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Yes Tony - the plant is on a roll now & although my seed did not come from Trinni i know it will come good. From what I've heard though the Douglah pods are naturally low on seed count....must be all that energy used making placenta so nothing will eat it :lol:

BTW next time yr at moyboys remember to ask for a 1/2 nip of purified water ;) Do you the world of good :)
bentalphanerd said:
Yes Tony - the plant is on a roll now & although my seed did not come from Trinni i know it will come good. From what I've heard though the Douglah pods are naturally low on seed count....must be all that energy used making placenta so nothing will eat it :lol:

BTW next time yr at moyboys remember to ask for a 1/2 nip of purified water ;) Do you the world of good :)
Not that low on seeds, but pretty lame. I mean, I have had crosses with dozens and dozens of seeds in each pod, but those got like 10+ seeds only.
These are going to make great sauce :D I think the vege garden has to go...I want lots of these :lol:

Next season on the nerd farm will will be majority of Nagas, 7-pot, Orange habs & Douglahs
most excellent Bent....
I would like to officially put my name on the list of douglah seed recipients please :P Those things look awesome and deadly in equal proportions. Also kinda like evil Mr Hanky in a way.
What is the history surrounding these Chillis?

I take it they are based off the 7 Pot for obvious reasons, but what would they have been crossed with? Or would it have been a stand-alone genetic mutation?

They are definately one of the most interesting chillis I have seen, and I would love to get my hand on one of these. Keep up the good work mate :D
Freaking out now - yesterday one of the large green pods came off...no big deal I thought...

...Today there are 5 full size pods on the ground, 2 were almost ripe :shocked: One of them felt soggy, the rest are firm. We have been having a heat wave but the plant hasn't been suffering, had a light shower of rain last night but no high winds.

Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated
My Bhuts did that. I have pulled off several soft squishy pods that went a bit funny.

No fruit fly in them, they just went rotton for no reason.

It happens after really hot (in the 40's) weather. Pulled 3 off thismorning.

I have to say........ these super super hot plants are tricky

any kind of "cutter" insects?
tony05 said:
My Bhuts did that. I have pulled off several soft squishy pods that went a bit funny.

No fruit fly in them, they just went rotton for no reason.

It happens after really hot (in the 40's) weather. Pulled 3 off thismorning.

I have to say........ these super super hot plants are tricky


How are you watering, as in, how much and how often? I see mild blossom end rot in mid-summer sometimes in very hot weather after several days of evening thunderstorms. I see some fruit drop, too, but I'm never sure if it was the wind and hard rain of the thunderstorms or that the plants are dropping fruit because they're unhappy.

And yeah, I agree, the superhots can be fussy.
I've had alot of pod drop, I think Pams onto it in Our situation. Too much humidity and rain at point of ripeness can make em go that soft snotty ness, but I found it wasn't as bad in Plants with very quick draining sandy soil.
yeah have has a lot of stinking hot days and late storms. I opened them up to look for bugs but none could be found. they did have excess moisture inside them though.

ive been leaving watering till the start to wilt and then giving them a drink and seems to have helped.

I agree also..just that all the rain has been missing me. Just one night we had 1/2 hour of light drizzle, not enough to wet the ground. And only one of 6 dropped pods has been soggy - the rest were all firm.

humidity has been up around 80 - 90% most nights with all the storms about but no rain has hit.

it must have something to do with the high nighttime humidity - some of my Nagas have gone the same way today.
strange how some pods are affected & others on same plant aren't - also the Orange Habs have shown no sign of any problem.

Getting some decent light rain this morning so that should clear the slate - salvaged some seed from the lost Douglahs, will try to sprout even though the pods weren't fully ripe.

the biggest & ugliest douglah pod is only days away from picking....fingers crossed
No problems with the orange habs............ im not suprised mate

You could water them with agent orange and petrol and they would just grow bigger.