Ok so this is my second year and once again due to traveling I have gotten a really late start and have been messing up bad. The first few images are from Bhut plants I had my mom over winter for me as I was abroad. She cut them back very lightly. I got back from China and brought the plants outside for the first time around May 10th (there had actually been a frost the week before I arrived!). I never repotted these plants and stuck them out in some serious sun, for the half week there was sun. There has been almost 2 weeks of straight rain and cloudy skies here in Cincy. I also left this week for a buddies bachelors party/wedding in Vegas. Needles to say my plants need some TLC. I have leaf browning, leaf curl, disformed leafs, the works. I am wondering if I should go ahead and repot or try and add ferts/nutrients now, maybe both?
I also started some new seeds from last years pods and some facing heaven peppers I brought home from China. Having had a horrible experience last year with Jiffy Pots drying out way to fast and killing my seedlings this year I went with some plastic containers with a greenhouse like top. My seedlings sprouted fine (good results all around with the good ol' plastic baggie and wet paper towel). I think I may have over watered the lot of them. Before any sort of leafs could show the weather turned nasty and I put them under shop lights 24/7 before I left for Vegas last week. They looked great when I got back, maybe a little lanky. Today was a nice day so I took them out from the lights in my basement and put them in our south facing plants window sill. Within half an hour they were droopy and deathly looking like they are in the last photo. What could cause this? Im thinking a combination of overwatering/high humitity/and heavy sun might have shocked the little guys. I moved them out of the sun and they have turned back up a bit. Any suggestions on how to save these little guys would be great.
Thanks for all of the help!