• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Eephus Man's 2012 March to Hell and Back (Grow Log)

Okay, I'm going to *actually* try and update things this year. My first flats will start tomorrow (chinenses and a few other long-seasons), and the rest, minus a few herbs/tomatoes, will go in later this week or early next. I'm going to try and be better about keeping records this year, too. We'll see how it goes with my limited time, but I'm hopeful.

So...without further blab, here's a tease of a few batches of seeds soaking in a seaweed/superthrive solution over night.

My current grow list looks like this:

Peppers (Hot)

7-Pot White (OP)
Aji Angelo
Aji Omnicolor
Bahamian Finger (Direct Sourced!)
Barro do Robiero
Billy Biker Jalapeno
Bonda ma Jacques
Cheiro do Norte
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Habanero (OP)
Criolla Sella
Congo Trinidad
Goat's Weed
Guampinho de Veado
Habanero de Arbol
Hot Portugal (OP)
Mustard Habanero
Naga Jolokia
NuMex Jalmundo
Peach Scorpanero
Pilange (OP)
Rooster Spur (seedlings destroyed)
Santa Fe Grande
Thai Hot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Zimbabwe Bird

Peppers (Sweet or Very Mild Heat)

Ashe County Pimiento (0% germination)
Canary Bell (Two germinated, gave both away)
Dulce di Minvervino
Hungarian Wax
Jimmy Nardello's
Kurtovska Kapiya 1619
Miniature Red Bell
Piment D'espelette (0% germination)
Pimiento L
R Naky
Sweet Banana
Sweet Chocolate (lost seed, did not plant)
Sweet Pickle

I'm trying out small batches of varietals that are new to me, and larger for those that are known favs for me. Most of these will end up in pots or small raised beds. My title is in reference to the well-known summer conditions in Texas this year, where we were spared little in the way of either rainfall (none between late April and early October) or temperatures (over 100F for 90 days, including two, back-to-back 25+ day runs over 100F). This is also a test to see which varieties produce before the heat set, during the summer, and which begin to produce again the most quickly in the fall.

We'll see how it goes and I'm happy to have you on board for advice, tips, questions and observations!

Special thanks this year to Buck77, Kappy, menotume, hot stuff, and Spicegeist for help with wanted seeds and unrequested generosity!
Eric, Half of the Onza Roja's I grew last year were extemely pubescent. They were more interesting to me. I have grown the goats weed previous years. They won't taste anything like the GW nor the heat. I don't think my pods last year got quite the sun tan yours has though.
Possibly my shade screens last year minimized the tan. I think the GW has more silvery gray leaves than this and the pods are skinnier and pointy with mildly ribbed undulations. That sentence should never be used again.


Love your pics. I too, was surprised by the size of the Cheiro do Norte pods. The Choco and the White 7 are just making pods now too. The Criolla Seilla (spelled wrong certainly) is doing real well.

Hope your season is great!
Awesome, Mike! I hope the Chocolate Hab grows true for you.

You're absolutely right about the GW. I have one growing a few pots over from the Onza Roja, and it is definitely more silver in color. I don't know what strain you've got on the ORs, but they are fascinating. That plant has suddenly just gone crazy, too. Tons of new growth and new pods, too. They're all green, and not that deep purple/black, so I suspect you're dead on about the sun tan. I have never had a pepper get THAT dark, though. Very interesting. I may save seed from that pod, just to see if it'll reproduce in a similar way. Dunno.

I'll have more updated pics from your stuff as we move along. Can't wait for the Costenos to pick up and roll, too. I see I have my first blooms on the Scorpion you gave me as well. Thanks again, man.

Enjoying your pics a lot, E-man! Your pod production is going to really
kick into gear soon; looks like a great grow season for you! Thanks for
including the GW - I have one started from Shane and am excited to
see how it grows out here.

Good growing, bro!
Check out these two mystery peppers. I have rescued them from my backyard raised bed that appears to have some major soil issues. I am now assuming that its a nitrogen overload issue. That's a shame, because I paid top dollar for this garden soil! :)

Their potting soil is out of this world, but I've learned my lesson here. Any tips for how to "drain" the N levels? I was thinking of planting some corn and maybe some other N hogs?

Anyway, I yanked them this morning and repotted them (they've been in-ground for two months and look at the root structure! I did not cut many roots at all!). They are UG-LY. But I think they'll bounce nicely. We'll see...


Pretty plants, Eric, and some really nice macro shots.

As for the over-hot raised bed, how about amending with some low-nitrogen soil or even some nitrogen-sucking material like raw hardwood mulch?

Pretty plants, Eric, and some really nice macro shots.

As for the over-hot raised bed, how about amending with some low-nitrogen soil or even some nitrogen-sucking material like raw hardwood mulch?


Y'know, I had planned on adding hardwood mulch anyway. I think I'll do that. I just found some really cool heirloom popcorn this morning on Tradewinds, too. I may order some up AND add wood chips. I can always add MORE N, but I need to drain it now. I don't have a ton of room to add dirt, unfortunately. Hope the corn and chips will help!

Thank you, Gary!
Some updated shots. My apologies, as again my hand is not as steady as it should be this morning. Macro can be tough that way, there is wind, and maybe I'm just getting old. :D

Once again, I have more than 10 shots, so I'll post more as soon as some kind soul will let me sandwich post them, I'll keep them coming...

Couple of full deck pot garden shots



Supposed Peppadew. This is a Baccatum, for sure, and reminds me of a similar GRIF offering I grew last year. That pepper had very thin walls, though, and I'm hoping (if this is a "true" Peppadew) that this one has some nice, fat, juicy walls.


Goat's Weed canopy. This thing is really goin' to town now...


The most giant Pimento L fruit I have ever witnessed. HUGE.


Jimmy Nard's starting to ripen up. Mmmmm.


Pretty clear what this mystery pepper is now, which is kind of a shame. lol. I really don't care for these things. They DO look cool, though!


Aji Angelo overwinter canopy. This thing has quite a few fruit on it now, and a cool rainforest treetop look.


Gary's Congo Trinidads are going gangbusters. These are REALLY large fruit.



More if/when someone posts!
Everything looks beautiful, especially those Jimmy Nardello's!

Nice to see what Aji Angelo is supposed to look like. I'm growing it for the first time this year.
Thank you highalt! More photos now!

Aji Omnicolor. Unless my tastes change considerably in the coming years, I'll be growing this indefinitely. Juicy, hot, prolific, compact, robust. All great traits and a beautiful show, too.


Barro do Robiero from the canopy


and from underneath


Bonda ma Jacques. Are these looking like they are true, for those that have grown them? Again, apologies for the focus issues. The Santa Fe Grandes in the back are trying to steal the show!


Dulce di Minervinos getting close...


Another mystery pepper. I thought at first it might be a superhot, but its looking more and more like a pimply cachucha, perhaps?


Couple of Billy Biker shots. Some starting to cork up.



Naga Jolokia really pumping them out. My Bih from Mike is going to put everything to shame, though. More of that later.


Close up of a Naga


More pics if someone posts. Believe I have 2-3 more.

Those all look incredibly healthy. You've got a huge harvest to look forward to with all those pods.

Thank you loafers. I'm hoping to get a nice rake before it gets hot and pod production stops. What an incredibly lucky year for weather conditions. I am very thankful.
Gonna try and post these...

Fish fruits


A gnarly Mustard Habanero that looks like it'll be a monster...


And another arachnid friend near the garden. This time on the wall.

At first I thought your bondas were off, but looking back... it's hard to tell. One of the crosses I made last year and am growing out is a Bonda ma Jacques x Yellow 7 Pot... I'd be happy if they look like that...

Here are my Bondas I grew in 2011, they were very uniform in pod shape:
No, the Bondas don't look true, but they do still look interesting. One of the crosses I made last year and am growing out is a Bonda ma Jacques x Yellow 7 Pot... I'd be happy if they look like that...

Thanks, Sg! Looking naga-ish to me, but what do I know. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

Wait...I have more pics somewhere...
Are they bumpy? The bondas I grew were very smooth...

Definitely not smooth here. Not bumpy like the jolokia family, but not smooth like a classic habanero, either.

Kinda cool that this might be my first (unintentional) cross this year. Still waiting on fruit from my TSs and the White 7-Pot (it has fruit, but just now coming in).
Definitely not smooth here. Not bumpy like the jolokia family, but not smooth like a classic habanero, either.

My guess is it's a cross. I was excited about growing them last year and looked around at pics and they all seemed very uniform. Whatever they are, they're pretty, hope they turn out tasty too!

Here's another good pic of Bondas:
Ah. Found 'em.

Datils are coming in nicely.


Kind of an interesting (to me) wide shot that shows several different varieties fruited out.


And a closer view of the Fatalii going nutso in the jungle.


This Kaleidoscope is gonna break soon, I think.


Ripe Chocolate Hab


Chiero do Norte is loaded up nicely.


Bih Jolokia from Mike is seriously going to be the most insane plant I've ever grown in regard to sheer volume. Cool looking peppers, too.


Zucchino Rampicante flower. Very cool for a gourd/squash. But then again, I'm no gourd expert.


Wild Lantana rockin' it this year with actual precipitation


And the reason Texas Sage is worth having around when it looks like a weed much of the year.


My guess is it's a cross. I was excited about growing them last year and looked around at pics and they all seemed very uniform. Whatever they are, they're pretty, hope they turn out tasty too!

Here's another good pic of Bondas:

Hmmm. Very interesting. Mine aren't THAT far off. I guess time will tell. That's a really cool ripe color. Hope they retain that, regardless!

Let's see if I can sneak in the last photo. Liking the looks of the Hot Portugal fruit.

edit: Nope. Oh well. Linkie is there!

At first I thought your bondas were off, but looking back... it's hard to tell. One of the crosses I made last year and am growing out is a Bonda ma Jacques x Yellow 7 Pot... I'd be happy if they look like that...

Here are my Bondas I grew in 2011, they were very uniform in pod shape:

Okay. That seems pretty close. Some of these chinenses start to look the same if you stare at them too long while chewing one of them.