• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2013 Grow Log

2013 Chile Pepper Grow Log:

My normal season begins in the middle of March, as I sprout 2 months before planting out in the garden. I’m dying to grow a superhot, but I have had 0% success in growing Capsicum chinense outside. A number of other factors prevent me from growing superhots in the garden.

I’ve decided on a small indoor only grow. A co-worker beekeeper jokingly offered to bring some bees into my apartment to pollinate, but I declined. If this works, I’ll have to expand my gardening skill set and figure out how to hand pollinate. I’ll also have to upgrade my lighting, as I’ve been told that my 54 watt T-3 florescent, while good enough to start seedlings, is not strong enough to get the plants to produce fruit.

Here we go. I’ve decided to sprout a Red Moruga Scorpion:


This one I just shipped off to a THP member.  The last one I had was perfect - Intensely sweet, with a complex, fruity, yellow pepper flavor, (part of the exquisite flavor is hard to describe) reminding me of the Bode Amarela, BUT, unlike the Bode, this was damn hot - like >1,000,000 SHU hot. 
I was going to grind these into a fine powder and send them off to a lab for SHU testing, but I decided to keep them. I worked so hard to grow them - not being able to eat them just for the sake of getting a number didn't make much sense to me. I am still dying to know the SHU, but it will have to wait.


I just transplanted the son of the cross into a 5 gallon bucket.  The new soil is nice and moist, so I'm not watering right now.  As soon as it settles in, (A day or 2 - I just want to see the transplant take.  I am comfortable when I see new transplants bending towards the light.) It will be time for a good soaking and fertilizer  - I'll think it over, but right now, I'm considering a full dose of CAL-MAG Plus.  It is 38 days old now and it still hasn't gotten any fertilizer.  The bottom leaves are looking a little pale, but I not sure whether it is from a nitrogen deficiency, or just a little over-watering.
Here is is just before the transplant:

Nice, healthy root ball:

New Home:

Finally some color on the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pods:

This either stopped growing or was growing so slowly that I didn’t notice it.  Last week, I drowned it with a full dose of Cal-Mag Plus.  The growth rate has picked up a little:

