• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Eephus Man's 2012 March to Hell and Back (Grow Log)

Okay, I'm going to *actually* try and update things this year. My first flats will start tomorrow (chinenses and a few other long-seasons), and the rest, minus a few herbs/tomatoes, will go in later this week or early next. I'm going to try and be better about keeping records this year, too. We'll see how it goes with my limited time, but I'm hopeful.

So...without further blab, here's a tease of a few batches of seeds soaking in a seaweed/superthrive solution over night.

My current grow list looks like this:

Peppers (Hot)

7-Pot White (OP)
Aji Angelo
Aji Omnicolor
Bahamian Finger (Direct Sourced!)
Barro do Robiero
Billy Biker Jalapeno
Bonda ma Jacques
Cheiro do Norte
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Habanero (OP)
Criolla Sella
Congo Trinidad
Goat's Weed
Guampinho de Veado
Habanero de Arbol
Hot Portugal (OP)
Mustard Habanero
Naga Jolokia
NuMex Jalmundo
Peach Scorpanero
Pilange (OP)
Rooster Spur (seedlings destroyed)
Santa Fe Grande
Thai Hot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Zimbabwe Bird

Peppers (Sweet or Very Mild Heat)

Ashe County Pimiento (0% germination)
Canary Bell (Two germinated, gave both away)
Dulce di Minvervino
Hungarian Wax
Jimmy Nardello's
Kurtovska Kapiya 1619
Miniature Red Bell
Piment D'espelette (0% germination)
Pimiento L
R Naky
Sweet Banana
Sweet Chocolate (lost seed, did not plant)
Sweet Pickle

I'm trying out small batches of varietals that are new to me, and larger for those that are known favs for me. Most of these will end up in pots or small raised beds. My title is in reference to the well-known summer conditions in Texas this year, where we were spared little in the way of either rainfall (none between late April and early October) or temperatures (over 100F for 90 days, including two, back-to-back 25+ day runs over 100F). This is also a test to see which varieties produce before the heat set, during the summer, and which begin to produce again the most quickly in the fall.

We'll see how it goes and I'm happy to have you on board for advice, tips, questions and observations!

Special thanks this year to Buck77, Kappy, menotume, hot stuff, and Spicegeist for help with wanted seeds and unrequested generosity!
Okay guys, I really need some guesses on what the hell is happening in my backyard raised bed. I had about half the bed already filled from last year. No problems with disease (plenty with pests). Plants grew well, but didn't fruit much due to shade. I have so far this year...

1. Chopped down a tree to allow for more sun - At this point I can't imagine this has any bearing on the condition of the plants.

2. Put down a very thin layer of homemade compost and let it sit out for a couple weeks in the elements.

3. Added another layer of garden soil from a local nursery. They are the same folks that provide my potting mix, and as you can see, my potted plants are very healthy and happy.

4. Twice after planting out, added Sluggo to the top layer of the garden.

That's it. But here's an example of what's happening (sorry for the crappy phone pics). It looks to me like fert burn. Is it possible the compost and/or the garden soil weren't properly aged? The tomatoes are twisted to hell also. The peppers are VERY dark green.

On a happy note, I have peppers coming in nicely on about a half-dozen or so plants in pots (Shishito, Sweet Pickle, Dulce di Minervo, Aribibi Gusano, Zimbabwe Bird, Aji Angelo off the top of my head). Here's a shot of the very perky Sweet Pickles...

Time move so quickly! Been about ten days, so here are a few more pics. Y'all help me out and post a reply now and then so I can keep the pics flowing...

Here's an overview of the deck garden again...

Tall mystery pepper from Peppermania (some here theorize a Aji Amarillo)

Congo Trinidad from Gary's (windchicken) stock, with a sneaky little leftover strawberry below it

Goat's Weed pubescence (more of that later)

First couple of Billy Bikers

Supposed Sweet Pickle. They seem a touch large to me, though. The largest are stretching to almos 3" now

Hinkelhatz starting to pump them out

Aribibi Gusano really putting out

One of several Chocolate Habs (caterpillars ate one of the fruit!). Have had read issues with caterpillars this spring.

First fruit of the Aji Omnicolor

Once y'all post some, I'll keep 'em coming...
Thank you, sir! Looks like just six more for this round. I'll try and take more next time...

Jimmy Nardello's really hitting their stride

Dulce di Minervo or Minervino (not sure which)

Naga Jolokia starting to bloom. Looks like plenty per node and hopefully some good, early production

Shishitos also going strong already.

Other mystery pepper from Peppermania on the deck area. A chinense, but who knows what kind!

Even closer on the Goat's Weed. Looks like a rug!

post.... you got anymore dude?


Nah. That's it for this round. Trying to snap a few while wrestling kids. You know how it goes...

Hopefully more sometime later this week. I *think* I'll have some more chinense stuff starting to pop. Trying to coax some flowering out in the next 10 days. We're not too far away from mid-90s with regularity, so I want to flush my plants so I can have fruit till July. Then the waiting game is on for late September.

Stayin' alive, stayin' alive, ooo, ooooh, oooh, oooh, stayin' alive.
Holy moly, the plants are looking great. Are you sure that wasn't slug damage on those leaves?

Thank you, Dan.

In the back yard, slugs are possible, but not up on the deck. At least not with this sort of widespread damage. There is a grapevine climbing a cedar (juniper) tree that hangs out over half the deck. That vine is *crawling* with caterpillars. Once they fall down on to the deck, they don't *prefer* the peppers, but they'll eat 'em! Also have a horde of them on the dill. I have removed a ton of them, but can't keep up. Good news is that I have seen a TON of butterflies lately and the damage has slowed.

I started hitting them with BT, but it was a brief respite.

This is the first year we've been in the house (since '06) that they've been this rampant. I guess a mild winter and a good amount of rain will do that!
These were supposed to be Kaleidoscopes, but I did two batches this year. One from Beth @ Peppermania, and another was self-saved. I *thought* it was pretty well isolated, but I'm pretty sure I've got something else on my hands here. :)

Plant morphology is almost identical, and its blooming with Baccatum flowers, but these pods do NOT look like early Kaleidoscopes to me. I have another plant and the fruit is much more pointed, as I remember it. Very interesting. If its a cross, now I gotta figure out what it might be. My brain is gonna work HARD to remember last year's varieties. lol.

Look like perfect little capsules.

Ha, interesting. I'm keeping an eye on one of my Aji Amarillos, it has a similar habit to it, unlike the others that taper to a point.

Non-isolated seeds are half the fun of growing in my opinion. You may not always get something worth growing out, but it's interesting to watch their development in the meantime.

Lookin' nice... how's the weather down your way?

We have been extremely fortunate to have even-keel temperatures just now reaching the low 90s. Still seeing 60s at night, so growing conditions are fantastic. On a once every day watering regimen for the pots, which is just perfect.

It looks like we've got at least a couple more weeks of deceny, too. I'm hoping for fruit set on 100% of plants before it gets too hot. Probably sitting at about 65-70% right now.
Nice! Looks like we're going to be hovering in the mid to high-80s for the next week or so, with lows of 60s, so very similar situation here. Rocotos are setting pods for the time being and that will stop once we start jumping into the mid 90s, so I'm hoping these moderate temps hold out for a while.

The only thing that concerns me is that we've seen very little severe weather here compared to the norm. Or you know, weather at all. It's quiet, too quiet... :think: I'm afraid this is going to be a weird summer.
looking good. Are the [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Aribibi Gusano always wrink[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]ly like that???[/background]
looking good. Are the [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Aribibi Gusano always wrink[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]ly like that???[/background]

I think so.


Pretty cool, huh?

Image courtesy of Hirt's, which means it may/may not be their photo. :D

I'm overdue for photos! Time to get some up today!
Very nice, sir!

Have a great weekend, Eric! Right now I'm drinking the last cup of Community Dark before I head down the hill to plant some Pink Brandywines....and maybe the California Wonders...
Okay, a few much overdue shots. Supposed to be a frog strangler here tonight. We'll see how things fare and hope for no hail!

This first pic is of a Pimiento L fruit with a rotten spot on it. It was facing directly upward on the plant (the spot side was). I'd think BER, but it isn't on the flower-end of the fruit. Thoughts?

Rest of these are low light, but with my wife's much better camera. Let's see how they compare...

Aji Angelo


Goat's Weed Canopy

Criolla Sella from it's canopy

R Naky

Aji Omnicolor canopy

Jimmy Nardello's

Bananas under the canopy

Billy Bikers that are woefully unhot. :)

Time to starve 'em!

I have few more ready to post (including some hotter stuff!) if someone will lend my a post.