• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Durham Bull's First Glog [2012]

Testing, testing ...

This will be my first season of growing superhots. I'd like to thank everyone here who shared the seeds with me, especially AjiJoe, Mopeppa, Wayright, Lanman, Spicegeist, Hot Stuff , AtomicCobra, RedtailForester, Chilefreak ... and all the great info on growing chiles.
I will post more photos as the season progress.





Hey Charles...

It is my favorite so far, not too hot, love the color. It's up there with the 7 yellow. I freeze a bunch to make sauce this winter.
Save a lot of seeds for a few new growers.

Thanks again
Hey Charles...

It is my favorite so far, not too hot, love the color. It's up there with the 7 yellow. I freeze a bunch to make sauce this winter.
Save a lot of seeds for a few new growers.

Thanks again

Nice, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I didn't grow it this year, but I did grow my 7 Pot Yellow x Bonda ma Jacques. You should try this in 2013 if you have space.
A cross of "7 Pot Yellow x Bonda ma Jacques"???
just the combo flavor of the two, should be very good. They are both very productive plants.
Could you PM me your address & I will send a SASBE. I want to grow a couple out.

Thanks Charles (you're a mad man with all the crosses)



@King - I didn't eat the whole thing. I had some fresh and on the grill.
A cross of "7 Pot Yellow x Bonda ma Jacques"???
just the combo flavor of the two, should be very good. They are both very productive plants.
Could you PM me your address & I will send a SASBE. I want to grow a couple out.

Thanks Charles (you're a mad man with all the crosses)



@King - I didn't eat the whole thing. I had some fresh and on the grill.

Ha, of course. I have seed from two different plants, they're all F2 seed so they'll grow out different anyway.