• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't sprouted anything yet, but am so excited about the upcoming season that I wanted to start a thread. I'm going to sprout close to 20 seeds sometime before the end of the month.
Getting Darker:

From 3:45 P.M.


The last 2 pics, before I deseeded and ate them. The one cut open was the bigger hotter one.

They grew true from last years pods, as the smaller one had F1 characteristics, with around 25,000 scovilles, and the larger was hotter, around 50,000 scovilles. Both were sweet and delicious!


I'm looking at the pic and one of the things I thought was edamame looks to have a stem. I need to tell my mom to stop picking green peppers!
Here is a pic from Today's Harvest:

The red peppers are superchile's. The Yellow ones are Aji Russian Yellows. They are next to a Black Beauty Eggplant:


Here is another Black Beauty Eggplant, some Tomatoes, a Cucumber and 2 types of Superchile's:


This is an Orange Bell Pepper:


These are 2 plants:



Here are some Tomato Plants:

Your plants and your glog are both growin' fast, Dragon!
Those harvests are signs of things to come!

Thanks for the support. I am hoping for good weather going into the fall. Depending on the weather, my season can be as long as another 2 and a half months, or it can be over in 4 to 6 weeks.

I am learning a lot about what my garden can produce: Unless I move, I am never going to attempt to grown any C Chinense, as I have had 0% success with them. Short season C Baccarums do well. The C annums do very well!