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End of the year chuck it all in a blender sauce

So I just got done pulling all of my plants out of the ground and putting the remains on the compost pile.
What I'm left with in no really accurate weight or number measuring system:

around a pound and a half of green habs
nice big handful of ripe orange habs
a bunch of ripe hot hungarian wax
a few orange-ish and yellow hungarian wax
about yay many tobascos
and thanks to my uncle who is awesomesauce personified~a nice big pile of ripe and green jals.

probably gonna throw in that half jar of pepper rings I made last week that are good but not great.

Gonna chuck it all in a blender, toss in some onion, an apple, maybe a pear, a big honkin handful of garlic

I know I'm not the first here to do this, so what I'm asking you, my good and dear friends, is what sort of results you've had after making this sort of end of the year pot luck hot sauce? Am I going to spawn some sort of evil concoction that will make me turn to the dark side of the force?
Sounds Good!

My end of year mash up is to chuck everything in the smoker. Then the dehydrator and grinder.

Sauce is great, but I run out of the powders every winter.

I already did one batch that way, I will probably have one more.
Most of my homemade sauce is done this way. Use all and every ripe pepper I have on hand, many times as many as 15-20 different varieties. I just list the hottest one or two and name the sauce that way. This way you get a complete all over burn. I almost never have enough of just one type of pepper to make a single pepper sauce. I'd try to ripen you green habs before you throw them in the mix.
This is turning more into a salsa type result than a sauce.
I put it all into the blender, but it's still around 90% lovely chunky stuff. I put in a jar of my tomato juice I made from the last batch of tomatos my garden gave me, and it's still wonderfully thick.
I like where this is heading, and I'm going to break out the half pint bell jars and preserve this like it is after I boil it for a bit.
Oh, and so far it's hot. I'm thinking that the peppers I left on the plants till the very last minute got stressed and went cap crazy, because the orange hab I went all g'day mate Neil on and ate whole knocked me flat on my ass.

Will edit this post when it's done boiling to see how it tastes then.
Skydiver said:
I'm thinking that the peppers I left on the plants till the very last minute got stressed and went cap crazy, because the orange hab I went all g'day mate Neil on and ate whole knocked me flat on my ass.

Will edit this post when it's done boiling to see how it tastes then.

LOL, hahah! :shame:
As a hot sauce, it fails. Somehow the tablespoon of kosher salt I added gained self awareness and replicated itself. Salty salty salty.

But, I ladled some into a little dish and started munching on some torilla chips dipped in the stuff, and it's ok that way.

I think I'm going to end up using this stuff as an ingredient rather than a condiment.

I guess that's the bad thing about experimentation, sometimes the results don't turn out as well as you'd like.

Ah well, time to get the canner ready and preserve this stuff.

Edit for: Decided not to can this stuff, put it in some widemouth mason jars and vacuum packed it, will chuck it in the fridge after it cools off. It may not have turned out quite like I wanted, but I can already see using it for soups, sauces, hell maybe even use a bit in my next marinade. Heat, flavor, salt. I can use it. I will find a way to make sure to, my garden was good to me, I couldn't just discard since it turned out differently than I wanted.
Skydiver said:
As a hot sauce, it fails. Somehow the tablespoon of kosher salt I added gained self awareness and replicated itself. Salty salty salty.

But, I ladled some into a little dish and started munching on some torilla chips dipped in the stuff, and it's ok that way.

I think I'm going to end up using this stuff as an ingredient rather than a condiment.

I guess that's the bad thing about experimentation, sometimes the results don't turn out as well as you'd like.

Ah well, time to get the canner ready and preserve this stuff.

Edit for: Decided not to can this stuff, put it in some widemouth mason jars and vacuum packed it, will chuck it in the fridge after it cools off. It may not have turned out quite like I wanted, but I can already see using it for soups, sauces, hell maybe even use a bit in my next marinade. Heat, flavor, salt. I can use it. I will find a way to make sure to, my garden was good to me, I couldn't just discard since it turned out differently than I wanted.

Can't you balance out the saltiness with vinegar and sugar?
I tried.
Tried honey and vinegar, tried some more tomato juice, something was just off (for lack of a better word) about the final result, so I'll have to settle for my earlier batch of sauce which was really tasty, and this stuff I made today, it's gonna make some mighty fine spaghetti sauce, or a bit to liven up a pot of soup, or something.
I'm somewhat disappointed that I don't have more liquidy goodness, but the resulting batch (I've already printed out labels for it, I'm calling it "That Stuff") is certainly not going to be wasted.
Spagetti or chili tomorrow, That Stuff is gonna make it even better.