• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't sprouted anything yet, but am so excited about the upcoming season that I wanted to start a thread. I'm going to sprout close to 20 seeds sometime before the end of the month.
These pods survived the hurricane and the nor’easter. They were just as hot as their siblings that matured during the warm weather:


I don’t normally pick immature green pods, but I’m not 100% confident that these would have ripened with the worsening weather on the way. I left an equal number of pods on the vine, giving them a chance to mature:

From last week:

These are the hearty plants that survived Hurricane Sandy and the nor’easter.

I have to report that the 2012 growing season is over me. The Chile Peppers lasted longer than all of the other crops, producing pods months after the Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Eggplant, and assorted other vegetables and herbs died off. The weather has taken its toll. There are no more pods or flowers.

This marks the end of my fifth growing season. I am getting better as every year I get more pods. This year also produced a bumper crop of Tomatoes.

My plan is to produce more pods next season.

The Chile Pepper community is awesome!. I've met a lot of great people.