• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Drunken Bee's 2024

Decided to drop a few seeds in december for next year so decided to start a '24 Glog early.

I'm very lucky in that in addition to a small domestic greenhouse at our house I also have access to a significant space in a commercial greenhouse (our little island used to be the UK's leading tomato supplier but the industry collapsed in the face of cheaper imports from warmer climes so there are a lot of huge greenhouses looking for uses here). In it I grow a lot of perennial stuff that needs a mediterranean climate (or is marginal there) - bananas, figs, tamarillos, various passiflora and my peppers sit interplanted with them. With our mild climate it is possible often to overwinter capsicum of all species in ground in these big greenhouses - not always though so hope for a mild winter!

Taking these into the winter to hopefully overwinter:

Chiltepin Amarillo
jalapeno lemon spice
jalapeno maylon
jalapeno X purple tiger


Aji melocoton

Bahamian Goat
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Mustard Gum Naga Brain
Pockmark Orange

Chocolate XPS
Oculto CLEF

10 days or so I dusted off the propagator and put in some seeds of

Cardenasii USDA X Cap 500
Eximuum Cap 1530

Arequipa giant yellow
de La Selva rojo Arequipa
mini olive
Orange giant
Pico mucho
various Rocopica crosses

A couple of Rocoto and Rocopica varieties are up already.....Really excited for 2024!
Chocolate CPS still looking very healthy after a long winter and oculto clef firing out new growth. Pubescens and Baccatum seem perfectly placed to do well in the climate the greenhouse provides here - hence my desire to build out my collection of them (and their wild relatives). Having big overwintered plants makes a decent harvest much easier here and leaves space to focus on the Chinense and Annums year on year too.

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Update is the season has been a pretty much unbridled disaster.
I did what I normally do which is germinate in those little compressed pellets and pot on. I think the make up of the pellets this year is very different. For whatever reason most seedlings didn’t seem to root out of those and just stagnated/failed. I’ve ended up rescuing just 8 plants and put them into quad grow hydro units. The survivors are:
Mini-olive rocoto
Rojo de la selva Arequipa rocoto
Sugar rush stripey
Rocopica red
chupetinho black peach
Pippin’s golden honey
KS Lemon Starrburst
And a tiny flexuosum which has grown nothing in 4 months.

I’m hoping I can get these to scale, get a couple of pods to preserve the strains and then look to overwinter to salvage the season.

I’m tempted to try and germinate some more flexuosum or some other rocotos or hardier wilds now and overwinter as small plants if I can lay my hands on seeds to try and get something going if I can but don’t know if people think that’s worthwhile.

At least the three year old rocotos are going ok.

Hope things turn the corner, Rocotos looking good!

Ignoring my own lack of time to get my season running properly I’m also struggling with the conditions outside so far in the UK. May was a strange month even if the averages don’t look too far out. June needs to perk up else it’s going to be a tough one for me too.
Big chocolate rocoto ferment set….

My overwintered Florida Wild Bird is getting huge (almost as big as the weeds after 10 days of weeding neglect). The passionflower behind it is a Florida seedbank accession of p. Incarnata so I like to think of this little bit as my little patch of Florida - maybe need to add some Datils next year 😂
Ludicrous amount of this made with those rocotos. Honestly wasn’t sure about them fresh from the brine very sour and garlicy (there were a couple of cloves in with them) on the front before the heat and rocoto flavour kicked back in. Made a hot sauce with ginger and lime juice which has freshened it up quite a lot and I can see myself using this plenty. Have frozen a bunch of it to use in other recipes too.
Quick update-
In the quadgrow, biquinho black peach is over head height. Really wanna overwinter this one at size, it’s gorgeous!

Meanwhile the one surviving flex is flowering

And in the big greenhouse pepper harvests continue and some stuff is happening in the overstorey……
Pea aubergine harvest went to some friends who run a CSA box scheme

Dwarf brazillian bananas incoming
Wow, DB. Congratulations on those del la selva pods - they're beasts! I tried growing that recently, but couldn't get germination from the seeds. I'm thinking now that I really missed out! :)
Went through my seedbank today and fired in the first batch for 2025. These are mostly things I tried and failed with last year, I usually hold some seed back from each packet even if just a couple. I’m not too optimistic about germinating some of this stuff given its weak performance last year but it definitely won’t germinate in the packet.

Currently soaking
Orange Giant
Pico Mucho
Yellow traveller

Some mixed flexuosum (I currently have one very healthy plant from last year producing zero pods)
Cap 500 cardenasii
Cap 1530 eximium
Purple flowered chacoense

And a big podded sweet aji “dedo de moca”

Tomorrow I’ll put in some more:
Yellow Arequipa giant
De la selva Arequipa rojo



Whilst in there I packed up some seed to share with a UK seed swap organisation - I figure it always pays to have some good seed karma in the bank 😂

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