Douglah Cappy 2010

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I could go ahead and plant out but will wait till April 15th just in case, no reason to rush plant out.

I know the feeling. It has been in the mid 80's the last few days and low to mid 50's at night here in the upstate. Makes me want to go ahead and set them out, but I know better. There is still a slight chance of frost for the next couple of weeks. I believe it was 2 years ago we had a nasty freeze down in the teens on something like the 12th. Better to be safe than sorry, right. No way I can move 100 5 gal pots inside if I take the chance and it doesn't work. Well, I probably could but I think I would have to find somewhere else to sleep for a while.;)

Plants look great and can't wait to see how the plants progess through the season.
Totally, just moving that many pots is a lotta work! I know it will pay off for ya though! Later this summer, you'll be movin around 5 gallon buckets of pods instead. Lookin' good :cool:
Those are looking great PRF!!! My BB Douglahs are starting to look good too, they just took their sweet time doing it. LOL Are you planting them all in the ground or some into containers too?
You won't believe this but this first thing this morning I wake up and go check on my plants and my neighbor is two feet away on his side of the fence spraying weed killer and I about lost it on him. He has seen my pepper gardens before and I just wanted to jack him up for being so stupid. I immediately put the hose on the finest mist spray and soaked all the leaves. All I can do is pray nothing traveled in the wind thru the fence, you plan for everything then this. He says he'll replace them if anything happens but he just doesn't get it!?! Just ranting and thanks for all the nice comments.
I hope they are OK. There is a lot of work that goes into getting them ready to go outside, I would hate to see all that go to waste. Unless it is roundup, most of the week killers need to be on the leaves for a while to do the job. I think for Weed-b-gone it is at least an hour, so hopefully if any got on there, you were able to wash it off before it had a chance to soak into the leaves.

Oh and ask him how he can replace the hundred or so Douglah you have going or the Chocolate Scorpions seeing as how they can not be bought anywhere. Not like you can go to the local Feed and Seed and pick them up. I had the same happen to me about 3 years ago. Difference is I didn't know until they were started to show the symptoms. Luckily it only stunted 3 tomato plants. They eventually came around and put on more growth, but it took a long time.

Good thing you hosed them off. Most weed killers need to be applied a couple of hours before a rain so the plants can soak up the herbicide before the rain has a chance to wash it off. Hopefully they will be OK. Keep us posted.
Yeah, I'll buy you a couple of new ones. Tell your neighbor the pepper won't cost that much to replace but the time and labor you spent bringing them to life is going to cost him big. Dumb shit.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
You won't believe this but this first thing this morning I wake up and go check on my plants and my neighbor is two feet away on his side of the fence spraying weed killer and I about lost it on him.

Makes ya want to shove a couple pieces of one of the superhots in his mouth and hold his mouth closed while sitting on him so he can't do anything to try and mitigate the pain!
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
You won't believe this but this first thing this morning I wake up and go check on my plants and my neighbor is two feet away on his side of the fence spraying weed killer and I about lost it on him. He has seen my pepper gardens before and I just wanted to jack him up for being so stupid. I immediately put the hose on the finest mist spray and soaked all the leaves. All I can do is pray nothing traveled in the wind thru the fence, you plan for everything then this. He says he'll replace them if anything happens but he just doesn't get it!?! Just ranting and thanks for all the nice comments.

Dayuum!! You have much larger ratz in your neck of the woods. :shocked:
Well it has been 48 hours since the weed killer and no ill effects on any of my plants. Everything looks perky and no spots what so ever and the hardening off process is going smoothly. Turned off the halide this morning for the first time since early February, I really didn't see a jump in electricity in the 2 months that I used the light. Moved all those plants to a windowsill, and outside next week. My plants have cheated death once again. I think I'm going to need more dirt and my neighbor will eat a 7 Pod if he tries any of his tricks again.
Just got home with 8 x 3 cu. ft bales of Cotton Burr Compost to mix in to my containers this year. I was recommended this over cow and chicken or mushroom because it will let the pots drain better and it chuck full of nutrients. So excited to see how this works in my pots this year, still another 10 days to plants out. Plants in the dog kennel are doing great, I really think I nailed it this year and did not burn any leaves so far. They get sun for about an hour in the morning and for another couple in the afternoon. Everything loooking up and up on Pepper Ridge Farm!
Good to hear they survived the dumb neighbor test Cappy. My Billyboy Douglahs are really starting to come on now, thanks for encouraging me to not give up on them! :D :D :D
phew! Glad you dodged that bullet PRF! That woulda be a kick in the nutz and teeth if your babies got worked from your neighbors spray.
Good to hear all is good PRF, sometime's i wish my neighbor's would just move, always something with the dam dog.DO you have a set schedule for watering??
No set schedule for watering other than using the hose when they look dry. Everything is ready for plant out just not rushing the hardening off process, maybe this weekend. The tarp over the dog kennel ended up being an ingenious gardening idea and cheap. Plants have greened up nicely and growing again so maybe wait another week.:cool:

