• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2013 Grow Log

2013 Chile Pepper Grow Log:

My normal season begins in the middle of March, as I sprout 2 months before planting out in the garden. I’m dying to grow a superhot, but I have had 0% success in growing Capsicum chinense outside. A number of other factors prevent me from growing superhots in the garden.

I’ve decided on a small indoor only grow. A co-worker beekeeper jokingly offered to bring some bees into my apartment to pollinate, but I declined. If this works, I’ll have to expand my gardening skill set and figure out how to hand pollinate. I’ll also have to upgrade my lighting, as I’ve been told that my 54 watt T-3 florescent, while good enough to start seedlings, is not strong enough to get the plants to produce fruit.

Here we go. I’ve decided to sprout a Red Moruga Scorpion:


Portuge and Pinoy83 - Thanks for the comments.  I had a few small pieces of the pod that I just picked with dinner.  It was damn hot and damn sweet!  Just when I hoped for!




I haven't watered this plant in three weeks, but it shows no signs of thirst and the pot is still fairly heavy, so I'm leaving it for at least another few days.

The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is back to looking like crap.  I recently added soil and flushed it with 2 gallons of water.

The Aji Cereza X Bode Amarella cross is looking great!  Time for more buds.

I haven't watered the middle plant in 25 days, but it is still growing and I don't see signs of thirst.

I'm not going to bother to grind them.  I'll just have some tiny pieces with meals.  I already saved seeds before drying.  They may not grow true as this Trinidad Moruga Scorpion sits right next to my Aji Cereza X Bode Amarela cross.  I don't care. In fact, I welcome a cross.  I'm curious as to what it would produce.
I finally watered this after 28 days.  The bucket was still very heavy, but 2 of the bottom leaves got droopy and fell off.  This is usually a sign of thirst.  I flushed it with 2 gallons of water - no fertilizer.
Sorry i missed out on this grow - looks like you
had a good season; your patience paid off!
PaulG said:
Sorry i missed out on this grow - looks like you
had a good season; your patience paid off!
I can see from your "likes" that you just went through my grog.  It looks like you didn't miss it, you just caught it late.  The outdoor season was OK, not great, but I can't complain about my first ever indoor season.  It's been a lot of fun and the plants are continuing to produce! 
Only had time to go through the first third or so,
but the progress over those pages was great. I'll
try to get back to see the rest after the holidays!
I pulled a number of developing buds off my youngest plant - it is too little to support pods - I need at least another month of vegetative growth first.
It is now 2014.  I'm not sure about Grow Log date etiquette, but I feel appropriate to keep adding pictures of plants that I started in 2013 to my 2013 Grow Log.  This Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pod seemingly appeared out of nowhere: