cover them with clingfilm or your chesse will smell of nagas!!

setzuanfire said:
They look alot like fataliis-do they taste similarly? (can you taste anything at that heat level?) Would love to try out some seeds. brookthecook

Supposedly, the seeds can be purchased on EBay.

Tina Brooks][quote=setzuanfire said:
They look alot like fataliis-do they taste similarly? (can you taste anything at that heat level?) Would love to try out some seeds. brookthecook

Supposedly, the seeds can be purchased on EBay.

They can, but they'll cost you many pritty pennies.
imaguitargod][quote=Tina Brooks][quote=setzuanfire said:
They look alot like fataliis-do they taste similarly? (can you taste anything at that heat level?) Would love to try out some seeds. brookthecook

Supposedly, the seeds can be purchased on EBay.

They can, but they'll cost you many pritty pennies.[/quote]

Funny that...

I think maybe when I get these peppers in quantity, I'm going to ruin the market and give the danged seeds away. Grrrr.

I hate that.

Funny that...

I think maybe when I get these peppers in quantity, I'm going to ruin the market and give the danged seeds away. Grrrr.

I hate that.


I'll take you up on that. The wife and I would plant a few , and a friend who's had horticulture cousres in college. ;)