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Dr Pepper sauce

I posted a nice recipe for some AWESOME dr pepper soda based sauce. Would be cool if you guys could try it and tell me what you guys think. :mouthonfire:
Riiight, doctors woudl go against a multi-billion-dollar industry..that'll happen.
Most docs are bought an paid for by Big Pharma anyways.

If you don't ever get sick, how can they sell ya drugs, eh?
ExtremeBurn said:
Do you really care?
Not really since I don't do drugs, I exercise daily, I eat right, It's my only one bad habit I have besides getting 12 bk burger shots a month.

Pepperfreak said:
I've had Docs tell me to quite drinking Mt.Dew. They always want to try and ruin everything that is good.
Bah they said the same thing to my step dad and he went diet pop.
PhatManDerek said:
Eh? what does that mean?

I'm the Dr pepper king around here Jay man.

I know, I was pointing out that this thread was particularly those quotes were our first look at you and this Dr Pepper obsession. For the record I made ribs with a Dr Pepper marinade a few years ago and it was awesome. And yes, my friends made fun of me too.
JayT said:
I know, I was pointing out that this thread was particularly those quotes were our first look at you and this Dr Pepper obsession. For the record I made ribs with a Dr Pepper marinade a few years ago and it was awesome. And yes, my friends made fun of me too.
You know when your freinds laugh at you, You've done it right :)
byebye said:
Well...it comes in Irn Bru flavour. The only thing I have heard is that it taste like bubblegum.

Anyhoo, I had a wee experiment with it and...well...it didn't taste good. I didn't really follow the recipe accurately so it may have been more me than the Bru though.

The only thing Irn Bru should be mixed with is a wee dram of scotch:drunk:
SeeYouJimmy said:
The only thing Irn Bru should be mixed with is a wee dram of scotch:drunk:

I don't really think Scotch should be mixed with this:


The poor 'lil Scotch would be all confused... ;)

1-1/2 to 2-1/2 cups Dr. Pepper (not diet)
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup ketchup
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup dry minced onion
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper (may substitute 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco)

Blend soda, oil, lemon juice, ketchup, garlic powder, onion, salt, pepper, red pepper, and basil together on stir speed of blender for 2 minutes.

Store in tightly sealed container and refrigerate. Shake well before using. Will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Yield: 3 cups