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Early Peppers 4-15-08

I wanted to share some pictures of my early peppers. I am surprised at how well they are doing.
Hungarian plant, upstairs

Miriachi plant, upstairs

Hungarian plant, basement

A baby Thick Cayenne Pepper, basement
Thanks everyone :)

Chiliac said:
Congrats! Beautiful plants! Do you pluck off the first flower of your annuums?

Thank you...I was pinching flowers off of all my plants for about 2 weeks until I started reading information that suggested allowing nature to take it's course. By that, I mean, if the plants are not ready to produce fruit, then they won't. I really wasn't expecting them to start producing pods this early. Most of these plants were germinated during the 1st week of February.

DrHavanger said:
Pictures are really good and so are the plants

Thanks, I am beginning to understand this camera....
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I swear after seeing Pauls (and everyone else's) great looking plants,It makes me want to give up
They look great Paul

Thanks Tom, Don't give up...You are doing everything that I did. I just started all of my plants earlier, Planted all seeds around January 24 and they germinated the first week in February.

I know that as long as Gunner doesn't eat your plants, they will be ok...
Gunner hasnt tried to eat any yet but He is getting used to the house and is bouncing off the walls :lol:
at the rate my plants are going I am thinking October will be
my plant out date :lol:
What is the temp of your grow area? As low temperatures lead to slow growth. I have been keeping mine around 78 - 84 degrees for daytime and night time temps drop to 70 - 74 degrees.

Just brainstorming with ya ;)
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
My "grow area" is my bedroom :lol: its around a constant 74 to 76 but around 82 on sunny days when I put them in the windowsill :lol:

Hehe...It would be a little uncomfortable to be sleeping in 80 degrees. You're temps sound within the good range. I still say that your plants are looking good. Soon, you will wake up in the morning and they will have taken over :lol:
Pepperfreak said:
Thanks everyone :)
Thank you...I was pinching flowers off of all my plants for about 2 weeks until I started reading information that suggested allowing nature to take it's course. By that, I mean, if the plants are not ready to produce fruit, then they won't. I really wasn't expecting them to start producing pods this early. Most of these plants were germinated during the 1st week of February.

I am only pinching off the first flower(s) of annuum plants. It is said to give them another boost. I can't say if it's true, but I am convinced it won't cause any harm except a pod less to harvest as a worst case scenario.

It works on annuum varieties only and is also recommended for ball peppers.
only got a few flowers on my poinsett and prarie fire plants,but those plants are in fantastic condition Pepperfreak..ya should be proud:)
pretty peppers PF... :drooling: