Dragons harvest stealing pics

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Jeez.I'm starting to feel sorry for him now.

That last letter to Potawie really made me feel sorry for him.
I'm starting to tear up....

Just think how long it took him to google pics and copy them for his seed site.

All you had to do is find a few seeds,grow them out to maturity and take some measly pics and post them...

All he wants to do is profit from a few peoples hard work.

What's wrong with that?

Cracks me up,the guy that says you shouldn't value your pics is pissed because he needs them.
Thus giving them value that he claims they don't have in the first place.
They aren't supposed to be of value to anyone but him because he wants them I guess.

All you asked for,as far as I can see is credit for your pics.
What is so hard about that?
I'd think it would be easier than having to shut down all his internet stuff which seems to have happened.

He cut off his nose to spite his face.

I hope some people kept his phone # and E mail address etc.
I'd hate to read that he is missing out on a lot of spam or not getting signed up for all kinds of good stuff on the net too. :)
Hmmm time to complete some online surveys!
Hello all. It is Dragons harvest. Could not even keep up with demand last year! I have 75,000 little guys growing and almost ready to go. I buy and sell seeds here all the time. Who am I? lol. You people think violence and hunting people down to inflict physical harm is a valid response to internet trolling/taking shit. Wow, what a sad breed of immature people that resort to "school yard" fights and threats as a solution to there problems.

So stabbing people in the face for trolling/talking shit is ok?

Posting on my YouTube channel that you have my personal info and want people to "pay me a visit" is ok?

I guess this is a dog eat dog world we live in, you have adapted by becoming sadistic and vengeful. I do not lock my door nor do I have protection or a dog. I do not hide my address or places I frequent. If you are going to come harm me It would be ever so easy.

Have fun being you :)

To be honest I have not read most of the posting here. I did read the above and... What? What? You are going to sign up for online [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]surveys[/background] to get spam to my email? That has to be the weakest troll EVER!!!! Dude. for real. You can do better than that! Go to craigslist computer gigs and find a hacker. They will offer "real" trolls and hacks.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPAM!!!! such a cruel world!!!!! :)
this is all crazy to me? i figure if i ever need some pics of something i could just ask and probbally a dozen of yall would let me use a pic? dont understand why people steal them ?
Wow, that's some attitude you got on you lad!
I'll stick to vendors who don't behave like a sex starved 15 year old and spout anti semitic venom..
Would have been a little bit better had you come here and apologized first, but...

Gonna lock this too. Cornish, feel free to start a thread documenting your grow but if the attitude persists then its bye bye.
I think you guys are ok with sharing the pictures and just want a little credit for it right? in that case that guy sounds like a real asshole.

Assholes do happen, its impossible to avoid
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