bentalphanerd said:
Somehow I knew you'd be typing something in this thread lol.
tell you what - do nothing.
go back to having your head up y... in the sand
Better still , just leave it up to big biz & politicians to sort it out, they're all so very capable.
what, your mad at me for saying the truth!
what should I do ? run for president ? would you vote for me ? I promise to lower the gas prices
should I turn off my lights for 1 hour well I'd still be consuming electricity in the house, oh wait I even do better than 1 hour, I turn off my lights for at least 6 hours every night, thats far better than 1 hour
I need gas to work, & I need electricity!
I dont have money to go buy my own wind turbine or solar panels electric setup, nor have the means to produce my own gas.
so yes I'm stuck dealing with the companys or govt morons controling the costs or options. nor can I use a car that gets 30 MPG for work nor afford a $30,000 truck that gets 30 MPG so I'm stuck with my 12 MPG truck & its not a really old truck.
the only thing I can do is use less, but it takes EVERYONE to use less to bring the costs down.
but it really doesnt matter because prices go up every year no matter what it is, its called inflation & supply & demand.
which will always be there & get worse because of the human race bringing more lives into the world & medical technology extending the life span of humans.
gas will go up every year no matter what! its called supply & demand! USA needs alot of oil/gas so does china & so does any other major country or any other country thats growing = bidding wars on who'll pay what for the oil/gas
the main powers for oil is middle east, russia, south america
& if it really gets down & dirty, we have our military

I'm just joking around now. but its good to be the super power of the world
electricity is all supply & demand, in usa private companys control electric. you can buy into offpeak usage to save money & ""go green"" some. other than that not much you can do about it other than live by candle light, dont use a fridge, wash your clothes by hand in a bucket of water & dont use a dryer - air dry your clothes outside, & STOP USING YOUR COMPUTER
those hybrid vehicles ARE A SCAM!!!!! it takes just as much regular gasoline to produce ethanol gas, to make & dispose of those batterys in those hybrid vehicles are worse on the enviroment
than using regular gasoline. plus ethanol vehicles consume more gasoline than normal gasoline = poor miles per gallon.
so tell me are those hybrid vehicles & E85 (ethanol) really cracked up as we are told ? I think not!
what do I do ?
I try to use less gas & turn off lights always when not needed, buy energy efficient products (lights,appliances,etc..) outdoor wood burning furnance, recycle, keep truck running right.
what are you willing to give up, to help in your worthy cause ?
you might as well sit back & crack open a beer & wished you lived back in " little house on the praire " days LOL because its only gonna get worse before it gets better!
sorry for bringing the bads news. LOL