• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2015 Grow Log

I did start my Pepper plants in 2014, but in honor of the New Year, it is time for a new album.  To start off the 2015 Chile Pepper grow log, I bring you the first Brazilian Ghost pod of the season.  This is not a great picture, as it is hard to focus on something small in the middle of the canopy.

Yes - but since this is a Pepper forum, I haven't posted any pics.  I'm growing 2 Pink Brandywine Tomatoes from seed and will be buying some more from a local nursery in may.
Chocolate Bhut:





Chocolate Bhut on the left.  The rest are superchiles:
Some of the Superchile's have already started to flower and I haven't fertilized yet. I think I'm finally realizing that Chile's don't need a lot of fertilizer!






Sowing Chile Pepper seeds in potting soil has a bad reputation, but I've had 100% germination, (17 for 17) for this portion of the 2015 indoor grow.
This is my first ever successful rooted Chile Pepper cutting. The problem is that I didn't label it. I used some other identification method that didn't work out too well. We'll have to wait for a pod to see what it is.

dragon49 said:
This is my first ever successful rooted Chile Pepper cutting. The problem is that I didn't label it. I used some other identification method that didn't work out too well. We'll have to wait for a pod to see what it is.

Awesome! Did you already describe the way you followed to obtain it?

grispa72 said:
Awesome! Did you already describe the way you followed to obtain it?

I haven't described it yet.
This was a very simple procedure:
I took a kitchen knife, cut off a branch and immersed the bottom in a plastic Evian water bottle, filled with tap water.  I don't remember if I pulled any leaves off, but I at least left the two small ones that you see in the picture.  I placed the bottle on the floor of my grow room where it is very bright for 17 hours a day, but it wasn't directly under any lights.  
I didn't use any rooting hormone gels or powders, or add anything to the water.  Some of the water got changed a few times, but only when I accidentally knocked the bottle over —it mostly just sat there.  
As I earlier stated, I've never had any success with this method before, but I think I just didn't wait long enough.  I don't remember the exact date that I took the cutting, but it was at least 2 months ago.  When I root house plant cuttings, it never takes more than 2-3 weeks, which is why I was giving up so quickly in the past.  I have another cutting starting to grow roots at the bottom, but I'm leaving it in water for a while longer as the roots are very tiny—I want them to develop more before I transplant it into soil.