• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Durham Bull's First Glog [2012]

Testing, testing ...

This will be my first season of growing superhots. I'd like to thank everyone here who shared the seeds with me, especially AjiJoe, Mopeppa, Wayright, Lanman, Spicegeist, Hot Stuff , AtomicCobra, RedtailForester, Chilefreak ... and all the great info on growing chiles.
I will post more photos as the season progress.





Beautiful. She looks almost identical to my daughter. When she was born. I don't know why I gave birth to little Caucasian babies. Aaahahahhaaaaaaa. She is a beaut
Congrats man. Listen to Darius ruckers song. It won't be like this for long. It's my fave song. Enjoy every moment of it. Definately a life changer. Don't worry about your other babies. I'm sure you grew them well and are well off.


Congrats man. Listen to Darius ruckers song. It won't be like this for long. It's my fave song. Enjoy every moment of it. Definately a life changer. Don't worry about your other babies. I'm sure you grew them well and are well off.

Photo Update:

Yellow Jamaican SB

IMG_7557 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

TS Yellow

IMG_7559 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Scarlet Lantern

IMG_7554 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Naga Morich

IMG_7550 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Carbon ... very tasty

IMG_7531 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

TSMB (confirmed by ID Sub-forum) & it's very HOT HOT HOT

IMG_7530 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

TS Chocolate

IMG_7490 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

5 Colour

IMG_7494 by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Amanda is doing very well. Gaining weight & personality everyday
Papa's still trying to understand the feedings every 3 hours routine, even at night!!!

@King - That's a great song. It definitely a new perspective on life when you become a father.
love the Jamaican SB, especially the color

@Sanarda - She's 1/2 Vietnamese - 1/4 Lithuanian - 1/4 Italian = One Mutt
Congrats with Amanda Sy :woohoo: you ready for the sleepless nights?
some very nice pods, whats the difference between a TS Yellow and yellow 7 pod? They look the same
Congrats with Amanda Sy :woohoo: you ready for the sleepless nights?
some very nice pods, whats the difference between a TS Yellow and yellow 7 pod? They look the same

Thanks Lando,

Amanda's a keeper. She's doing really well at night. She does need feeding every 3 hours, so we do lose some sleep, but it's a routine now.

It's has been wet here in North Caroline for the last week or so.The plants are doing really well without me watering.
I can't tell the different with 7 Pot yellow & TS Yellow in appearance... and the 7 Pot is more fruity in taste.
I'm saving them up for some pineapple, mango yellow sauce.
Wow... have not update this glog in a while. (a 7 week old kid can take so much of your time)

The season's coming to its conclusion. Lots of pods are ripening. I was a little skeptical if the pods would ripe before the cold weather since I started a little late ...
Here are some more photos:

a small harvest

a Small Harvest by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Jamaican Mushroom

Jamaican Mushroom by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

TS Morouga

TS Morouga by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

7 Pot Yellow

7 Pot Yellow by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

7 Pot Red

7 Pot Red by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Butch T

Butch T by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr

Butch T

Butch T by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr


7 Pot Jonah by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr


Brain Strain by Sy.V.Bui, on Flickr