Eating Hot Peppers

how do you get them to keep their color?
I don't know AJ. I have jars 2 or more years old that still have fantastic color. Maybe by keeping them cool and out of the light and airtight. I also usually soak them in a brine overnight before pickling to keep them crunchy, and maybe this helps.
good deal...I will try the brine soaking when I pickle this year...thanks
Here's another colorful one. I put a few green ones in just for Pam:lol: and some garlic
Jar o' jals
QuadShotz said:
Dam, those are beeeeautiful!

Ha, on a side seems to be a good thing for the ladies too. The cute gal at the smokeshop and I were chatting this morning about my growing pepers....come to find out she loves hot food. Super-Wootness!


Let me just warn you about a condition called chilli fingers. Men usually experience this condition after having to navigate the sausage at the urinal after playing with our fine pepper friends, but I can tell you now, I've unfortunately been the deliverer of chilli fingers during some unfortunate foreplay initiations, which ended rather abruptly.
MiLK_MaN said:
Let me just warn you about a condition called chilli fingers. Men usually experience this condition after having to navigate the sausage at the urinal after playing with our fine pepper friends, but I can tell you now, I've unfortunately been the deliverer of chilli fingers during some unfortunate foreplay initiations, which ended rather abruptly.

I believe that is called "Hunan Wang". :D
