Douglah vs 7pod Brown

Many chili heads mistakably address the Trinidad Douglah as Trinidad 7pod brown or chocolate that’s wrong they are two different varieties ….
Trinidad Douglah is smaller in size thinner skin more bumpy rough skin and absolutely hotter while the Trinidad 7pod brown bigger in pod size skin more smooth glossy and if you notice the cut pods inside the Douglah brown reddish color , while the Trinidad 7pod brown is more yellowish
I have noticed many growers say Trinidad Douglah or brown 7 pod that’s including some commercial growers they introduced the brown 7pod as the Douglah

in this pic ...Douglah top , 7pod down


Douglah on left


Douglah reddish inside 7pod yellowish


close up cut brown 7pod


close up cut Douglah

thank you for sharing this great information. The pictures do wonders to show what you are pointing out.
I like the use of the name Douglah to identify a particular brown 7 pod cross. Much better than just calling it a black, brown or chocolate 7pod which always leads to confusion since there are(or will be) many different brown 7 pod crosses out there
OK got me confused. Pepperlover calls them two different varieties and POTAWIE says the Douglah is a specific 7 Pod cross. Is this kosher?

My Brown 7 Pods aren't perfectly smooth, they have some wrinkles but not as bad as the Douglah's I'm growing. As far as size the 7 browns are all pretty uniform and the Douglah sizes vary.
They are two different varieties, but both are 7-pod crosses. The name douglah has to do with an inter-racial marriage(Black X white)

I've been growing the douglahs for several years now and I really find that the pimply rough skin happens much more during hot weather or in my hot greenhouse
I have a seed pack from SR in Trinidad labeled as Brown 7 Pod "Douglah" and this is where I got my SR strain. I used to call it a Brown 7 Pod because it looked different that the other Douglah I was growing. The Douglah is reddish on the inside compared to the Brown with a different colored placenta and thinner skin. I am guilty of just calling my brown 7 pods Douglahs even though I agree there's a real difference in these two pods. Finding the perfect Douglah seed plant is very difficult...still looking. :banghead:
OK got me confused. Pepperlover calls them two different varieties and POTAWIE says the Douglah is a specific 7 Pod cross. Is this kosher?

My Brown 7 Pods aren't perfectly smooth, they have some wrinkles but not as bad as the Douglah's I'm growing. As far as size the 7 browns are all pretty uniform and the Douglah sizes vary.

the only way i can tell you what u growing is by pics but as u can see brown 7pod is not the trinidad douglah that will be like saying trinidad scoprion is same as red 7pod .... it cant happen ... how u know what u growing .... going back to the seeds origin and the variety characteristics in adition to your own experience from growing and documenting all the results ..... going back to the word cross no one can tell you its cross till they provide the crossing varieties and when it might happend in which generation till we know what the Douglah was or the tow varieties made it .. i will keep it as different variety than the 7pods....most trinidad 7pods share same plant and pod characteristics thats one reason they are called 7 pods . i hope i was able to help solve your confusion .. patrik.... what my main point was we cant say Douglah or brown 7pod for example and i hate to use pepper friends as example our master Neil and iam no where to be criticising his knowledge in one of his videos and on his website he used douglah or Brown 7 pod ..... we cant do that even if the douglah was a form of a brown 7pod accuracy you should piont out what the variety is

here his amazing video.....look here

on his website his website
I have a seed pack from SR in Trinidad labeled as Brown 7 Pod "Douglah" and this is where I got my SR strain. I used to call it a Brown 7 Pod because it looked different that the other Douglah I was growing. The Douglah is reddish on the inside compared to the Brown with a different colored placenta and thinner skin. I am guilty of just calling my brown 7 pods Douglahs even though I agree there's a real difference in these two pods. Finding the perfect Douglah seed plant is still very difficult...still looking. :banghead:
hey bro if you think you made mistake this is normal i have done it befor and was happy to be corrected by other chiliheads dont forget we are way ahead of time interms of knowledge, experience ,and pepper loving growing and using than the rest of the world, so its our job to provide the right pure well named, selected and charactarized varieties for others who are not deep in the pepper feild now cappy to have to seprate them and relable them dont mix seeds any more.... now as far as the douglah it doesnot produce as many pods as the brown 7pod does, and way less seeds in the pod beside what i mentioned early....
It makes you wonder where these fall into the picture. :) They certainly aren't Douglahs as I have several plants that have Judy's characteristics. Douglahs don't produce bonnet-shaped pods. They are very pimply if the right strain. They are not Brown 7 Pod as I'm growing PRF's strain and those resemble Judy's pictures, but they are smaller than I hoped. I think there are endless spinoffs in Trinidad and naming is impossible. it's like cool pod #1, cool pod #2, coolest pod ever, etc. :) I still love growing them all.


I am growing those T. Scorpion Brown from megamaster71 and mine look just like those Chris don't know why you wanted seed. I still have yet to taste test a Brown Scorpion and compare it against the Douglah or Brown 7 Pod. Have a few scorpion set aside and will have to decide which strain I'm sticking with as can't grow them all very confusing sometimes, I only need one good chocolate pepper. Cool brown pod #88 pics Chris. :hell:
I asked PRF because I didn't realize I had a live plant of this variety until this week!! They were buried in a raised bed. Ironically, the seed direct from Sara did not produce pods like these even though labeled as such. Well, you got some awesome Goat Pepper seeds so it all worked out. :)

I am growing those T. Scorpion Brown from megamaster71 and mine look just like those Chris don't know why you wanted seed. I still have yet to taste test a Brown Scorpion and compare it against the Douglah or Brown 7 Pod. Have a few scorpion set aside and will have to decide which strain I'm sticking with as can't grow them all very confusing sometimes, I only need one good chocolate pepper. Cool brown pod #88 pics Chris. :hell:

one word cappy Douglah best brown ever