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heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

Hah, look at the placenta on that red pepper. The pepper is wide at the calyx as you would expect but it's also longer looking than the average super hot and the placenta seems to run thick to the bottom. Assuming that is the "pepper x" it's a smart trait choice.

What are those in the picture?

"Pepper X" , a "peach habanero" and the rest of them are currently unnamed or have some number as a name that i was too messed up to recall.

"The dark colored one in the middle was much hotter though".....
Gawd no! Hotter than pepper X? Let the rumor mill BEGIN!

Quote, "Somewhere online I read 
Ed Currie has a pepper hotter than Pepper X as a back-up when that record is broken."


Sometimes I crack myself up!
On the article: Oh come on.  Pepper X has knocked Dragon's Breath off the throne?  When was Dragon's Breath on the throne?  What award or recoAgnition does Pepper X or Dragon's Breath have?  This is really getting silly.  First folk decide Guinness is the ultimate judge, damn university studies.  Now the media is deciding?  Last time I checked, the Carolina Reaper sat on the Guinness throne.  Now maybe one of these new peppers really is hotter but the claims in the media are getting silly.

Everyone knows A.J.'s Magic Unicorn Toe Pepper is the hottest in the world.
AJ Drew said:
What award or recoAgnition does Pepper X or Dragon's Breath have?

Pepper X has an official guinness attempt certificate, proving that it's a genuine candidate.
No official confirmation on its heat yet, though.
spicefreak said:
Pepper X has an official guinness attempt certificate, proving that it's a genuine candidate.
No official confirmation on its heat yet, though.
Ye about that.  Are you sure Guinness issues such a thing?  I saw something, did not mention the pepper, said either Mr. Curry or Puckerbutt was making an attempt and it is official, had a Guinness seal, but seems kind of hokey.  An official attempt?

Thing is, this whole hottest pepper in the world seems hokey.  Off the top of my head: Chocolate Bhutlah, Death Strain, Dragon's Breath, Gourmet Jigsaw, and no Mr Taylor has a contender but I do not remember the name.  You can get a gas chromo thing a ma jig test for fifty bucks.  Instead, there are months and months of talk and then nothing comes of it over and over again.

Maybe Pepper X will be the new hottest pepper in the world.  Maybe not.  But what is for sure, here we are talking about it.  Same as all the other next hottest peppers in the world.
Hippie Seed Co also had an official attempt i have seen the pic on here somewhere. So perhaps the process from start to finish takes a long time?
AJ Drew said:
You can get a gas chromo thing a ma jig test for fifty bucks.  Instead, there are months and months of talk and then nothing comes of it over and over again.
But. But.But.But.

AJ Drew said:
Maybe Pepper X will be the new hottest pepper in the world.  Maybe not.  But what is for sure, here we are talking about it.  Same as all the other next hottest peppers in the world.
Then we wouldn't been talkin' bout them!
any press is good press
Being mentioned in the media is beneficial to the subject because it gets publicity.
This just posted on Puckerbutt's official Facebook page:
Good afternoon everyone,
We are getting flooded with questions about our new pepper that we are hoping will be the next Guinness World Record®. I am hoping this will clarify some of your questions. As you all know, we started the HP series of peppers in the early 2000s. The Smokin Ed’s Carolina Reaper® was the first of the line to be released and we let the community know then that we were holding others in our back pocket. What is temporarily being called “Pepper X” is a result of that breeding process. We are testing this year's crop and “The Last Dab™” in side-by-side testing so that the numbers will not be disputed by Guinness or the community and we do not go through what we went through with the last record. There is no release date for the seed stock, nor will there be until this process is complete and the record is secured. No peppers will be sent to anyone for review and there are no tours of the farm where these are being grown. Opposed to the speculation of media and gossip, we have released no information on the data other than the Hot Ones show. When it is all buttoned down, the information will be released to everyone. I hope this answers everything. Thanks to everyone for the love and support. I hope you have a great day.
spicefreak said:
"Too dangerous to consume on its own" eh?
Yeah, because these articles are written by and for people who apparently don't know any better. But of course, we see folks eating Reapers by the bowlful for Guinness' chile eating records, not to mention the people downing entire bottles of extract just to get views on YouTube. So I really don't know where the media got the idea that a single superhot pepper would kill someone. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, A long time ago, we use to disclose the parents of a strain: but today: