After discovering volunteer baccatums in a few beds at work, it's pretty clear to me, now, that baccatums are probably hands-down one of the best and easiest peppers to grow outdoors, in ground, in the Vancouver BC area, and places with similar climates (Seattle, parts of England, Tasmania, etc.)
In your experience, what is the absolute earliest baccatums to rippen from the time of transplanting? Although Vancouver's climate is mild, we have only a short warm and dry period, with frost arriving in mid to late November, so the really long ripening baccatums wouldn't be suited to outdoor ripening, here, imo.
In your experience, what is the absolute earliest baccatums to rippen from the time of transplanting? Although Vancouver's climate is mild, we have only a short warm and dry period, with frost arriving in mid to late November, so the really long ripening baccatums wouldn't be suited to outdoor ripening, here, imo.