Okay, I'm going to *actually* try and update things this year. My first flats will start tomorrow (chinenses and a few other long-seasons), and the rest, minus a few herbs/tomatoes, will go in later this week or early next. I'm going to try and be better about keeping records this year, too. We'll see how it goes with my limited time, but I'm hopeful.
So...without further blab, here's a tease of a few batches of seeds soaking in a seaweed/superthrive solution over night.

My current grow list looks like this:
Peppers (Hot)
7-Pot White (OP)
Aji Angelo
Aji Omnicolor
Bahamian Finger (Direct Sourced!)
Barro do Robiero
Billy Biker Jalapeno
Bonda ma Jacques
Cheiro do Norte
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Habanero (OP)
Criolla Sella
Congo Trinidad
Goat's Weed
Guampinho de Veado
Habanero de Arbol
Hot Portugal (OP)
Mustard Habanero
Naga Jolokia
NuMex Jalmundo
Peach Scorpanero
Pilange (OP)
Rooster Spur (seedlings destroyed)
Santa Fe Grande
Thai Hot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Zimbabwe Bird
Peppers (Sweet or Very Mild Heat)
Ashe County Pimiento (0% germination)
Canary Bell (Two germinated, gave both away)
Dulce di Minvervino
Hungarian Wax
Jimmy Nardello's
Kurtovska Kapiya 1619
Miniature Red Bell
Piment D'espelette (0% germination)
Pimiento L
R Naky
Sweet Banana
Sweet Chocolate (lost seed, did not plant)
Sweet Pickle
I'm trying out small batches of varietals that are new to me, and larger for those that are known favs for me. Most of these will end up in pots or small raised beds. My title is in reference to the well-known summer conditions in Texas this year, where we were spared little in the way of either rainfall (none between late April and early October) or temperatures (over 100F for 90 days, including two, back-to-back 25+ day runs over 100F). This is also a test to see which varieties produce before the heat set, during the summer, and which begin to produce again the most quickly in the fall.
We'll see how it goes and I'm happy to have you on board for advice, tips, questions and observations!
Special thanks this year to Buck77, Kappy, menotume, hot stuff, and Spicegeist for help with wanted seeds and unrequested generosity!
So...without further blab, here's a tease of a few batches of seeds soaking in a seaweed/superthrive solution over night.

My current grow list looks like this:
Peppers (Hot)
7-Pot White (OP)
Aji Angelo
Aji Omnicolor
Bahamian Finger (Direct Sourced!)
Barro do Robiero
Billy Biker Jalapeno
Bonda ma Jacques
Cheiro do Norte
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Habanero (OP)
Criolla Sella
Congo Trinidad
Goat's Weed
Guampinho de Veado
Habanero de Arbol
Hot Portugal (OP)
Mustard Habanero
Naga Jolokia
NuMex Jalmundo
Peach Scorpanero
Pilange (OP)
Santa Fe Grande
Thai Hot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Zimbabwe Bird
Peppers (Sweet or Very Mild Heat)
Dulce di Minvervino
Hungarian Wax
Jimmy Nardello's
Kurtovska Kapiya 1619
Miniature Red Bell
Pimiento L
R Naky
Sweet Banana
Sweet Pickle
I'm trying out small batches of varietals that are new to me, and larger for those that are known favs for me. Most of these will end up in pots or small raised beds. My title is in reference to the well-known summer conditions in Texas this year, where we were spared little in the way of either rainfall (none between late April and early October) or temperatures (over 100F for 90 days, including two, back-to-back 25+ day runs over 100F). This is also a test to see which varieties produce before the heat set, during the summer, and which begin to produce again the most quickly in the fall.
We'll see how it goes and I'm happy to have you on board for advice, tips, questions and observations!
Special thanks this year to Buck77, Kappy, menotume, hot stuff, and Spicegeist for help with wanted seeds and unrequested generosity!