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Dr. Scoville Glog 2025

Hi all,

To start this Glog first this years list. 15 plant i try to overwinter yet half of them are more likely dying than thriving. anyway on newyears day i will start sowing the chinense. next to come in febuary. Have a good one and may 2025 be the year all aphids kill themselfs before the try to eat your chiliplants:fireball:

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overwintered plants are suffering. had to discard 8 of 15. the rest is on life-support but last rites have been read. Afids and fucking soil fly i cant seem to get rid of have don lots of damage.

Newborn Chinense are dooing fine.
Reaper, death spiral and improved naga have sproted and are on there way. Yesterday sown bahamian goat and choc hab. that will be all the Chinese. 1 of feb. the rest will be sown.

pics will come once there is something worth seeing.

In the mean time, have a good one.


overwintering 5 out of 15 still alive. But the afids are gone.


The nursery has a heat coil topped with shell sand. I keep te soil at 29C. for germination. For now the Chinense sprout in 5 to 7 days


after germination the seedlings get moved to the next box which a bit cooler at 22C. Once the sun hits this room in February i lift the domes. I got a fan ready to go but the room is steady at 17C so i don't want to blow cold air over the seedlings.

update on the schedule: still have to count seedlings for germination %

That is for now. Have a good one.


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second sow:

Greek Pepperoni
Hugarian Black
Jalapeno Potato
Chinensischer Rinzenhaut
Baumchili Orange
Joe's long Cayenne
Basket of fire
Aji Picante de Guana
Aji Cereo
Brazillian Starfish
Aji Pineapple


Chinense seedlings struggeling a bit. had to resow the Death Spiral and Dorset Naga.
anyone got a clue why seedlings sprout white and stay white? See bottom right Bahamian Goat. Same seed as bottom second from left.
The are unther a growlight on the lowest setting. The others seem to do oke, so i don't think its the lighting.


I'm down to 4 out of 15 overwintering. Had tot spray once against aphids. They came back and i would not risk the battle again because the plants are not that strong anymore due to last attack of the phids.

Next week i will be sowing the last 12 varieties tot come up tot 37 individual plants this year.

That's it for now. Have another good one.

Yesterday the last variaties were sown.

Hot Deamon
Aji Strawberry
Sugerrush Stripey
Ecuadorian pepper for Hel
Large Rocoto Red
Rocoto de Seda
Rocoto San Isidro
Culmari Pollux
Umbatuba Cambuci
Aji Manog
Peruviano Aracio


The second sow has almost completely germinated


The First sow separated and move to a larger container


Turned the grow light up a notch.
I'm hoping to take 35 plants outside in may. Now it's time to start ordering pots and soil and planning the transfer.

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Continued separating seedlings into larger container. The first sow is no longer being heated and will continue to grow in around 18 degrees Celsius. This will be closer to their environment once the transfer outside in the spring.

The second sow is still being separated. I keep these at around 22 degrees Celsius.

These i will transfer i think next week of the week after.

This morning sown the last 2 varieties Padron and Cereo. Cereo did'nt sprout. Found a soil worm munching on the seed. Discarded and resown.

Keeping de soil at 29 degrees Celsius seems to work like a charm. Germination rates are around 100% for all varieties and they sprout in about 7 days. Just the Aji Cereo give me troubles at this point. By March i hope to have around 100 plants going. Then reduce to 30 to transfer outside.

Until the next one!

I've been potting seedlings. i would like to turn op the light but i'm not sure if all the plants can take this. so will wait until all seedslings are in their own pot. Than i can move them around to fit their light recruitment.


first and second sow are now separated and doing fine.


the third sow awaits separation next weekend

im thinking of a second transfer into a 2 liter container maybe next month. these i recon will be to small to take them well into April. I'm hoping a high 2 liter container will result in a deeper set of roots.

any tip from you guys when you see my plans take form?
'till the next one.

almost all varieties planted in individual containers. Still to go a dozen padron chilies and the slow to germinate Aji Cereo and Cumari Pollux. Next weekend i should settle on 84 plants. All seedlings seem to do fine hand dont show any stress by re-potting. I watch them like a hawk and kill any afid that turns up. I find one everey couple of days.

Yesterday orders 2l pots for the second transfer. I think t will be around 21 of march to transfer. Afther that i plan to do the final transfer outside around 26 of April.

Than i will have to fill:
15 - 25 liter pots
10 - 15 liter pots
7 - 7 liter pots
some extra small ornamental giveaway's.

the weather is starting to pick up so I'm getting more and more exited as the day's go by.

That's it for now.

Until the next one. Cheers.

Today i transferred the first of the children to a bigger home. The others will follow in the next 3 weeks.
This year im trying 2liter slender pots to see if i can get the roots to go deeper in stead of wider.

last week i started fertilizing with tomato fertilizer diluted to half the minimum dilution. once these are established i think i can bump to the minimum dilution. once their outside it's time to turbocharge.

see you all next time.
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