Dorset Naga?

Your plants look "bountyful", some peppers seem to have splits in them, are you overwatering? I've bought "Dorsett Naga" seeds direct from the U.K. pretty cousin lives in Essex England, she's always sending me flower seeds and sort, her pepper Naga seeds that I grow are somewhat smaller pods than the usual, maybe not "Dorsett" Naga's but just as hot as I'm use to.....
does overwatering cause splits like that? we recently had record heat and the plants wilted a little once or twice for a short amount of time... i thought i started noticing it right around then.
I say we cut a Naga in half and rub it on his balls!!!
maybe that's a just punishment :hell:
he had over 1000 sales of naga seeds at minimum $3 each... so he made a little pocket change all in all.
i doubt he would do this on purpose though, just doesn't seem worth the trouble for the period of years he was a seller.
bad thing with seeds is by the time you grow them out and see what you really got, its months later. in my case, its been 2 years since i received them.

anyone want some hab clones? :D
does overwatering cause splits like that? we recently had record heat and the plants wilted a little once or twice for a short amount of time... i thought i started noticing it right around then.

Fine "cracks or splits" on the skin and also "russeting" usually occurs when the relative humitity rises above 85%. Splitting is also a result of high root pressures when night air temperatures are cool and root temperatures are high. A rule of thumb that I always follow is not to water too late in the day, that goes for all my plants veg and flowers, lawn...etc.
If you want Dorset Naga seeds my parents are coming to the states for Christmas and they picked up a whole bunch of seeds for me straight from Dorset.
If you want Dorset Naga seeds my parents are coming to the states for Christmas and they picked up a whole bunch of seeds for me straight from Dorset.
hey thanks. lots of great folks here, someone has already given me some... just waiting to receive them.

Fine "cracks or splits" on the skin and also "russeting" usually occurs when the relative humitity rises above 85%. Splitting is also a result of high root pressures when night air temperatures are cool and root temperatures are high. A rule of thumb that I always follow is not to water too late in the day, that goes for all my plants veg and flowers, lawn...etc.i
ahh. this grow experienced a good bit of all of that! thanks for the info.
the plants are now sprouting lots of new buds so its time for another round i suppose. today is probably our last dance with 95 degree weather. things should be a little less stressed
here's the last pic before most everything is harvested, most have a little splitting.
I was just kind of wondering about what IS considered explicit language too! Not to challenge Omri at all, I just really want to know what is o.k. and not o.k. To me, balls wasn't bad, but I'm a heathen! I've seen much worse on here too, but don't think I ever saw a comment where it offended anyone! Explicit language is part of my everyday talk (and type) but like I said, I'm a heathen! I definately don't want to offend anyone that I'm not trying to offend! Now Nova for example, If I want to talk s#!t to him, I'll just send him a personal message, cause I know he can handle it, but others may get pissy when I call him a f#$*&n k#$t! And that wouldn't be appropriate for everyone to read anyway. Because in Aussie slang, what I just called him isn't bad, it's actually more of a show of endearment, but if an American read that, they would be confused wondering why I called a guy (male)a k#$t. Hope this isn't taken the wrong way! I'm trying to be funny too, but it's hard on this damn computer!
I get what ya mean bone head. You can pretty much call me what you want as i couldn't give a rats rectum. Those who know me know that, i even call myself Fathead :D
Ya just gotta be careful that you don't offend the general populace in here. What i have found is that if you wouldn't use a particular word in church then it's probably best not to use it in here. I could start a thread and list all the words that should not be used if the boss wants me to. About the word balls it wasn't and isn't the actual word rather the context it was used in. Same as the word gay, said in the wrong context it could offend someone.

That's just how it is here on THP. There are other forums that glady tolerate the use of objectionable language but what the boss says goes, his forum so he gets to set the "mood".
The building that shakes when you walk past it, to be sure that it is a church though talk a walk inside, if the roof does not collapse you have entered the wrong building!

Just for the record though i think the word "church" means a gathering of worshippers.
The building that shakes when you walk past it, to be sure that it is a church though talk a walk inside, if the roof does not collapse you have entered the wrong building!

Just for the record though i think the word "church" means a gathering of worshippers.
Just to let you know we have specially reinforced roofs, lightning rods and fire extinguishers for such events. :)