its funny someone thats all for this "earth hour" is still logged in & consuming unnecessary electricity, I guess they dont really believe in it then
bent - well I was wrong, they had a little bit of info about this "earth hour" on the news, more like just a quick mention of it.
but what was funny (I never payed atention to it earlier) its on a saturday at 8-9pm. then they go onto saying all govt buildings will turn the lights off for that time frame.
well WTF are they doing on anyways ? most govt buildings no ones working anyways on a saturday at 8-9pm, so they should be off anyways! so their small part is pretty much worthless because they should be doing it anyways!
by the looks of sydney (pictures shown on the internet) doesnt look like they turned off all the lights (opera house & bridge pictures b& other places) they only turned off a couple lights but left others on, so I guess their heart wasnt fully into "earth hour"
but you can come back & say they left certain lights on that was needed for safety reasons or whatnot, well then tell me why do they keep unnecessary lights on for the other 8759 hours of the year ? seems like a waste of money to taxpayers & to the environment. I guess they only do this for PR reasons but could careless about it

like so many other people that wont do anything beyound this "earth hour"
2 quotes from online about this "earth hour"
"We're not only talking the talk, we're walking the walk," he said. "Whatever your view is about the magnitude of the problem ... we can save money by using energy wisely and efficiently, and that gives us the added bonus of reduced greenhouse gas emissions."
this is down right funny to hear "we can save money by using energy wisely and efficiently, and that gives us the added bonus of reduced greenhouse gas emissions."
they make it seem like their smart

since they cant really walk the talk they talk = turn off lights that ARE NOT NEEDED for safety reasons or install motion sensor lights for buildings,etc....
"resulting in a 10.2 percent reduction in carbon emissions during that hour."
really!? how is that figured since the electric companies will not be shutting down for "earth hour" they still will be producing electric by whatever means they use & stockpile that electric for futures uses.