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Dragons Blood

I have been thinking about making a nice sweet and fiery dessert sauce for some time now. This is the first batch that I have actually made though and so I present:


The Players include Fresh Plums, Raspberry puree, Habanero and Serrano peppers, Dark Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Infused Balsamic Vinegar (really decident stuff on it's own.

Plums ready to be puree'd

Habaneros and Serranos ready to be added:

Plum Puree ready for pepper infusion

Blend, Baby Blend

Now just need to print out the labels

Now, where's that Vanilla Ice Cream?
The irony of fire and ice is great. I use my TW for that, but it is almost too wicked to coat the ice cream.

Dragon's Blood will lightly coat the ice cream but I think the best part is at the bottom of the bowl after you've eaten it. The kind of melted ice cream and sauce milk shake left over.