Eating Hot Peppers

Dude the reason why we grow is because we are addicted.......hang out here long enough and you too will be tempted and fall to temptation.......who knows maybe the tree in the garden sprouted hot peppers.......the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the fruit that tempted eve.......and then adam.......The Hot Pepper.
lol I grow because I cant buy..I need my pepper fix I love to grow. This is my second year growing...I couldnt imagine it any other way..Hi my name is James and im a pepper addict lol

Canuk Pepperhead said:
lol I grow because I cant buy..I need my pepper fix I love to grow. This is my second year growing...I couldnt imagine it any other way..Hi my name is James and im a pepper addict lol

Ditto..jus store habs are like 8.99/lb here...jeebus...

Now, I eat some orange habs just for fun..yet a few yrs ago I couldn't have imagined it. Ya gotta start slow and build as you develop a tolerance..but once ya catch the buzz for real heat, yer a gonner. :)

Now, I'm getting immune to those habs and bought Naga sauces, and have all manner of hurty seeds on the way so I can do terrible things to myself once they bring me pods of pain. LOL

Capsaicin IS adictive, no joke.

It's a sickness. My familiy thinks I'm insane to eat this stuff. :twisted:

QuadShotz said:
Now, I'm getting immune to those habs and bought Naga sauces, and have all manner of hurty seeds on the way so I can do terrible things to myself once they bring me pods of pain. LOL

Capsaicin IS adictive, no joke.

It's a sickness. My familiy thinks I'm insane to eat this stuff. :twisted:

hahahahahaha Very Addictive indeed,, i don't actually go higher than an 8/10 with Dinner(Pusa Jwala, Tepin, Superchilli) as i like to taste my food, which may sound strange coming from me, but every now and again a Naga Curry surfaces(i have to sleep on the Lounge those nights)

But for a sheer Rush 1 Mill SHU is the go, and yea Q not only my family think im insane, most people do which is cool , cause i am ;) and as there is no Chilliholic's Anonomous ill have to deal with my sickness the Best way i know how, Eat More Chilli's.
Another insane addict

from Portugal. My family and friends say I'm insane, and that I've burnt all my taste buds by now, but whocares? :lol:
If only there is enough peppers for our insanity ;)
Hi Whocares,,,ya Won't burn ya taste buds, but i can honestly say that you can lose your sense of taste (only for a day or 2) if you do go hot enough and its not pleasent not being able to taste anything,,, but as you say Whocares :lol: we are insane..
Ya, you gotta wonder when these count as Pickles on a sandwich...



Dam, those are beeeeautiful!

Ha, on a side seems to be a good thing for the ladies too. The cute gal at the smokeshop and I were chatting this morning about my growing pepers....come to find out she loves hot food. Super-Wootness!

So, I went home and packed her up a container of one of my hotter, but not quite insane homemade sauces. ;)

Made those big blue eyes go a bit wide when she tasted it, but she loves it...heheheh.

Score one for me. :twisted:

POTAWIE thats some pickling youve done there.beware i shall be asking questions later on this beware never pickled anything before.trouble finding good jar suppliers in the u.k to which surprised me.:)
wow, what a peck of pickled peppers, Potawie picked and Pickled, picked peppers that are pleasently picked, make potawie a pleasent pepper pickler :)
theHippySeedCo said:
wow, what a peck of pickled peppers, Potawie picked and Pickled, picked peppers that are pleasently picked, make potawie a pleasent pepper pickler :)

You must be far more sober than I....I can't even comprehend that let alone say it.:lol:
theHippySeedCo said:
wow, what a peck of pickled peppers, Potawie picked and Pickled, picked peppers that are pleasently picked, make potawie a pleasent pepper pickler :)

Brought to you by the letter P;)