• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Drunken Bee's 2024

Decided to drop a few seeds in december for next year so decided to start a '24 Glog early.

I'm very lucky in that in addition to a small domestic greenhouse at our house I also have access to a significant space in a commercial greenhouse (our little island used to be the UK's leading tomato supplier but the industry collapsed in the face of cheaper imports from warmer climes so there are a lot of huge greenhouses looking for uses here). In it I grow a lot of perennial stuff that needs a mediterranean climate (or is marginal there) - bananas, figs, tamarillos, various passiflora and my peppers sit interplanted with them. With our mild climate it is possible often to overwinter capsicum of all species in ground in these big greenhouses - not always though so hope for a mild winter!

Taking these into the winter to hopefully overwinter:

Chiltepin Amarillo
jalapeno lemon spice
jalapeno maylon
jalapeno X purple tiger


Aji melocoton

Bahamian Goat
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Mustard Gum Naga Brain
Pockmark Orange

Chocolate XPS
Oculto CLEF

10 days or so I dusted off the propagator and put in some seeds of

Cardenasii USDA X Cap 500
Eximuum Cap 1530

Arequipa giant yellow
de La Selva rojo Arequipa
mini olive
Orange giant
Pico mucho
various Rocopica crosses

A couple of Rocoto and Rocopica varieties are up already.....Really excited for 2024!
Did some potting on this morning:
Loads of plants of
Aji dedo de mocha
De la selva arequipa rocoto
Mini olive rocoto
Yellow traveller rocoto
And a couple of pico mucho rocoto

I’ve got a few others up that don’t need potting on just yet:
Cap 500 x usda cardenasii
Bahamas goat f2 ex. Exumas
Cap 691
Aji charapita

Just sowed:
Aji Pacay (quite excited about this one)
Capia big
Thunder Cacho brown
Farmers market

Most excitement the past month has been tamarillo related. I made tamarillo ketchup from my standard tamarillos and have a seedling up of a guava tamarillo x hardy tamarillo f2 brew in Poland.

The ketchup: